Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all Men

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Neil B

Post by Neil B »

Instead of sending each of you PlanetZ folks a card or an email, I thought I'd make a donation to the Ethiopian Famine Relief Fund (via Tear Fund)instead and say:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
Thanks to everyone for their help, support and general friendship in the last year. You guys really make a difference.

Neil B
Relaxed, Revitalised and Ready

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Post by kensuguro »

yo, it is that time of the year again. When musicians get yanked around like crazy to play in all sorts of situations.. :lol:

Happy holidays to Neil and everyone else here. It's been yet another great year here on PlanetZ.. contests.. a bunch of new forums... New peeps.. Well, actually, it's still a little too early to sum up the year. hehe :lol:

Peace to everyone!

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Post by coc999 »

Hi pz friends , i go back tommorow in my little Croatia to search some peace , and i won't be around for some days ,i profit of Neil b post to wish you all the best for this new year wich is comin :2003 is comin and a new future is arriving...we all live in differrent continents,cultures ,maybe some of us are neighbours and we are sharing somethin cool.I thank you all guyzz and girlzz for da good vibes and knowledge that your are sharing and i thanks John C. who is organizing all that crazyyy party.
Bye pz village and have some nice trips.
Merry Xmas and best wishes for 2003.
"Future is ours and that the miracle "(i copy a sample which was in an old detroit techno track).
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Post by krizrox »

Same here: wishing everyone a safe & happy holiday season. All I want for Christmas is world peace!!!!
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Post by braincell »

I'm an atheist so this day is meaningless to me except for the intolerable traffic as people scramble to buy gifts at the last minute. It's all a scam to get your money. The tree comes from a pagen ritual and has nothing to do with the birth of the baby jesus. I hope you all have a good holiday season and I hope not too many people kill themselves because they aren't as happy as think they should be. Easy with the drinking. Don't drink and drive. Peace.
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Post by samplaire »

Atheists or not - it's never too much of good vibes and good wishes :smile: Merry Xmas or happy free days. Choose your option :smile:
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Post by braincell »

Alright so I'm a Scrooge. It just dimays me how many people have imaginary friends in the sky. Whenever I see news coverage of a tornado and the family says:

"Our house is gone and we lost everything. We just thank the lord that we were not hurt"

I have to wonder if the lord gets thanks for letting them live why doesn't he get the blame for destroying their home? If someone demolished my house I would be pissed!

I know there is a theologic explaination for this (like there is for everything) but not one that would satisfy me. I just feel this is 2002, almost 2003 and science has so many answers. Why does man need such mythology and superstitions? It's a legacy of the past. The parents are to blame. Kids have the same religion as their parents. It is because they are brainwashed. My parents didn't emphasize religion with me and that is why I have free will and I am not a sheep as the popular metaphor goes, but Merry Christmas. I have to recognize I am part of a teeny tiny minority in a sea of god fearing humans.
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Post by algorhythm »

I am an atheist as well, but think it is quite good to take time out of your schedule to spend enjoying the company of your family. Holidays permeate all cultures of which I know, regardless of religious belief.

And good will to WOMEN too! If more of them where in powerful places, our pleas for peace would likely be less urgent.

Peace, regardless, friends and others of Z.
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Post by alfonso »

i'm atheist too, but i think that everyone is searching love and friendship and all those things that we all perceive as extraordinary experiences.
happyness is not an ordinary thing, and if we are conscious and a little clever, we can never forget all those who suffer. so anyone has to build a strategy to be happy, and in this perspective i can understand religion. but if religion is a screen to hide all the bad and make-up reality for a superficial happiness, i hate religion, if it becomes a language to love the others really, it can be a lovely thing, and in this way maybe i would like to say that i'm atheist but religious....

but what gives me pain when i think to religion is the power that hides behind it, the fear that makes it so popular and the complete discrepance between what is said and what is done....when i think to this, i see religion as the killer of any spiritual goal. and this is the dominating way it is in our world.

but we have the music, and this is maybe the most universal religious territory, where every musician is going to see any culture as a source of music, and desire to learn and know....

so i wish you all the best, in the name of our common religion :grin:
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Post by braincell »

