Midi Controller Noise

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Post by Peezahj »

Subject: Cubase midi clock timing

Cubase (or any other PC sequencer) has always had horrible midi timing, especially in regards to sync. According the the Paris people, Win ME gets the drivers low-level enough that the timing is more on the level w/ Mac but they're both still slack compared to Atari. Any news as to whether the Midex 8 improves sync?

Post by Guest »

Subject: Not sure...

Not sure about that, but I'm looking at getting a midi timepiece, like a MOTU or something. Maybe that will solve the problem...

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Post by interloper »

Hello all,

I've got a midi track within Cubase controlling the filter and resonance of the Montilay modular patch, while playing back about 16 stereo tracks.

The sweep is primarily performed on the percussion audio track, but as the controller begins it's first movement, some crackling, albeit minor, comes in sporadically.

Playing back the audio only yields no noise, so I know my latency and ASIO drivers are handling it OK. When I bring in that one midi track with the two controller movements, it craps out.

Any ideas would be appreciated...

P.S. Running Pulsar II, Cubase 3.7, 320 MB Ram
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Post by interloper »

Subject: Solved

Seems when I sync the Modular patch to the Cubase clock, the BPM, which is 130 for that track, fluctuates between 129 and 131.

While doing so, that creates minor snaps & pops, as the modular changes it's algorithms to adapt to the variable tempo change.

I switched the synchronization in the patch to internal at 130, problem solved.

Hmmm, I wonder if the resolution of the Cubase clock could be improved? Not sure how to do that yet, but I'm good for now.

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