The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by dawman »

Also worth noting, the elite members at their little gatherings are all people who have taken from others and their nation.
I can't think of any who ever served their country.
Therefore they have no trouble asking you to serve, and vow to fight on until they have to pry the weapon from YOUR cold dead hand.....
Follow the history of any elite in DC and see how they got their job, who pays their way in, and what have they done FOR their nation other than lie their asses off like a good lawyer should do....
Most Americans tolerate these weasals, but when so many are getting hurt by their failure in DC, which is basically just spending, what a gig, and they fuck that up, they are history.
Obama is promising many scraps in exchange for a vote, and we will take our handouts, but vote for someone else.
I am still waiting for Chief Save-A-Ho to take his Hopi Elders to DC and prepare us for the new world after the Planets re align themselves...
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by Nestor »

valis wrote:Fwiw my impression of this 'executive order' was just an attempt to define trade sanctions in a way that they could be referred to by other policies, no? Ie, much ado about nothing in terms of war, but it will shift the flow of commodities from our trading partners versus those that aren't and it can have other consequences as well: ... -for-gold/
The "Oil for Gold" intervew was very enlightening. How big all this it is! Amazing...
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by garyb »

stardust wrote:

......On behalf of All the Citizens of the United States of America, We Collectively and Resoundingly Hope, Wish, and Pray that you declare your candidacy for the American Presidency for the upcoming 2012 election.
We created this website because We no longer wish to lead lives of quiet desperation under the One Party Monachy of the Democrats and Republicans. We
Aspire to be like you, a Patriot of Truth and Justice and Defender of Our Freedoms under this Precious Republic.

You are a Great American. .........................
/* quote end

Image Image
:lol: you realize that the linked site is a fan site, right? you also realize that Americans are actually isolationists at heart and that this is a call for a return to constitutional government, clean money that is free from international bankers' control and issuance, and an end to military intervention, right?

so actually the Nazi helmeted troops are anathema to the purpose of the site, regardless of if the people who put the site up are delusional or not.....

your anti-american bigotry is misguided in this case. the American government has been subverting it's own constitution and operating contrary to American opinions and wishes for quite some time. i would think that a well educated person like yourself would know this, so you must be doing your best to be an instigator.

Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote:The "Oil for Gold" intervew was very enlightening. How big all this it is! Amazing...
that's what's called selective reading, missing the point totally.
and I'm supposed to argue with that level of understanding.
By the way, Valis, not intending to instrumentalise you for my own goals, yet showing the hopelessness of logical communication and reading between the lines.
Referring to that one: there are already some other subtle attempts of him pleasing forum members in this very thread who carefully try to bring our crusader somewhat to the material ground.
Not alone by the politely operating NtN but even by political allies like Garyb.
Obviously hopeless, as the tank keeps rolling on.

Hey Stardust, good to read you, sad to see our beloved Planetz occupied by a few politically radicalists and a lost dreamer who thinks the rest of the world isn't reading the news, thus pushing us to the max and calling that discussing opinions.

The good thing is: the mask falls with every next post ;-)

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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by dawman »

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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by siriusbliss »

garyb wrote:
your anti-american bigotry is misguided in this case. the American government has been subverting it's own constitution and operating contrary to American opinions and wishes for quite some time. i would think that a well educated person like yourself would know this, so you must be doing your best to be an instigator.
This is obvious.
More blathering from dusty.
NO contribution to any discussion whatsoever.
Treats it all like it's a joke.
Takes up space.
He/she's been called out.

Stardust - quit the crap. Your transparency is obvious.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by siriusbliss »

XITE-1/4LIVE wrote:
Triple head-plant.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by next to nothing »

Siriusbliss, you have been misled, that picture is not a triple headplant. thats what everybody wants you to believe. Obama will also tell you its a triple headplant, ifnowars will tell you its a sign of alien invasion, while we, the elite, know its the only documented example of a triple facepalm. its a huge difference.

Anyway, nestor, Infowar is as independent as any other newspaper. There is no independent news site on here, i am sorry. Infowar is as independent as AJ wants it to be. You think it is independent? please do a count on the ads that welcomes you when you visit the site. Compare it to the ads on this forum and dwelve on how independent WE are when it comes to what we are discussing (or should be discussing).

While this headline (that you so unthoughtfully redistribute) is easily proven false, please have a look at the other shit they claim as either truth or false claims. Search for "breivik" on there and hopefully you will understand how obviously degenerate this news site is.

