A16U Adat inputs

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A16U Adat inputs

Post by Tau »

Hello, Z!

I am having a bit of a problem here... I have the XITE1 and the A16U connected via Z-link. The A16U gathers the analogue inputs from my outboard synths and gear, and outputs signals from Scope to the aforementioned gear and monitors.

The thing is, for a project I'm working on, I need to input 24 tracks into the XITE from a separate computer. In that 2nd machine, there's an RME Digiface, with 3xADAT, but the XITE only has 2xADAT.

My question is, is it possible to connect one of the ADAT ports on the other computer to the A16 and have it present at the Z-Link inputs, to effectively create a 24 track input (2x ADAT to ADAT + 1x ADAT-A16u-ZLink)? And If I do that, will all the analogue inputs of the A16U be disabled, or only the 8 that correspond to the ADAT / ZLink port I'm using?

I have looked this up in the manual, and there are some settings that seem to be what I'm looking for, but I haven't been able to get it working properly. Must be something I'm not getting, and any help is welcome!

Thanks in advance,

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Re: A16U Adat inputs

Post by garyb »

i don't think so.

maybe you can use midi to sync the two systems, then you can transfer 16 and then 8...
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Re: A16U Adat inputs

Post by Tau »

Ok, I got it now. It's possible to use the ADAT inputs as sources, but you lose the Analogue inputs, which seems fair. This is how to do it, straight from the manual (had to go there again, I must have misread something the first time):

"In Z-Link mode, up to two ADAT-compatible devices interfaced via the optical connectors can be accessed via the PC without the need for recabling. The Sample Rate button is used to determine, whether these devices can be accessed or not. The level indicator array provides a simple text display and briefly shows either ''ANLG'' or ''ADAT''. Pushing the button once causes the current setting to be displayed, while pushing it twice in rapid succession (”double-clicking”) causes the setting to change.

ANLG: is similar to the normal A16 Ultra operating mode. Additionally, the analog input signals are sent to the ADAT out connectors (after being converted by the ADC). This allow i.e. during recording session via the A16 Ultra, to hook up an original ADAT-XT tape in order to make backup recordings.

ADAT: indicates, that the A16 Ultra now is configured as a Z- Link <-> ADAT Interface. This configuration can be used i.e. to transfer an ADAT recording from tape to the computer. The signals being transferred are simultaneously available via the ADAT outputs and - via the A16 Ultra DACs - as analog signals.".

I connected both machines via ADAT, 2 to the XITE and another to the A16U's ADAT 1 port. By doing the procedure above, I was able to switch the A16Us inputs to the ADAT's and effectively getting all 24 inputs. Strangely enough, I can still hear my mix on the monitors, as I had the impression from the manual that the analgue outputs would be carry on the ADAT input signal in ADAT mode... All the best for me, as I am monitoring via the A16U, but still an unexpected behaviour...

Should I be expecting phase differences between the ADAT path that goes to the XITE and the one that goes to the A16U first?
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Re: A16U Adat inputs

Post by garyb »

no, i woulldn't think so, not when you record it anyway. the clock for all those devices have to be the same, so it should be pretty close.

btw-i didn't get what you were up to. obviously that will work. good job figuring it out!
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