3 Scope based Songs

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3 Scope based Songs

Post by Marco »

Hallo Guys!

Im always happy to hear a feedback, this is a song I played my Bassguitar, using scope, Yamaha TX802, Behringer neutron, model D, a minilogue Korg and the old Prophecy.

All commends are welcome!

https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApPWzfjyiAbwlCGAHN0 ... x?e=gsdxOd

https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApPWzfjyiAbwlBy1UZe ... t?e=uZd6Cd

https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApPWzfjyiAbwlB0v30I ... 8?e=ZsO2Lz
:wink: out and about for music production. Are you still configguring your Studio :lol: music first!
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Re: 3 Scope based Songs

Post by dante »

The first one didn't grab me much. The second one was very 80's and reminded me of some Eddie Murphy movie soundtrack - kinda comical in a way :) The third one was an interesting mix of prog / fusion and reminded me of something I couldn't quite put my finger on, but good !
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Re: 3 Scope based Songs

Post by spacef »

Marco, the main defect is that it sounds like it is not mixed (drums, balance). Also, there are notes that are out of time and it hide the quality/clarity of the composition (compo 3 I think).

A good composition is not enough nowadays, you need to work your mixing skills.
I know it is diffcult and not the cup of tea of everyone, but it is necessary nowadays.
A fatter sound will help getting more ambience/mood and it will add to the composition.
I think that better drums would help a lot here. Myself, everything changed when I got EZ drummer and a few banks that I Like. It brought something than I could not acheive on my own.

That was my first impression when listening. I hope you get my point and that it will help you. When a producer told me that exact same thing years ago, I was depressed at first because I did not know what it meant or how I could do what he wanted (it was in the mid 90's and music on computers was not at all what it is now, it was more something for geeks). I think things are more easy nowadays.
I hope it helps and that you don't take it the wrong way.

All the best
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Re: 3 Scope based Songs

Post by Marco »

Hallo Mehdi

I forgot to add Information in what Stadium this composition is. This is not a finished product. It is just a extract out of my brainstorming collection. Composed fast and concentrated to the music aspect of a good basic composition. There is no beginning or Ending or bridges are missing. The sounds effects and mixing in this Stadium has only a script Level mixed on Bad headphones, downsamped to evil mp3 Format. Just to see where the Trip goes.

I made 45 of these brainstorming compositions in the last 6 weeks. I choose maybe 6 or 8 out of these to take them to the next Level.

But I appreciate your commend, really like it very much better than non saying: cool or super...commend and nothing else.

After a long pausing I am happy to find time again for composing. This is just the beginning.

I know Timing, mixing etc must be exact, I do this one after the other, from draft to perfect ion
:wink: out and about for music production. Are you still configguring your Studio :lol: music first!
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