And by the way, the internet is independent. what ever you find on the internet ISN'T. For your own well being, please accept that.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by Nestor »

next to nothing wrote:Siriusbliss, you have been misled, that picture is not a triple headplant. thats what everybody wants you to believe. Obama will also tell you its a triple headplant, ifnowars will tell you its a sign of alien invasion, while we, the elite, know its the only documented example of a triple facepalm. its a huge difference.

Anyway, nestor, Infowar is as independent as any other newspaper. There is no independent news site on here, i am sorry. Infowar is as independent as AJ wants it to be. You think it is independent? please do a count on the ads that welcomes you when you visit the site. Compare it to the ads on this forum and dwelve on how independent WE are when it comes to what we are discussing (or should be discussing).

While this headline (that you so unthoughtfully redistribute) is easily proven false, please have a look at the other shit they claim as either truth or false claims. Search for "breivik" on there and hopefully you will understand how obviously degenerate this news site is.

And by the way, the internet is independent. what ever you find on the internet ISN'T. For your own well being, please accept that.

Next, it has happened several times that when I say “green”, you tend to enclose my thinking in that only color. I understand your point, it is perhaps real, perhaps false, I also have my own opinion about infowars and the rest. I think we should not try to make from everything a “fixed concept” of what it is or it is not, at least, I do not want to do it because it kills the possibility for you to see beyond the apparent. It has already been said in the forum that nothing is white or black, I couldn’t agree more with this wise concept. So next time when I show you a link to some news, from All Jazeera for instance, don’t think that all my views are related to the Arab world only, and so on.

Sometimes it seems we lose the point of what is going on, there is a war getting ready, this is the real matter.

It is not a problem for me to recognize a wrong approach to anything, so don’t worry. But for me, the fact that something is “independent” or “not independent”, it is irrelevant; I see the content and then get conclusions by myself, what is relevant is “real” or “false”.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by Nestor »

Hubird, your bad will has gone too far this time. To me, both statement are completely out of place:

There are already some other subtle attempts of him pleasing forum members in this very thread who carefully try to bring our crusader somewhat to the material ground.


a few politically radicalists and a lost dreamer who thinks the rest of the world isn't reading the news

I will not tolerate for you to put words in my mouth, these are serious accusations and cannot be accepted. If you go that path, I will ask for you to be banned.

If I ask you “why” I said that I found the radio interview enlightening, you will not have the answer, I am positively sure on that. Hey, wake up, do you know it, can you answer that one? What did I think about it and why? Do answer it if you know and don’t start with another of your essays before it.

As it seems that you can read people’s minds, please demonstrate it answering this one and don’t run away from your own words and your responsibility with them… But you will not…, because you have not a clue… Again, you are interpreting people’s minds, and this is really, really bad. You come running inadvertently, throw the ball, and then run away without giving any answers… That’s too easy. What’s the value of your contribution? Absolutely nothing! You are simply bothering people.

You have never answered these questions:

*Why are you so angry and which is the real reason behind your violence?
*Why do you lose your time with people you dislike and detest?
*Why do you come back if there is no real information in this theme for you?
*Why if you have better news or complementary news you don’t share them with us?
*And last but not least: Why do you think to be superior to everybody else? (Because in your words it really shows that you believe it)
*Where is it the plot between Europeans and Americans, can you demonstrated it in any way? Which country are them, who are them, where are their belligerent writings? (only inside yourself I guess, without fear of being wrong)

If you are such a brave super-knowledgeable person, answer all the questions here presented! If you do not answer these questions, I think it is fare to ask you to please leave this thread and never come back.

Your last writing was dreadful. You have fallen very low today; you do have a violent mind, unfortunately for you.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by next to nothing »

Let me put my point into two questions for you:

Negelcting the fact that infowars blatantly lies regarding both Breivik and Obama declearing war, how do you personally feel the ongoing election periods in the involved countries are coloring the debate? Is there any mention of chinese and Russian internal power struggle on infowars?

I have no issues with al jazeera though, that was my main channel of info during iraq. they are ofcourse biased as well, as any other outlet is. i will STILL strongly suggest you get info from elswere then infowars though, as it is a shitty place for facts.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by next to nothing »

"Please, leave this theme, but remember to come back and apologize when the war starts, because it will."

I see no reason to apologize, as much as you don't apologize for typing in bold fonts that Obama has decleared war. As stated before, he cant.

Yes there might be a conflict. But it takes more than a signature from Obama.

