Bye-Bye Big Mixer

Tips and advice for getting the most from Scope. No questions here please.

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Post by algorhythm »

<font color=blue>
An effective Pulsar-Sequencer Mixing Style.
<font color=green> This is a summary of a thread from the Pulsar List serve. The idea is to eliminate the Big Mixer and to use the mixer of your host sequencer in order to eliminate the necessity of frequent program flipping, to reduce the number of fader levels for recording, to streamline the setup in general, and to free up dsp for synths, samplers, and fx.
What you need to do is to set up Cubase (or other seq) and a Pulsar project for this purpose. In Pulsar, setup, for example, 16 ASIO destinations and use these for your lines in (analog, spdif, adat, etc.), as well as for your pulsar devices (synths, samplers, etc.) In Cubase, set up 16 audio channels (mono or stereo at your discretion), and your 16 ASIO inputs, and set all of these channels to active for recording so that you can here them. (you must active multirecord to use all of the channels). you can now do all of the mixing in Cubase.

Back in pulsar, you'll want an ASIO source module to route the audio back out of cubase to your outputs. You can have a 2 ch. ASIO out and just use this as your monitor mix, or use multi-outs and configure buses and route accordingly in your seq (I use 8 channels out to ADAT to my HW mixer).
You can now use Pulsar as a big insert environment - stick fx in the signal path before your ASIO destinations to create insert fx. or use busses out of cubase and stick inserts between the ASIO source and yoru output so that you can record a dry signal, yet monitor the wet signal.
You might want to setup a and def.all so you only have to do this whole setup once.
There are surely some drawbacks to this setup, but it does really streamline the whole operation IMHO. It has reduced the time spent fiddling with faders getting levels proper and increased creativity. I hope this helps somebody.</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: algorhythm on 2001-06-07 21:43 ]</font>
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Post by jupiter8 »

I agree. I'll never go back to mixing in 2 programs again. Just route everything to Logic and off i go.
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Post by electrofux »


how do you adjust the latency between the asio Inputs and VST Instruments? I assume you use a midi/audio delay, which settings ?

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Post by subhuman »

View > ULLI
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Post by electrofux »

That's not what i mean.
I also use the Cubase Mixer as my main Mixer and route all the analog/digital inputs straight to an ASIo dest module into Cubase. But when playing external stuff together with VSt-Instruments you have a delay. I adjust this delay in the Audio System with the Midi to Audio Delay. I assume this is the only way (or is there another way). So what are the Midi to Audio delay settings you are using with what Ulli Settings? (I have 13ms latency and a Midi to audio delay of 1400).

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Post by algorhythm »

i do not use VSTi's (yet), but it the midi to audio delay is the correct thing to adjust. you already know that though . . .
i am not aware of another way, nor is one necessary, as this this way is sufficient. :wink:
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Post by Frontline Studio »


I'm sorry to disagree on excluding the BixMixer from usage during recording.
Since I'm not satisfied with the layout, latency and way of operation of Cakewalk's mixer, I only use the BixMixer of the Pulsar. Right now I'm recording the movements I make with the BixMixer in Cakewalk. Works fine with me.

Anyone outthere who can convince me in using Cubase/VST with their mixing environment instead? :smile:)

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Post by algorhythm »

not to start (another) sequencer war, but i think cakewalk sux. if i were still using it, i would mix in BM too! try out the cubase demo and work with its mixer for awhile. i work at 7 ms - latency is not an issue. the layout is swell (you can view ALL 32 channels at a time!). we cannot convince you, you must convince yourself! BTW, logic's mixer is pretty fargin cool 2.
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Post by siriusbliss »

I'm going to continue using both the BM and Samplitude's mixer, since I prefer to mix some effects and reverbs outside Samp.

Samplitude 6.0 may change my mind.

However, I'm also finding myself using the new Luna Recording Mixer more and more.
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Post by Frontline Studio »

Now I've checked out the Samplitude 2496 (5.something) and I think this is a wonderfull piece of software. Can somebody plz tell me where I can do the MIDI recording stuff in S2496?
The Help-function doesn't help me at all... ;D

...Still need to install that Cubase stuff...

