can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all about

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can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all about

Post by kensuguro »

So I'd never seen the video for Librarian Girl before. I've heard the song a bunch of times, and didn't even know there was a video for this song. I remember in 6th grade, that it was sort of strange to write a song about a librarian girl... I mean, I remembered the librarians from my school. They were women, and nagged me about my overdue books, but definitely not someone I'd idolize or have any affection towards. So perhaps Micheal had a "special" librarian.. who knows what.

But after watching this video, some 15 years after hearing the song and trying to make sense out of the lyrics... It absolutely makes no sense. I mean, the track's playing while people are having conversations.. its just camoes after another with no plot structure... And Micheal's not even in it 'till the last few seconds. I mean, people are talking OVER the song. what the hell?

So did Micheal just run out of lyrics and write a song that's just full of FPO (for placement only) lyrics and went to production with it? Because the lyrics certainly don't make much sense... Did he have a thing with libraries? And why the direction with the video, where it's just littering the screen with celebrity names and not much else. Maybe the director just said he didn't get it, and did whatever.

I get the song's supposed to be a bit exotic sounding.. about some sort of exotic unreachable "librarian" girl.... Kinda like a tahitian database admin, or a nicaraguan cryptographic engineer... And a bit of exotic samples here and there.. a bit of swahili.. Dunno, I just don't think it comes together as a cohesive product. Of course, he shows up at the end and calls it a day, and that's enough to make it alright... Uh, not really, Micheal, you didn't even moonwalk or grab your crotch, not that you should do either in a library.
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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by borg »

as long as it was a liberating love experience for him, i don't care... that wraps it up!

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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by Bifop »

Ah Katano, you've got some funny concerns sometimes....

It is a Liberian girl he is about. Like from Liberia.

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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by kensuguro »

huh? liberian? Aahhhh daaaaaamn. I would have almost preferred he was singing about librarians. All this time I couldn't figure out why librarians.

btw I believe Katano is a different user here on Z.
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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by Bifop »

Sorry for the misnaming ! It could illustrate the many differences beetween a librarian and a Liberian or Katano and Kensuguro ! ;)

Ps : the intro is sung in swahili language by a south african singer, Letta M'bulu.
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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by dawman »

I thought it was a Libratarian, so I never watched it as I have little use for music with an agenda.

I did enjoy all of the celebs and the way they were shown together, or alone, interesting take with Apollo Creed and Whoopie Goldboog.

BTW, MJackson was married to Elvis' daughter back then and looked really happy.

In case anyone didn't know why Lisa Presley and MJ really got divorced, there was a big misunderstanding when he said he wanted kids............


When asked why he always prefered 29 year olds, MJ commented ...........because there's 20 of them.


His favorite Guitar Chord was a Flat Minor.......

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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by kensuguro »

Maybe it was Lipoflavonoid. Or the Labradorian girl. who know what the heck he was singing about.

Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by hubird »

I see Prince as the adult version of MJ.
Personally and musically, without wanting to fail MJ :-)
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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by jksuperstar »

Given his ego, I think if you imagine MJ to be the Liberian Girl, then you notice all the celebs wanted or looked up to him, and in the end, he was on the boom, above them all. Back to the oxygen chamber...(I wouldn't be surprised if MJ is in a cryo chamber now, and just in suspense).
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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by sunmachine »

Maybe that Liberian Girl was working in a library... so it was a Liberian librarian girl :D
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Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by kensuguro »

here's MJ, JB, and Prince who was high out of his mind or.. just not right..

MJ does his thing.. Prince sighs into the mic. Apparently Prince needs to spend more time in the library to get his act together.

Re: can anyone explain what Librarian Girl's video was all a

Post by hubird »

wow...never saw that.
quite a combo :-D
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