Scope Midi Madness

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Scope Midi Madness

Post by snadge »

Hi Guys,

Since I bought my 1st Pulsar2 6DSP, I have had it fitted in my DAW Machine and have been playing it via midi direct to the Card with no problems at all, hadn't connected to my DAW at all with Pulsar.

I decided I wanted to have more DSP so bought HP XW6000 and have another Pulsar and a Luna coming soon.

I set up my DAW and connected the XW6000 to DAW machine with ADAT Digital and set up routings on Cubase 7.5 for Pulsar card, set up test, everything worked perfectly as long as I didn't try and use MIDI to pulsar, as soon as I did this, the sound on the Minimax went crazy, loads of missed notes, wrong notes and notes trying to play and failing miserably, all other outboard synths played perfectly (Nord G1/Roland V Synth).

removed master keyboard MIDI out placed direct to midi in on Pulsar, plays perfectly through Cubase.

Tried another Midi Interface, same thing.

Anybody got any ideas what I have done wrong?

My next question is for when my 2 expansion cards arrive, I have put the Pulsar I already have in the bottom PCI slot and have installed SCOPE 5.1, when my new cards arrive do I just put them in slots above and connect via STDM ( Ihave a 3 way one coming)?

Scope System HP XW6000 Win XP Pro 32 Bit 4 Gb RAM. No conflicts.
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Re: Scope Midi Madness

Post by jhulk »

in the daw host there should be the pulsa midi i/o you dont need to use the midi input for the card as that might be your problem

i use the external input in my machines as my machine 1 is used as an external hard ware module for just synths and modular as my daw is in a seperate machine i then have my adats go to the daw and the outputs from the daw go into my second scope machine which is used for mixing and fx
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Re: Scope Midi Madness

Post by garyb »

feedback loop?
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Re: Scope Midi Madness

Post by snadge »

Hi jhulk and garyb.

jhulk, I have my set up similar to your own whereas my cards are in the seperate HP XW6000 machine with the breakout cable fitted to the original 6 card pulsar 2, trying to use it like a hardware synth, so only 1 midi cable coming from my DAW machine's MIDI interface out to the breakout cable in on pulsar 2 fitted in the XW6000 with Scope 5.1 running, the pulsar midi I/O doesn't show in Cubase as that is running on my seperate i7 DAW running Cubase 7.5 only.

Out from Cubase 7.5 on i7 DAW midi interface( Motu midi express 128 )>> midi in XW6000 ( Pulsar 2 breakout cable ), midi madness, direct from master keyboard to XW6000 midi in, perfect.

Both scenarios above are playing through ADAT digital into a MOTU 2408 Mk3 connected to the i7 DAW.

garyb, yes, this is what I suspect it to be but for the life of me can't figure out where it is happening, I have tried using filters on both sides, cubase fiilter and also scope midi filter, both exactly the same.

It was doing my head in so much I reinstalled everything, on both computers, starting from clean install, exactly the same.

Brighter note, I installed my 2 new scope cards into the XW6000 today with no problems, I now have 15DSP system working perfectly 17 Masterverb in blank window, PCI overflow on No 18.

Just the Midi madness to sort now. :D
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