Recording video with Scope audio

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Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

Can someone please tell me some ways to record a song to video using a webcam with the audio through Scope software?
I am currently using Cyberlink Power Director but cannot seem to get Scope audio into the program.
Installed Voicemeeter but don't know what I'm supposed to do with it for Scope.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by valis »

Your software will need to be able to record from multiple sources at once (multitrack audio & video). No clue if Power Director can do that.

The part I can discuss here is that Scope would connect to that application through the WAV/WDM drivers most likely. Performance with those varies a bit, so you'll need to test.

Make sure you have 1-2 wave drivers in your properties panel for the Scope hardware within Device Manager (right click on a Scope or Xite hardware device, choose properties, and go to the drivers tab where you can set the midi & audio ports by numeric count, set them to anything non-zero to enable).

Then go into your routing project and add the corresponding number of 24 bit wave source/dest pairs.

Personally, I would record Scope and webcam separately and time align them *if recording*, if streaming I would do so on another machine and feed the audio from Scope via adat or etc (this is exactly what I do for both zoom meetings and youtube/twitch/etc).
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

Ok great! Thanks Valis. What programs do you use for recording video and audio. And do you use some sort of marker to align them?
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by valis »

There are various ways to create markers, the old method is of course the clapper board (it makes a sharp transient sound and gives a distinct frame). There are some handheld devices and even LED projects for Arduino etc, thanks to the vlog/podcast arena and people being creative. I just use a white balance card set and drop something for audio aiignment. If you're not using your phone, you can likely come up with something that uses that as well (a simple video with a transient sound and clear change on screen should suffice).

For multi-cam audio alignment, there are also automated tools for most of the larger video apps. FCP-X does it as well as premiere, and since I sub to Adobe and own lots of Apple crapple, I have both. Syntheyes (if I recall correctly) and a few other 3rd party packages work on top of those, but tend to be pricey for the home user.

I have a lot of tools, FCP-X and Premiere are the main two things I'll go to for straight video, depending on whether I'm in front of a Mac or PC. But I also use a variety of compositors (After Effects, Nuke/Fusion), camera tracking apps (Pftrack), 3d apps (autodesk stuff, looks like I'll need to learn Blender now too). Even the Unreal engine has great audio features and fits into certain visual workflows, alongside stuff like TouchDesigner, Notch, Smode and more. I use a lot of small apps to make various things as well, just as we do in the audio realm.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

ok. thanks for the info. Going to have to sort all this out I guess and find out what works best. The Wave Dest modules don't seem to be working at all in my Scope setup. The Wave Source have been working fine
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by valis »

I unfortunately do not know the rhyme or reason of why they work and don't. At present neither works on my current setup, my ancient dual 2001 worked fine for both except recording into an app would sometimes blue screen (XP & haven't tried since Scope 4.x/5.x).
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by djmicron »

Hi, for simple video recording I often used Virtual Dj that works flawlessly with Scope ASIO driver and allows to select from multiple video sources even more than one at the same time and also it's still the only app that can use at the same time different ASIO drivers and all other audio drivers such as WASAPI all together and in a simple and clear way.
Also Vegas is capable of recording video from webcam using ASIO driver and if I remember right it allows to use an external application to get the video source (such as the basic WIndows cam software).
OBS is also capable of recording video using one or multiple audio and video sources including ASIO.
Using other applications such as the basic Windows video app, doesn't work right for me, because the Scope wave driver is buggy on recording.
When I need to route the ASIO audio signal between different applications I use the ReaRoute driver using Reaper as the central app.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

Thanks djmicron; I will definitely check out those programs. I'm looking for the simplest way to just record a video with Scope audio into the video instead of the webcam microphone.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by spacef »

been there, and that's what works for me (but no audio+video at the same time though, it never really worked because of cpu glitches or other issues such as bad drivers/recording software - and as it is for my demos, the sounds is important.)

audio = in my daw (studio one), 44.1 / 32 bit float
video= BB flashback recorder (or other screen cam) = then export to AVI , or smartphone with hi-res (like 4K=make crisp image) (i think it records webcam, if that's what you need,but won't work with asio, I actually use it without audio recording). A smartphone may be nice to have an extra source with video+sound and so try to sync better using peaks of the waveform (visually).
montage= after effect or other montage software
export all= after effect "render with media encoder". Then, in media encoder = set to H264, best available audio etc

This setup is sufficient to record scope stuff, but will not be great to record VST demos (because screen cam takes a lot of CPU ressources, so not good for VSTi, but good enough for scope (no glitches etc as Scope does not use CPU to make sound).
not ideal: audio/video sync = must be done manually (I usually end up with a little latency.... there are plugins but they are expensive and not sure they help as the images do not have audio, so sync=manually anyway).

