A Hot Z Heart

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A Hot Z Heart

Post by Nestor »

Hello there Z friends! Here I’m presenting my song:

“A Hot Z Heart”.

The way I have to work here is quite different to what I’m used to. It has been very interesting because of this. The difference is mainly marked because of the restrictions, this complicated things up a bit cos with only 4 DSPs you cannot do much today…

All I have done before with Modular I and II was to create presets and special effects to fulfil certain needed tasks, but that’s all. I have been busy learning how to manage and process audio instead, which is far more important to me and what I do. I haven’t either gone much farther this time with these couple of synthesizers beasts! Unfortunately very little time was left to me to try out my own patches, the learning curve it’s not so evident at first! Nevertheless, this little approach has awakened an even stronger appetite for learning MII, and in general, for going into synthesis as a whole, something I have wanted to do since a year ago.

I’ve created just one patch, and sorry to say that but it’s rubbish, it even has problems… cos there is something incompatible somehow. Nevertheless, the sounds for my bass, guitar and the drums were fantastic, so you may perhaps give it a try, and eventually, correct whatever is wrong posting it again. Feel completely free to do and undo it as you want. I’ve called this patch Ethereal Evening, audio only.

The second patch is Easy Saw, an already made patch I’ve chosen not as much cos I love it, but cos it’s small and I could afford to have three of them open with 10 notes polyphony each at the same time plus the Pulsar FXs needed on the project as well: one EQ, one Compressor S, one Masterverb and a Dynamicmixer mixer with 10 mono channels.

I’ve recorded everything in 24 bits when working in Cubase 5.1, but unfortunately, not the final file cos it was too much of a load for my system which collapsed several times. So I reduced it to 16 bits to be able to have it done in wave, and then passed it to mp3 to give it to you.

So, two MII patches, one for all audio, the other for synthesizers and the Korg X5 for drums, going through “Ethereal Evening”, that’s it basically.

These are the presets for the Easy Saw http://www.planetz.com/forums/viewtopic ... forum=13&0

These are the presets for the Ethereal Evening http://www.planetz.com/forums/viewtopic ... forum=13&0

Musically I’m rather happy, the melody it’s really “my cup of tea” I could say. Drums are a new way to me, never done something so humorous in Fusion. Hope sincerely you enjoy my four days work, as much as I did! Cheers Z!


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Post by ChrisWerner »

What this Contest do with us ?
Spirit sings, Nestor build instruments that sounds like whistles after a woman.

This is a nice and very funny track Nestor.

One day left, I have to do something.
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Post by marcuspocus »

Very nice track Nestor, very well composed. Sound great also.

I love this 'joyfull' feel in it. I think it is exactly this that make me love it. Life is sometimes so sad, no need to add to the sadness with our music. After listening to your song i felt better. It really show that you love what you do and that you are proud of your work too.

Keep up the good vibe man!

Yeah, definitly my style of music. Love it!

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Post by kensuguro »

this is interesting. well, it's not really a mod only tune, but what's interesting is that the mod sounds are sitting very nicely in the tune. the musicality of the way these mod patchs are used, is very, very nice. notice it's not a display of strange sounds, but the patch works "with " the tune. I like that approach. :smile: and it's Nestor's first time at serious patching! WOW.

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Post by garyb »

see,i'm always amazed at how much talent there is in the world.
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Post by Nestor »

Thanks you guys for all your comments! BTW, I have used the GAM for the distorted guitar then passed it through Ethereal Evening, then through a compressor and finally through a soft Masterverb.

Yes Ken, it’s not a modular only song, in fact, I have used the modular to make music rather than entering a learning stage cos the time was too short for that. I’m looking forward to go into it, hopefully soon. Gosh, I’d like to go deeper into the MII stuff at last! I’m sure there is enough material in the forum to learn much about it, from the experience of several of you already. The more time goes by, the more I like electronic sounds and the more I love synthesizers.

Working much with audio, I’ve got used to heavily process all audio in the editor, mostly for the removal of noises, clicks, applying EQing etc., to achieve the sound you are looking for, for each and every of the audio tracks involved in a tune. The good think is that this process makes you think before you start, cos you know you cannot use the editor to edit anything at all. It was interesting trying to get the sounds you were looking for right at their source, but it’s not as easy as that… I can’t say I have achieved the exact sound I was looking for every track.

