Creamware and users wishes

A place to talk about whatever Scope music/gear related stuff you want.

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Post by lionel_talkover »

I don't really know the marketing intentions of creamware. I just want to tell creamware to listen to the users. The CW team worked hard for V3 and I am sincerly satisfied for this update. But CW don't have to forget the needs of users, especially pro users that really can make a good work in term of communication for the system. Creamware !!, if you just put individuals stereo outs on the Sts, a clearer and pro architecture to save programs and sets in sts, you will make a lot of pro users happy and by the way new users could be converted. Why don't you create a list of priority updates on your website, why don't you send us precise mails of your work. As you just see this months, users are patient. And you're not fair...
Silence is not a way. I know you don't like people like me, I have no responses to my wishes, I have 404 errors on my messages in your forum. But I want you to know I decide about 10 people to buy pulsar II cards and 3 people buy scope SP in Paris.Just ask Francis Mandrin, from CW france. I believe in your system but try to understand my position.
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Post by braincell »

Hey I got a wish. I wish there was a little box to check that says "Never Show This Message Again" when I am exiting Pulsar and it asks me if I want to save my project. That get's so annoying. I am constantly saving my projects and I don't need that little stupid window to remind me to do it and what is worse is that unlike Cubase it asks you even though you have not changed it since the last time you saved it.
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Ben Walker
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Post by Ben Walker »

But would you have rather that they delayed the release of v3.0 until they'd fixed that annoying but trivial bug.
At some point they had to make a decision to go with the release, and I think they must have thought 'Thats a bug people can live with'. I think they made the right decision.

We already know that they're working to fix other problems (SPDIF, STS4000 DSP usage) so lets just wait and see what 3.01 brings, OK?
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Post by peripatitis »

I personally would prefer a delay in the update than a software with bugs.I know that
rme delayd their new dsp card seies because they found some bug when working with some laptops.Don't forget that when a company introduces products with problems in their first release a lot of people aren't persuaded to buy them and wait for a stable release.I've seen a lot of posts in other forums about the new sampler line fron akai
that certainly won't buy them before they'll be sure about the various bugs. This happened since they had a bad experience with the s5000/6000 series.It is very understandable that every new software possibly would introduce some bugs , but if those are serious ones like the one with the sts samplers mentioned in this forum , i think that they should delay their releases.Personally i havent upgraded yet to v3.0 and i 'll wait till those problems dissapear.Finally i believe that the customers of cw would be highly more enthousiastic about a new release if they had the trust in the company that it would be a almost bugless release.
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Ben Walker
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Post by Ben Walker »

Yes, my point was not that CW should release v3.0 with functionally important bugs, but that it was right for them to go ahead with the release despite the annoying 'Do you want to save your project?' message which is silly but I can live with it.
I think you can state that if the SP/DIF bug had been known about before the release, the the release would have been delayed for that reason, but not for the above message, which they surely must have known about.

You may argue that the QA dept at CW should be improved, but I think v3.0 is actually remarkably stable, has very few bugs, and is actually generating a lot of praise along with the gripes. With a card of this nature it is surely not possible to retest each module on each card or combination of cards for each O/S at each incremental step of the dev/test/release process, so I'm afraid that it is inevitable that some bugs will get through the net. I really don't think this can be avoided, or a release would never be made.
Call this a public beta if you like, but I think it's a very succesful one if that's what you want to call it.

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Post by garyb »

and v3 is full of things that cw users have been requesting,like a new mixer.
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Post by Spirit »

I recklesssly went and installed within 24 hours of release which is definitely not the normal me. But I'm extremely happy. It's a damn damn fine piece of work.
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Post by bassdude »

I did the same thing as you spirit! I have never installed a ".0" release of pulsar until now. However, I don't use OS Mode for graphics ( I have dual monitors ), I don't use SPDIF ( I use ADAT ), and I have no intention of looseing any functionality of pulsar by running XTC mode ( love the pulsar mixer and the flexible routing), and I have to say that I have yet to experience any glitches/crashes/anomalies with this initial release. I can only offer my congratulations to creamware for a stable ".0" release, at least for me :smile:

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Post by lionel_talkover »

You're all right, V3 responds to user wishes in many points.

The real subject of my topic was on another level :
- talking of pro-users is always difficult but I think it's crucial. Why am I a pro-user ? Because I earn money from my music.Talent, creativity is another point. Everyone could make fantastic songs without selling anything at all. I mean pro by "job".
To earn money , I have to work efficiently and quickly in our world. Clients are very hard and the market changes quickly.
Why clients are asking for protools in studios ? Most of them don't know anything about mixing, music and technologie. But PT is a reference. Why ? Cause you find Protools in 99% of studios. 99% of pro composers use it for editing, mixing, or sequencing. Protools hardware is fully fonctionnal whith Logic or digital performer. Third parties are selling wonderfull plugs. NO matter it is not 24/96 for the moment, No matter about digi interfaces quality. In 99% of the situations, you install the hardware in a G4 mac, you install the soft and it works !!!
The Protools 5.0 had problem in bouncing wav files. I called the hotline in France, they transmit it to USA, and 2 weeks later the problem was solved. Just an example. You need a serious control surface, you have it, and so on, and so on.
- I'm using Pulsar for music for about 2 years. Why ? cause i think the system is very interesting, excellents virtual synths, the possibility to make good mixes, Virtual sampler like STS, routing, the price. Ask some studios or some profesionnals. You don' t see any pulsar or scope in studios for the moment. I'm making the promotion of the product cause I think it could be an alternative in the future . Some functionnalities will help the product to develop. WHen I talk about the system to some pro friends, they think it's a gadget.SO I show them the possibilities but also the lakes. And some little details are a BIG PROBLEM when you have to works all the day on the plateform.
We have no reponses from Creamware to our problems, I have no informations about the future upadtes ,concerning some wishes we made and their priorities. It's not fine.
By this attitude, the plateform can't be considered as a profesionnal one for the moment.
Digi, Emagic, Motu are not sleeping. New products will be realesed next year. ANd to be honnest, I don't really know the future of our pulsar in front of this with such Creamware politic...

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Post by lionel_talkover »

Anyway, I like and use this fucking system everyday !!!
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Post by braincell »

About the new mixer. It's great but no effect sends and returns, only because they want you to shell out money to buy the propack. It's very annoying. I don't think I can use a mixer with no effect sends and returns. Putting a reverb on each channel would be very DSP intensive and I don't want to simply tack one on at the end and have each channel have the same amount of reverb.
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