Edit: Sorry to have included that quote as it was not directed at me. However i find it kind of strange that someone should apologize for stating the obvious. I have nothing against you Nestor, and i think you understand that, but this is 11 pages of negativety, including square spaceships and whatnot, based on mildly put, shitty sources, so some shit back might be expected.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by hubird »

sorry, double post
Last edited by hubird on Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by hubird »

Nestor wrote:Hubird, your bad will has gone too far this time. To me, both statement are completely out of place:

There are already some other subtle attempts of him pleasing forum members in this very thread who carefully try to bring our crusader somewhat to the material ground.


a few politically radicalists and a lost dreamer who thinks the rest of the world isn't reading the news

I will not tolerate for you to put words in my mouth, these are serious accusations and cannot be accepted. If you go that path, I will ask for you to be banned.
I will ask for YOU to be banned, if you start acting like a dictator.

The first statement isn't 'putting words in your mouth at all.
You could say it's putting words in other's mouth, but that something completely different.
It just says that also others than me try to get your feet on the ground.
See these quotes:
garyb wrote:maybe they will. they've staged these types of operations before and then nothing happened. we'll have to wait and see.
next to nothing wrote:What are these "Two enormous forces" you speak of? Strategic gatherings isn't anything new. War for resources, territory, religion and power has been around since the dawn of man, and they will never end. That's how it's always been.
There is a lot of shit on that side, with the only objective of making Alex Jones wealthier.
And: several contributions of Stardust in this and other threads.

Second, what's wrong with my statement which says that promoting the Illuminatie and Elite shit represents a radicalistic political view, and calls you a 'crusader' who needs some feeling for reality ('material ground', you understand?)
You may disagree, congratulations, but I feel free to think that, and I feel free to express that.
Don't ask me to act like you would, your blurry and bloated worddigestions are impossible to answer to in a normal way.
This is an OT forum, don't tell me how to react.
I don't call you a dog or an asshole, so what are you whining about?

Don't gimme a list to answer on, you're not the owner of Planetz, and please don't abuse your relatively close relationship to John by threatening me, Hubird with 7547 posts since 2001, with a ban.
If you can't stand opposit positions of whatever kind than leave the internet.
Your threat to ask John to ban me in your position as a halfmoderator is a shame.
It starts to stink here, as you by yourself started this already chewed and politically sensible subject (something you even don't realise).

Your public behaviour is just bloody irritating, at least to me, especially as you don't seem to understand what you're actually doing, witness also the post I'm referring to.
I can stand people like Garyb even with his propositions about politics, as he can understand the scope of his words, and because of the quality of argueing and his knowledge in general.
I say you don't and you can't.
What's wrong with that besides you don't like it?
Most irritating are people who don't see why they are irritating and blur their contributions with kind of a glorious sauce of self-appointed sincereness and goodness.

Fine, but don't tell me to act like you want me to.

next to nothing wrote:11 pages of negativety, including square spaceships and whatnot, based on mildly put, shitty sources, so some shit back might be expected.
I read this after I upload my post above.

edit2: sorry for the quotes (of) Garyb, NtN and Stardust, I just needed those to illustrate my argueing.

edit3: you may now understand why I said that you as a moderator take a risk to take position in this controversatory subject.
I can't ask you to ban you...and you can't ask yourself to ban me.
please, don't start saying you're just a 'normal' forum member like everyone else.
Who can make a sticky post telling us to behave in a certain way, and other manifestations by you as kind of a moderator (yeah, administrator, all good).
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by garyb »

n-t-n, both you and AJ are correct.

it's true that Alex Jones is overly dramatic, but that executive order is a pretty hostile act and it's serious. it's true that Obama can't LEGALLY declare war, but then only Congress can print money, yet we have a system called the Federal Reserve that prints dollars out of nothing and then loans them to the government. then their collection agency taxes people with an illegal tax based on a dubious constitutional amendment. it seems that the last few presidents have skirted the constitution through "exective orders"(powers not specified in the constitution) to a greater and greater extent to where, beginning with Jr, they do most anything they want. yes, AJ is sounding the alarm a little bit on the loud side, but he's not entirely wrong, and he provides a needed point of veiw for the discussion, assuming free people, of course. those views are important, or it's important that they're expressed, and that's enough. then we can say, "Obama doesn't have that power" and people can remember that he's merely an executive, a paper pusher, not a king or lord.

yes, AJ gets rich off of his screed, but then so do the owners of AP and Al Jezeera. without profit, nothing continues. everything in this world requires money.