(*) i used powerdirector for my soundware demos, and it simply sounds bad (i tell this so you can check the vids somewhere on my site or youtube channel - it is clearly bad on the low end - and I think I tried several sources (wave, mp3 etc)... i don't have the lastest version though, so may be they changed something but I don't know that.
Last edited by spacef on Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by valis »

Virtual DJ is interesting, I have never considered it for video recording. Will add that to my stable of potential solutions, thanks.

I second Vegas as a great editor and video recording option, and of course OBS is great as it's not only free but widely used and supported with a wealth of tools and plugins to utilize. I actually use screen recording software on Mac because the native MacOS screen recording filesize is ungainly and the workflows are better (cursor highlighting etc) but on WIndows I actually use OBS for training materials and etc.

I could add a huge list of tools, but again I am a 27 year professional and most of mine are unlikely to be suitable for your tasks (niche uses I like) or are overly complicated for same.


In regards to the comments from spacef about CPU load and the like, OBS using NVENC (with an Nvidia card) will use almost no CPU, and if your machine has an Intel CPU then you can also use a Quicksync compatible h.264 encoding method (in OBS and other applications). This can help.

However there are also better ways, and I almost always recommend a second computer for screen recording, whether we're talking about gaming, broadcasting/streaming your musical performance, creating a youtube course, or doing what we're discussing here etc.

There are VERY inexpensive HDMI recording devices that plug into USB now. I'm talking $20-30, and they work on a laptop and encode natively to h.264 and mp4. I personally use Magewell (~$300 ish) and Newtek NDI+ compatible ($800-1600) capture devices, but I know the gaming and lower quality devices CAN be used. The issues you face there are the same as with soundcards, having a USB port that provides enough power/voltage and is not sharing with other devices that interrupt the connection to host for too long (like a slow printer) on the same 'hub' (internally or externally).
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

Thank you to all of you. This is some great information as a starting point for me. It is clear to me now that there seems to be no easy way to do this and I will have to invest some time (and probably money) in order to achieve a decent product.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

Back in my studio today.
As a follow-up: Tried Virtual DJ - Scope Xite ASIO - crash!
OBS - Scope Xite ASIO not showing but works using iConnectivity ASIO so i can use Scope audio into that (Z-link out - A16U - iConnectAudio2+) with the added benefit of Scope ASIO into Live at the same time.
Latency does not seem to be that much of a factor at least not to the naked eye. What I mean by that is that there is considerable latency during live play but the webcam latency seems to sync up nice with the audio latency.
i might fiddle around with some of the other programs but for now this will do.
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by spacef »

tried OBS this week end and it works fine. The frame rate is better than what I used before.
I still had to record audio separately, but should try to reconnect one of my other sound card (they don't work fine anymore, but worth a try to make decent video).

better frame rate than the 15 frame I had to use before.
Still not happy with the sound though
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by yayajohn »

I bought the iConnectivity Audio2+ specifically for my iPad but it soon revealed additional benefits of a separate ASIO device when some programs did not want to play nice with Scope ASIO.
btw, thanks for the 6 Band!
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Re: Recording video with Scope audio

Post by spacef »

you are welcome :-)

For what it's worth: I still have a Komplet audio 6 nd a focusrite sapphire firewire, I used to plug them to the a16 (adat to analog) and then record with the wave drivers of those soundcards. That way, it does not conflict with asio. I mean, I still have my main scope+daw-asio, and on the other hand, a soundcard that does not need asio and which is able to record image+sound.
Than I suppose latency is dealt with manually at the final stage of the montage (is that the proper English word" "montage" , ie putting together various video/audio bits etc, to end up with a movie that makes sense)
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