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Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:03 pm
by RA
Copied my post from the Wishlist thread:

Most of the sdk manuals are gone forever! Period...and the shitty thing....for a developer the most critical... (perhaps....we don't actually know if all was documented...)

There are the pdfs that came with the sdk releases...that is what is there. Those, along with a reader put together by sonicstrav is all there is....the rest is just....putting in time to learn, trial...error....and accepting a lot is just gone. The CW days are over thus the knowledge that was there. I have tried to come in contact with several people over the one has anything to share...people have moved on. A lot of trying and figuring out atoms is required...common boldly try what no one has tried before....

We even tried enabling a v3 DP for scripting purposes but older keygens for that are gone. As you see...on the backend....when there was stated that CW left a mess...that wasnt exaggerated.

Maybe some day someone will open a pandoras box...but i think anyone in sdk nowadays learned it the hard way....if i am wrong and there are some magic docs out there....PLEASE FOR GODSAKE...SHARE THEM WITH ME ALSO....I STILL HAVE THINGS I WANT TO KNOW HOW TO DO WITH THE SDK

The manuals that are there arent that bad...a lot of info is in there...but you realize it after a certain learning curve. And....find the sonicstrav docs! I will check later on where i have them and will put them up. Not up to date...but you will figure it out...if not...then sdk is just not for you. Sorry to say it in a blunt way.

YEAH...found it on the NAS's RAID....good to double backup whahaha

Shroomz SDK Docs.pdf
Edit: pdf seems to be compiled by sonicstrav, will change the pdfs name asap. SORRY for this mistake. Credits to Sonicstrav!

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:21 pm
by sunmachine
There's also the SDK Wiki with some information like the "First time use" tutorial by Shayne White and the manual from the old DP system.

Write to w_ellis or sharc to get a login.

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:49 pm
by cortone
Found these from deep within my archives. I think they are the same that sunmachine is referencing. Hopefully these are the same that RA is searching for!


Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:16 pm
by Marco
:D :D :D super!

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:52 pm
by RA
Wow thanks. Didnt have those. Great addition to the archive. I found the sdk4 manuals...attached... (with consent of SC!!)

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:53 am
by JoPo
RA wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:03 pmI guess someone owes Shroomz 50eu :lol:
:lol: For free is even better !

Takes to you & Cortone for this SDK doc collection ! I didn't have so much stuff, now, I must find the time ! :wink:

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:31 am
by David
Thanks for sharing these docs
RA wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:03 pm Most of the sdk manuals are gone forever!... A lot of trying and figuring out atoms is required...
Is there a doc/list of the atoms?


Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:39 am
by sunmachine
Pygmy Audio Farms wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:31 am Is there a doc/list of the atoms?
There's a list in the SDK Wiki.

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:47 am
by RA
Nice to have for free but not always better. Shroomz spent a lot of time gathering all the info and combining in a doc. 8)

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:44 am
by petal
I've had these lying around for ages - Maybe they could be useful to people?

Let me know if I should remove these "Packages" of modules again.

Edit: I have been informed that these files might be under "legal protection"/"rigths of some kind" and might not be suited for sharing for free like this on PlanetZ. I have deleted the file from here for now.

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:15 am
by RA
Thanks Petal! I think these are included in the sdk releases, but maybe they're of use.

With this background info it is possible to make a good start in sdk. Together with common sense and more study of for example electronics and logical circuits and basic programming the quality of the devices one can develop can be of high standard. Scope is a high quality platform, let's make the most of it keeping quality high. Learn from all the devices that are already out there and try to understand what makes it a good device.

A good tip for beginners....don't just connect your gui stuff directly to atoms or the basic modules, but use a dummy pad for that. This way if you change something internally later on your connections are not lost. Try to make most of those connectors...try understanding pads, pad types and vars.

You will see in time why a good device takes long to develop. Test your devices thoroughly before releasing. Also the viewtree options are important while developing a gui and setting to fixed custom sizes at final stage for fast and smooth gui. The info is sparse but trial and error and maybe some guidance will get you there.

Have a good time!

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:38 pm
by RA
If it is okay with you guys i have mirrored these files on the website. This way it is ensured that these won't get lost. Along with that i took the liberty writing some tips n tricks for starting with SDK. (since there was a Scope 7 SDK offer recently in case you hadn't noticed ;-)
Haven't had the time to check all the new info, but what i wrote are things that were important for me over the years. And if i keep it on the dNa website, i can easily expand it over time, instead of scattering over PlanetZ.

Feel free to share, or give comments on my tips n tricks.

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:31 am
by sunmachine
Thanks for writing these tips down, Ray!