i think it's time to stop looking for heroes. it's definitely time for people to be somewhat responsible for themselves and to be careful about when they play follow the leader. none of the leaders can be trusted entirely and they all should fear for their lives, if they are caught taking advantage. the power of leaders needs to be checked, even if it's by a wild-eyed zealot. indeed, it's the zealot's job to tell the king that he has done evil in the eyes of God.... :lol: if you know of the original zealots and who and where they came from. :lol:

right now, it IS war, but there's no shooting or bombing yet, thanks to...and troops will be mobilized for "exercises" and "games", but they won't attack unless "provoked". so, technically, no war, but figuratively a war. my only point is that we've been here for quite a while now. this is not new, but there may be "newspeak" involved. what would be "good sources"? AJ just interprets regular mainstream reports, and well, he is dramatic. the sources are the same as the normal approved channels, however. people DO have to be discerning though, for sure.
Last edited by garyb on Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by garyb »

what is wrong with a "radical" point of view?

only fascits and dictators label people who's views they don't like these things.

yes, Nestor is ringing the bell a little hard, but the anger towards what he is saying is misguided in my opinion. better to comfort him into seeing that he's worked up over nothing if he's in error, or to speak to the exact wording that one disagrees with. that is a civil discussion. it seems like some are very frightened of disturbing their lords, but again, that's just how it looks to me.

it's NO SECRET that there is quite a bit of hype about a hot war between US/UN forces and Iran, so nothing that Nestor has proposed is just out of the blue. i have Iranian aquaintances who were afraid they'd never see their families in Iran again, or that their families would be bombed to death, just a couple of years ago. personally, i really don't know if or when these actions might occur, and that's what i keep saying. i DO know from reading the document however, that the "Project for a New American Century" in the ORIGINAL document from 1997, states that conflict with Iran is necessary and inevitable. the leaders of PNAC are the foundation of the current state of the US foriegn policy and the Iraq wars. there are other examples of aggressive foriegn policy that are more direct and current, but that's beside the point. the stuff that Nestor is posting is NOT really radical, nor is it controversial, nor is it new really. it's quite mainstream. naturally, it can also be wrong and that would be best. even Nestor wins if the info is wrong and he's cried out in vain.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by Nestor »

next to nothing wrote:"Please, leave this theme, but remember to come back and apologize when the war starts, because it will."

I see no reason to apologize, as much as you don't apologize for typing in bold fonts that Obama has decleared war. As stated before, he cant.

Yes there might be a conflict. But it takes more than a signature from Obama.

Edit: Sorry to have included that quote as it was not directed at me. However i find it kind of strange that someone should apologize for stating the obvious. I have nothing against you Nestor, and i think you understand that, but this is 11 pages of negativety, including square spaceships and whatnot, based on mildly put, shitty sources, so some shit back might be expected.
I'm answering both of your posts here:

I have told you Next, that I watch and read several sources of news. In fact, there are actually thousands of them and I don’t always see the very same source. English language dominates the trend and tend to be the fastest information available, it’s true, but there are hundreds of channels in Spanish and French that I regularly watch as well, and you can be sure, they show you the world from a very different perspective. It is common to hear journalists say that news in USA are very much related to themselves, even if they talk about the world.

The subject is not about me or you and the way we get information, is it? The matter here is WAR, and rather, if you like, the interpretation of the news.

Your point of view about infowars is based on information you have gathered through the internet, just like the rest of the world. In this context, it is pointless, as I am not defending infowars as the only source. Your vision of any of these channels is your view, but it is not the absolute reality either, you have to agree with that too. I don’t own the truth, but neither do you. For instance, if you were to know personally A.J. for a few years already and were able to tell us what kind of person he is, you would have a point that nobody else would have, but you are in the same position than the rest of us, so it is just your interpretation. Let us talk about what is going on in the world, this is the aim of this subject.

Also, you have to understand that giving a related link here, does not mean I want to die for it or something like that. Like it happened with the first link you came to dislike, I told you that you kept watching my finger, while I was pointing to the moon. Curiously, you came again with the same point now, as if you have never read my answer, and talk about “square spaceships”, videos that where inside the page of this guy, that I personally have never watched. I hope you believe what I say when I explain you that, because if you don’t, this will be a mad talk, wouldn’t it? I hope that when I post the next link you don’t say: “hey, you are a fox fun”… and then I will have to explain you again that I am not…

It’s ok if you include quotes not written for you, why not? You are free of doing it, no problem: If I ask for apologies to Hubird, it is a way to say “be a little more humble man”, that’s all; I don’t really need apologies, but would certainly like to see some respect and no insults. I don’t agree anyway about insulting people and then not giving them apologies.

In general terms, I don’t know, but I see that you tend to square everything into one single square all the time. For instance, I don’t think this subject as negativity, I would call it a harsh reality in state.