Thanks for your encouragement. :grin:
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Post by borg »

very cool track, nestor!

enjoyed it very much. but, boy, would i like to hear the short theme starting at 1:14 develop into a complete song. great stuff. and what about the guitar and bass lead! you can really play! excellent musicianship.
i second your comment about the sound of several things. i would really like to hear horns and vibraphone, but maybe frank wouldn't like it, he would be jalous! :wink:
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Post by Nestor »

I would have loved to do it longer in this middle part you’re talking about Borg, but the trade was to be at about 5 minutes long. I would had included a synth solo, this is what I was longing for… he he…

BTW: I want to THANK our good partially gone friend Algorithm, which has been the engine for this project, thanks Algo cos we’re having fun thanks you this idea of yours. Wherever you are right now, we are musically with you, cheers…
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Post by Spirit »

To me this is jazz, and although I have tried many times to listen to jazz, I just can't appreciate it. (I personally define jazz as "no appreciable melody"). My mind is always waiting for a more classical melody, something it can catch hold of. I'm reminded of the Emporer in Amadeus who, when citicising Mozart's work says: "Too many notes. Just take out a few and it will be perfect."

I too liked the change at 1:14 since it was beginning to turn slightly industrial, and again at 2:22 when a melody (as I narrowly define it) began to surface.

Is there a different perceptual way of approaching this material, or am I just doomed not to appreciate it ?
Neil B

Post by Neil B »

Superb track - can I invent some new superlatives please?
Excellent patches, excellent music
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Post by paulrmartin »

Two words, Nestor:

YOU ROCK! :smile:
Are we listening?..
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Post by Nestor »

Cheers everybody for your comments; I certainly do love what I do. Thanks, Neil, Paul!

I don’t know Spirit… I myself, hated Jazz long ago, I just didn’t understand it at all… I remember that when I was a child, listening to the Sinatra’s films I would ask myself what the hell people could find in this kind of music, and I tried hard to understand but… nothing… The most confusing was the harmony, not the melody. When I started playing myself this melodies, studying Jazz harmony and getting involved in the rhythm, then I found gradually the sense of it, and it is today absolutely and incredibly beautiful, humorous, entertaining, fascinating, thrilling, magnificent for me, and that thanks to many friends who willingly helped me open my mind to different styles of music I was closed to. As some of you here, have opened my mind to something I have always hated, Techno. Well, what could I say about Fusion… I just cannot find yet the right words in any English dictionary to tell you HOW MUCH I love it!!!

If you are serious in your request Spirit, I would suggest for you to get the Real Book of Jazz where you’ll find all the standards, then start doing some little arrangements of your own with it, something not to far away from what you like yourself today, but using a rather Jazzy harmony behind… I promise and guarantee you, that you’ll find and discover a fascinating world! This is what happened to a friend of mind, who plays piano, as it has happened to thousands of people who approached Jazz with scepticism! Well, my friend would say: “What is this rubbish of harmony you are playing there, I hate it, it’s so “distorted”, unnatural bla bla… Play something else please”. “We both were studying at the conservatory and so, we used the same piano for our lessons and we would share the room. He was studying piano as his first instruments and I was studying piano just for fun, as a complement to understand better harmony, our hours some time would be closed to each othere. I said to him: “Common man, it is time for you to give it a try, let’s see what you can do, open your mind”. So I gave him some rather heavily “distorted” – as he would say – chords for him to try, i.e. very jazzy chords. The following day he came with an incredible song full of arpeggios, and he himself couldn’t believe the intensity of what he was playing now. Today my friend, called Pachi, it’s a great pianist and among others things, he plays and composes Jazz music for theatre matters.

So, I think that to say “Jazz”, is a bit like saying “music”, cos everything is in between! If you don’t like fusion, I can understand that, but don’t say you don’t like Jazz, cos it is too large of a genre, you need to get into it a bit and, in the thousands of existent trends, you’ll find yours. Let’s try Spirit! :grin:

Music is the most Powerful Language in the world! *INDEED*

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Post by FreiFlug »

Boah! Great track! What should i say? :grin:
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