Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

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Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by Sounddesigner »

Elon Musk won the battle with Twitter's stubborn board members and forced a sell of Twitter wich was mainly being used for Government Censorship, propaganda, and information control in recent years.

Elon has been talking about the importance of free-speech and complaining about the lack of free speech on that plarform and talks as if he aims to restore it there. He did a freeze on the company so no new hostile software can be added and nothing can be removed or covered up. I hope he reveals the secrets of the algorithms used to censor. Time will tell if he truly wishes to bring more free-speech or is there some other hidden agenda. One move in the right direction can bring down a empire. "All it takes is one small crack to make a stone wall crumble".

The Social-Media landscape has started to change with GETTR, True-Social, and now Twitter being sold. Twitter is no where near as big as Facebook, Youtube nor is it as profitable as them and has struggled at times but it still is a Major international platform, the company just made a lot of bad decisions. The potential is there for Musk to unleash. Musk is currently the Worlds richest man (nice to see my fellow African-American doing so well and at the top -- he truly is from Africa so technically he is African-Amerucan :wink: :wink: .). He has upset a lot of people with this move and may end up with many enemies in high places but he never seems thst influenced by what others think. Recently he got tired of the Activist-Politicians in California and thus moved his car plant to Texas. Musk is very Liberal to but he has his own mind and a few tenets of Conservatism, at least that's whar he shows the public at times.

He bought the Twitter company for $44-billion and plans to make it a Private-Company.
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Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by yayajohn »

“With great power comes great responsibility”. Seems like a boon for free speech and such. Hope it holds true.
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Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by valis »

I am looking upon things positively so far, though it's difficult to know what's really going on behind any news headline musk does do his own PR and Marketing (he tweets directly and most material is just fast edits of things he's saying to fit within current formats). I would say that I have somehow noticed a change in him since he had his son, though this might be merely projection on my part (I have a son) I am somehow less suspicious of him than a great many others who have been in his position.

Which is odd, because 2 years ago I would have looked upon some of his companies much differently (AI & Brain Implants paints possibilities more dystopian than any novella I have composed in a forum post, ever).

Cautiously optimistic for the future...though I'm sure there are plenty of waves ahead to steer through. Ride like the wind!
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Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by garyb »

in bed with China...but i'm hopeful...

Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by SilverScoper »

Its not a done deal yet... still needs agreement from majority of Twitter’s shareholders and US corporate regulators.
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Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by valis »

And it can still technically be outbid, but I don't foresee that occurring.
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Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by Sounddesigner »

Sure, he has not 'fully aquired' Twitter but the process has begun and its reported as a done deal cause the media on both sides of the isle see little obsticle ahead. The left is criticizing him the right is praising him but both see it as a done deal. Even the President see it as a done deal that's why when he learned of the aquisition he decided to create a Ministry-of-truth (the disinformation Governance Board) department within DHS to Oversee the Social Media world and make sure only Truth as they see it is posted on Platforms like Twitter. If Elon has problems finishing the aquisition i suspect it will be the Federal Government tieing him up in court for years trying to stop it.

I'm not sure if Elon buying Twitter matters all that much as Billionaires and Mega-Millionaires rarely go against the Establishment and the few that has i can count on one hand. The 'My Pillow' guy Mike Lindell went against the Establishment and the swamp Uni-Party faught back brutally, for he was de-platformed, de-banked, and all major stores now refuse to sell his products. He keeps fighting tho but i fear the Government may get fed up and eventually hit him with bogus charges/death-blow.The Ultra-Rich are usaully scared of persecution and major loss. Those who take a stand and speak truth-to-power are true patriots with noble-spirit, and truly the real heroes of any given era. Simply cause they're not afraid to put it all on the line. Great nations are made from fearless warriors.

Elon may have a hidden agenda and may just prove to be a problem for everyone and not really on any side of the culture-war. If/when he fully-aquires Twitter and if he fulfills his promises of free-speech i'll definitely become a 'Musketeer' :lol: , But i'm not sure he's the 'Musket' we need to win the Civil War we are in. Time will tell!

Re: Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk

Post by SilverScoper »

Sounddesigner wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 10:15 pm Sure, he has not 'fully aquired' Twitter but the process has begun and its reported as a done deal ...
Not any more. ... NewsSearch
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