Finally, news are definitely a matter of interpretation. It is more important the receiver than the sender I think. For instance, if you personally think that what USA did already is not a declaration of war, it’s fine, its you’re life, and if for me it is, it is also fine, it is my understanding, the problem comes to be when we attack each other and insult each other, so it is not a matter of disagreement, but a matter of being a person that appreciates humanity and difference.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by Nestor »

Hubird, what you have written this time I liked very much, let me explain you why: Because you have finally explained yourself for the first time making it much more understandable instate of discrediting and insulting. If you are angry against me, I will not like it of course, anger is never a nice vibration, but its fine and I accept it, but when you go on and on insulting without explaining why, it’s crazy. I felt the need to start defending myself. If you put me down with “arguments”, this is fantastic, I would be willingly reading all you would write in this line and would willingly detect and delete any bad understanding of life I may find, based on your thoughts, but if you send me missiles without reason, well, that’s crazy, common.

You made me think about the fact that I should not expect from you to react the way I do. Interesting, you’re right, as this is conditioning other people’s ways of thinking and expressing themselves, which is something I want to defend absolutely. But please, I ask you very sincerely (I am not being sarcastic), don’t insult me anymore, ok? Let’s talk the way you did this time, explaining your thoughts, even if they can be harsh.

Before today, it was difficult to even understand why you were angry, even if I disagree with your vision, I see better now what you’re talking about.

Don’t worry about being banned, I was just a bit irritated, and as I don’t want to insult you (I will never do), not having this “weapon” of insults, I used the word “banned”, just to say “hey, stop” trying to stress my irritation a bit, but if it comes the moment to really do it, I would not even dare, I would go myself first. We used to be friends at the beginnings of Planet Z, and your PMs jointly with your attacks, really surprised me much and made me feel really sad and edgy. I don’t want to fight with you or anyone in anyway, I am sincerely looking for understanding, and I am absolutely sure this war will start and go on for many years, it’s just a feeling.

I understand that my views get on your nerves, but I do not do it on purpose. I don’t want to see you tense and angry all the time. We have a radically different view of the world, it’s true, but it could be a constructive exercise to go along with this subject without attacks from either side. Let’s try.

Anyway, you sort of like it…, as you keep coming back over and over again, I mean, you like the hit of the discussion.

I openly admit and declare that I am not a knowledgeable person; I’m the average human being. I do not have a degree in politics, or economics, or sustainability processes, Stock Exchange matters, international relations and things of the like. I probably know less “intellectually speaking”, than most of you Z friends do. Don’t take me as a knowledgeable person, as someone who wants to be follow because of his understanding of the world. All I can say is that I am being sincere with you all, and particularly, with myself, which is the most important matter, and then, that I have strong feelings about life, and when I do, things come to be true. I am 100% certain that this war is going to start, I cannot explain you how and why, (this is what I’m trying to find out here with you), but I am assured that this is going to start at any moment, and that it will last many years.

I do believe and am certain of the existence of an elite that dominates the world, absolutely, but I am not a radical or something like that.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by dawman »

Stardust is a Babe...........?

That's cool. Babes with an XITE-1 are OK by me.
Love to hear some chick grooves though, Madonna and Patrick Leonard were a great team.
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Re: The monster of atomic war is upon us, again...

Post by Casper »


I admire your energy and will to let people know something is upon us.
A year or 7 back, I tried the same thing. This was about the New World Order plan thingy..
In these seven years I learned a thing or two about dogma. Meaning , taking someone elses idea's and beleive in them like they are your own.
In those years I became depressed, and realy hated people that weren't even willing to listen but always came up with the most riddiculest of ways to just put the messenger on a spot. In a way that thought me alot about people and how they were stuck in there own dogma problem.
That realisation gave me a bit more perspective in why some people couldn't in any way begin to get into this stuff. Just because in there thoughts, this is all nonsense and they rather spend time on other things. Yes, some people don't have any will to do some critical thinking and some call it "sleeping".

After a time I came to realise that I could never defeat a system that runs in every home, and spawns so much "information", that one could lay out all the mis information beeing presented or propagandated (in my opinion) on the mainstream media. I stopped watching tv all together and this brought me a little peace of mind. Now a days I try to keep my findings to myself as I beleive one should figure out themselves how the world works. They won't accept it any other way. Critical thinking is something one must practise, and isn't thought at schools anymore (if ever..). Once learing to see thru the lies and ways people are beeing mislead and conditioned to beleive this or that they will finally see for themselfs.. This quest is a personal one, and I think one can only grow as a person doing this rabbit hole thingy ;)

Peace to you my Z-friend , and good luck in your quest, as to all other people in this thread.
"They" will never win as long as there are people like you.