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Post by algorhythm »

no offence, all. but this is the tips and tricks section. people post here to tell others about a way in which they use pulsar which they think others should be aware of. not to police ya'all, but 600 people have viewed this tip, and most aren't interested in the fact that someone prefers samplitude or cannot adjust their monitoring latency to their satisfaction; these posts would be better put in the "pulsar discussion" and "problem solving areas," respectively. :smile:
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Post by Michaelj »

Please can any one tell me how to
do to get pulsr in VST 5.
ok ok..I run it in a strange way..I think

I put my STS sampler and synths directly
thru the ASIO in 1,2,3,4,5, and so on.
then in cubase ???? I MUST record enable all channels to hear the sound ???? , and record enable 8-10 channels take cpu. is there any other way ??
whats the difference between asio and asio2 ?
int the "normal Asio" I can get 32 channels and in asio 2 it seems only to have 2 channels

ok sorry if its a stupid q
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Post by algorhythm »

double click on the icon for the asso2 driver for a popup menu to select your # of channels. up to 32 . . .
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Post by geunsie »

i normally use the bigmixer..but i want to get rid of it.
i am using 2 busses of the bm to input audio via asio to cubase..
How do i select the recording input in cubase then?
(maybe a little OT sorry)
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Post by algorhythm »

definitely OT :razz: also it is covered really well in the introductory section of the manual :lol:

but seriously; send the BM buss outs to your ASIO dest, ie L1, L2, L3, L4
In Cubase: settings>audio> check that you are using the ASIO-Scope driver, and make sure that you have > 4 channels -upper right corner (I use 24). To monitor in Cubase, you will need to select a monitoring option, either record enable, or tape-type er whatever work 4 me.
Then View>VST inputs and activate whatever channels you need, ie 1-4 for the 2 busses from the BM.
Then, in the arrange window open up the inspector (little arrow in bottom left), and select/active inputs for the audio channels, ie. in1>audio ch1, . . . .
you will need to have multirecord enabled (under settings). then you will have a new column on the left in the arrange window called "R" - select in this field to activate/deactivate recording . . . that is about it - I strongly recommend resaving your def.all after all of this, so ya only gotta do it once . . .

and recording down will not really get rid of the BM, this whole thread is about using VST mixer instead of BM for monitoring/recording/sequencing - the drawback is the latency (ie. 13ms instead of 1-2 with BM). the advantage is AUTOMATION :razz: and integration . . .

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: algorhythm on 2001-08-03 11:37 ]</font>
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Post by Guillermo »

To eliminate the Big Mixer? It's better to remove VST or similar. I prefer to use sequencers as a midi/audio player/recorder and the pulsar as my "hardware" studio. Scope needs a better midi implementation to get control from the sequencers. I want to use all parameters of scope devices from my sequencer (synths,mixer,inserts...) through midi. I bought a pulsar card to dispense with VST or heavy equipment!
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Post by algorhythm »

that is great! so don't do this. whatever works for you. "better" is a way subjective thing, and i would obviously tend to disagree with you on the point of mixers, at present. yes, the BM needs better automation; sequencer mixers have pretty good automation, which is a big part of my use of the term "better" for this approach. the other half of the story is that synths and samplers are more timing critical for me than mixers (ie. i can handle 7-13ms while mixing, but NOT while playing drums). this is where the realtime dsp processing is most important. also, i prefer pulsar synths sounds to VSTi's. IMHO, a mixer is a mixer is a mixer as far as sound goes so i would rather use dsp for producing sounds, not mixing them (although i just got new studio monitors, and my perception might change on this point of mixers changing the charachter sounds).

aigh, to each her own . . .
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Post by paulrmartin »

Hi Algorhythm!
Any idea how that would work with Logic?
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Post by algorhythm »

the pulsar wiring should be essentially the same, assuming that you are using ASIO. if EASI (er whatever that is) then i dunno. Roughly, enable the audio channels in Logic which correspond to the ASIO Dest in Pulsar and send the Master and/or Buses from Logic (ASIO SOurce) to your monitors. I am sure that a "Logician" can expand on this. . . but if you have Logic, I assume that you know how to monitor an input; it has to be pretty basic (although i understand that it has a quite steep learning curve).
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Post by paulrmartin »

It works! Just plug the ADAT source directly into the ASIO24 dest and presto!

Man, I'm starting to think I don't have that many dead brain cells after all. hehe ;-D
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