But it's all guys in here we need more chicks or this religion won't be passed down. I want to create some genetic code not just midi sequences and I sure as hell am not going to do it with a Christian, Jew or Muslim. Buddhist possibly but how many female Buddhist synthesizer players are there?
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Post by alfonso »

hey braincell, remember that the strongest supporters of any religion (expecially christian and muslim) are women!
i've seen also men accepting everything and transform themselves incredibly :lol: to get a girl's attention, and for centuries sin has been the greatest appetizer and therefore domination instrument!

i know we are very hungry sometimes...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by sandrob »

i'm atheist too... and vegeterian (btw :roll:)
i wish you all the best :smile:
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Post by Spirit »

I prefer the Nordic or Roman/Greek pantheon of Gods.

The celebrations, festivities and feasting that has traditionally gone on around this time of year can happily be associated with the ancient Roman Saturnalia, or the more widely noted winter solstice (or for us southerners, the summer solstice).

So I simply like to salute the ancient Gods as an interesting - and possibly correct - academic diversion, note the astronomical significance as being deeply significant to hunter-gatherers, and enjoy the company of family and friends.

I do resent Christians trying to muscle in on the show, especially when some pompous preist starts talking about "the true meaning of Christmas".

Perhaps interesting is that of all the Christmas cards I received this year, not one had any Christian symbols, they were all trees, stockings, penguins, snowflakes, snowmen, bush scenes and various other completely irrelevant pictures.

The only things I dislike about Christmas is the lack of traditions. I find it quite disgusting (though I never say so) that all my little neices and nephews can think about is how many presents they're getting.

That's not their fault, it's happened because their parents have disassociated themselves with the traditions. Any pretence of Christianity has been lost in my family (good riddence), but that means the rituals associated with that religion have gone.

And those rituals haven't been replaced by anything - my attempts to talk about the atronomical and seasonal significance, and pagan origins, feel very flat.

Pity. It's like traditional folk tunes being replaced by advertising jingles - it's meaningless.

On a lighter note I did a drive around Brisbane and saw entire streets of houses lit up by the most over-the-top christmas lights ! :lol: There were plastic santas, lighted waving snowmen, sleighs pulled by kangaroos, and roofs simply covered with coloured blinking lights. Never seen such a fantastic and tacky display !

Meaningless as well of course, but it made me wonder whether this sort of "empty" action can eventually produce meaning and strong traditions ?

* Rave over * Got to go wrap my two-year-old's presents from Santa ! :smile: :smile: :smile:
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Post by braincell »

Does Christmas mean more to people with less money?

I live in a lower middle class neighborhood and there are tons of lights. In my parent's upper middle class neighborhood there are far fewer lights and outdoor ornaments. This is because all those lights are very tacky! It's like Vegas!

I don't think there is a lack of tradition I think there is too much tradition. I for one am sick and tired of Bing Crosby's white christmas, the King family or whatever the hell it is they play in all the malls. It has been the same music every year all my life (I'm 43) and it seems it will never change. When it they first came out with these songs they must have been new but now time has stood still and I see no end in sight. Don't expect to hear the latest Pulsar modular synthesizer patch at your local mall!
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Post by braincell »

It's xmas eve and snowing here in washington dc. :smile:

Post by hubird »

25-12-02 Image
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Post by algorhythm »

12-25-02 :wink: :lol:
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Post by Spirit »

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Post by eliam »

Merry Christmas, my friends! Even tho I've been labeled as a "post-christian" at some point, :roll:, I know how atheist people think, because I was one of them for quite a while! Thanks God, I'm no more in this dangerous situation, so I parmit myself, regardless of all opposition or opinion, to say to you all a deeply heartfelt


And may the Creator's Light shed a blazing clarity to enlighten everyone's pathway, until the Earth is once again a perfect paradise of happiness, peace, harmony abundance, compassion and a Mighty Temple of Purity and Truth. Because that is what our planet is intended to be since the dawn of time!!

Peace to you all!


Post by hubird »

On 2002-12-25 01:13, algorhythm wrote:
12-25-02 :wink: :lol:
hehe, but seriously, in Europe the 'normal' sequence is the way I wrote it down, so day, month, year.

Let There Be Music!

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