I'd like to add these best practices (to meet user expectations and maintain an overall high quality):
- Make sure that the device works properly with screen sets
- Make sure the device works properly with any sample rate
- Make the device controllable via MIDI (bidirectional), i. e. it needs both MIDI input and MIDI output
- Give the device controls meaningful names, since these show up in the MIDI controller window and thus helps the user to identify what is assigned to which CC number
- Make sure that the MIDI channel of the device is linked with the LiveBar
- Label the I/O pads of the device properly (first letter uppercase)
- Get the saving of parameters right (which one saves in presets and/or projects)
- Make sure that the device name in the preset window is correct
- If you ship presets with the device, categorise them properly and assign numbers so that they can be changed via MIDI program change messages
- Consider to diplay the name of the current preset
- When using text fields that can't be assigned to MIDI controllers (like a combo box for filter types for example), add another (small) control for the same parameter that can be assigned.
- Let the device outputs automatically connect to the Mixer when the device is added to the routing window (if the corresponding setting is activated)

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:35 pm
by RA
Great addition Sunmachine! Really great, and let me elaborate a little on why i think your list is so useful.

One of my personal hesitations of putting out such a powerful tool as the SDK at such an incredible offer, is because i believe that the Scope community wouldn't benefit if a lot of crappy, useless or buggy devices flooded the "market". We all have seen that happening in native processing, or another example, in the APP market; there are *A LOT* of plugins/apps out there, and *A LOT* is just crap (which is an understatement). It is a nasty side-effect of the new-world technology. People can do a lot of stuff themselves and put it out in a blink of an eye. I do believe quality in the end will prevail, but i think "open-source" or "user-controlled" mentality has to be guided by some kind of conventions or standards.

This is also one of the reasons i decided to share the SDK4 docs; I did not know or realize there were no docs supplied with the latest SDK releases (5.1 and 7). That was maybe not the smartest move, but in retrospective; Holger hadn't had his eye on these pdf docs. He didn't realize/know they were still out there. And since it is old Creamware stuff(which SC cannot put out like that), you would want to modernize them which costs time, and time is money. Time and money he fortunately put in developing the Scope 7 softwares. That is also why these are shared with the consent of Sonic Core. Putting 1 and 1 together i now also understand why there is/was interest in SDK classes like John's or Faxi's. Without these docs it is just very demotivating finding your way in SDK. With these docs, users can study and learn themselves a basic level, and make more of those "lessons"; more specific or targeted teaching, getting a better cost/benefit ratio for them, and way less frustrating for a teacher :lol: Win-win if you ask me. All n all i do believe you do have to be of a certain breed diving into the SDK. It is simply not everyone's cup of tea. At least, if you want to create and share, and develop devices from which users WILL benefit. If you just want to fondle for yourself, you have my blessing. But it is just a little more than just connecting the dots is my experience.

So let's use this opportunity by setting up these guidelines, conventions or standardization for devices and/or module creation, so, as we agree, we can maintain an overall high quality and a happy user experience.

I propose two categories; "Essential Device requirements" and "Preferable Device Requirements". This way we can distill a checklist, and give a device an "Approved" label or something like about that idea? How can we shape this? Any comments, suggestions, additions?

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:40 pm
by cortone
Another link to Tips and Tricks, from Wolf Audio, who has some great devices as well:

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:11 pm
by faxinadu
something i am thinking about a long time and would like to see implemented across all scope devices is "device power"

give me 20 minutes i will explain and describe! :)

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:49 pm
by faxinadu
Implementing this small circuit will allow for devices to have an input designated "power". A corresponding power switch device turns on the dsp (with the correct voices selected in live bar) or off. Now you no longer need to fiddle with voices on livebar or delete idle plugins from a project. just turn them off and on again when you need. in fact, each person (hey look at you all the new sdk people) - can take a simple simple simple homework sdk learning project to make his own power button, or an array of them. You can make a Power matrix where one is master power, but has extra outputs.
OS DSP Switch
(5.86 KiB) Downloaded 395 times
- you need to fold the dynVoicOfParent that is connected to your livebar and then export the parameter
- then pull out another dynVoicOfParent and connect the dsp switch as shown.
- if your device is 1 voice and doesn't depend on voices from the livebar, you can just delete your original one from your project, and place a controller pad dummie with the value of 1 at the voices input of the dsp switch.
switch.png (7.26 KiB) Viewed 27199 times
example.png (2.1 KiB) Viewed 27199 times

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:03 pm
by faxinadu
example of the circuit for a power device to switch on/off devices with a power input. just connect the pads to on/off switches on a panel and you have a power device with 1 master power affecting all, and 5 individual or group powers.
powerdevice.png (7.54 KiB) Viewed 27194 times
of course all the pads need to be exported so as to end up with:
power5.png (1.14 KiB) Viewed 27194 times

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:14 pm
by faxinadu
so imo this could revolutionize how you think with your projects in scope. how you save what you save how you arrange yourself. especially useful if in a live situation :) but every dev including sc have to get behind adding this to plugins and having it a sort of must!

Re: Some SDK docs to share

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:50 pm
by RA
Could be usefull yes, but a drawback here could be loading and unloading/redistributiion of dsp's. I personally wouldnt fiddle with that in a live situation.

I myself would opt for a small button on the mdl/dev itself, next to the name, which i can see from the project view. Further more maybe better to switch with a -1 value(voices not set) and make the button screenset capable...dspset :wink: