The Sonic Core XITE hardware platform for Scope

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Post by BobTheDog »

Hi Guys,

At long last I have some money for an XCITE :)

Is there any news at all about OSX support?

Does anyone know if the software will run inside a Windows 7 virtual machine running on Parallels?

Thanks for any help

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Re: Mac OSX

Post by jksuperstar »

I don't have that info, but just saying good to see you here, Andy!

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Re: Mac OSX

Post by garyb »

no, a virtual machine can't work. it's impossible.

there is no osx support at this time.
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by Marvin »

I would also like to see Mac OS X support, hopefully it will return someday... (fingers crossed)
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by bcslaam »

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Re: Mac OSX

Post by Warp69 »

If Apple actually do questioning the future of Mac Pro ( ... c_pro.html) what new Apple product can actually interface with Xite?
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by Marvin »

Xite with Thunderbolt :o :D :o
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by jksuperstar »

Thunderbolt is nothing more than DisplayPort + PCIe interleaved in 1 cable. There are already thunderbolt > PCIe or ExpressCard adaptors (even Magma has a thunderbolt to PCIe expansion bus), so there's nothing about the interface that prevents it from happening. ... rbolt.html
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by Warp69 »

Well yes - there exist third party interface products. I have a Macbook Pro with thunderbolt interface and I have yet to experience a complete trouble free usage of the interface - and that's just with additional storage.

Maybe your experience is different?
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by siriusbliss »

I haven't had issues with TBT and external storage on my MBP, but the real stress-test will (someday) be streaming large amounts of media via PCIe protocol.

Supposedly the extra super-duper bandwidth capabilities in the TBT spec. will enable it to capture/distribute huge amounts of large data chunks as well.

But yes, for NOW TBT is being implemented as a HD display port. Once the developers start shipping 3rd party boxes for other purposes such as PCIe, then we'll see what TBT is really capable of.

For Xite to run over TBT / PCIe would require Soniccore resources that they probably don't have right now, so I would be watching for some 3rd party PCIe interface that SC could utilize somehow.

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Re: Mac OSX

Post by buzzr »

Hey Bob! Welcome! You will really love the Xite over the Nord within days.

Me along with a couple other people are running the Xite on a macbook pro, pre unibody with PCI express card slots.

We all have dual boot systems. I only use windows for Xite operation...
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by circlingkailas »

OK - Here is a basic question. I have a Mac Pro, with Parallels running Windows XP Pro and I use this successfully to run a variety of PC-only apps. Can I run Scope 5 and the XITE-1 with this Mac, using Parallels/Windows XP Pro?

Thanks for your help
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by xite knight »

I'm just guessing here. I don't know Parallels but when I read their User Guide, it seems that audio in the guest OS (Windows) can be set up when a sound card is working under the host OS (MAC OSX). My guess is that you would need a MAC OSX driver for the Xite, but such a driver is non-existing...
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by garyb »

Driver and Software...

there's no way that an emulated os will work.

unless you are using Logic or Digital Performer(or some other Mac only software), then there is NO advantage to using the Mac os over windows. at any rate, the only way to use a current Mac with an XITE is to boot the Mac into win7 or xp.
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by ErichG »

With all due respect to GaryB, I guess there would be no reason to us OSX unless one wanted to, say, safely connect their computer to the internet, or enjoy a mature and consistent interface, or the rock solid memory and thread management of unix, or buy entirely stable computers that are practically silent and have amazing displays.

Other than that I'd say this platform should stick with windows and enjoy all the problems of people complaining about how their Xite1 doesn't work on their randomly configured computer...

/end sarcasm
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by garyb »

let's look at this.

what's more important, the computer or the work you want to do?

what makes you think osx is more secure than windows, other than the fact that there are fewer computers running it? do you really think that macs are immune to virii? well, the original os was for all practical purposes...

osx is UNIX, a pc os and it's really good. i WANT TO SEE AN OSX VERSION. windows machines do the exact same amount of work and a mac will run on windows, because for all intents and purposes, they are the same thing. apple had ads back in the os2 days saying "only an idiot would run UNIX over our os". now apple uses UNIX. do you think it was because UNIX was better? or was it so that apple could get rid of an os that was 100% backwards compatible for one that would require purchases of updates forever?

again, i want to see an OSX version!

i'm not so in love with windows that i don't want to use OSX.

the fact remains though, it's a HUGE job, and one that hasn't been possible yet for such a small company. personally, i prefer what Scope can do over any loyalty to a platform. still, I WANT TO SEE AN OSX VERSION.

there ISN'T an OSX version, though. that isn't because S|C doesn't care. in fact, v6 should make an OSX version 100% more likely because of the cross platform elements that make v6, elements that were NOT available when the original Scope software was developed.

mac vs. pc is a STUPID argument. use whatever you like. i know that i can build at least TWO pcs of the smae quality as the top of the line mac, for what the top of the line mac costs. for that reason, because i don't want to spend my studio budget on a computer, i'm still with windows. i'd rather keep the computer's price under $1000(if i build it) and buy an extra $2000 mic pre, but that's just me. it's funny still, the last mac that i put windows on ran much better and faster on windows.....

ahh, whatever. as far as audio uses go, the only real advantage to using osx at this time, is if you really want to use digital performer or logic. in that case, osx is the ONLY choice.
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by siriusbliss »

Any VM-ware such as Parallels most like will not run Scope very well.

The upside of current Scope/Win-doze configuration is that you can STILL buy dirt-cheap PC's that were considered leading-edge even just 3 years ago.
The PC could be dedicated to running Scope-only similar to any other 'outboard' gear, and just tether your Mac via ADAT (or whatever) and get to work.

I also think that open-Scope could open up other possibilities such as USB or most-likely eventually Thunderbolt drivers/modules as well as a more stand-alone setup that wouldn't be so reliant on ANY one particular OS.

In any event, yes, I guess an OSX version would be nice, but requires development and support resources that SC probably doesn't have at the moment.

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Re: Mac OSX

Post by ehasting »

I am using the scope system as an external hardware box. Using 32 inputs. Works like a charm.
OS x would be nice, and probably good for the future of the scope (v6 is probably the key here).

But i feel that we should get some bigger name to create plugins for the platform.. just for the hype and the nice graphics! :) Eventide would be awesome :) Antares could be nice as well.. we need a harmonizer!!... I need a harmonizer!!
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Re: Mac OSX

Post by bcslaam »

siriusbliss wrote:In any event, yes, I guess an OSX version would be nice, but requires development and support resources that SC probably doesn't have at the moment.

Yeah but they would sell a lot more xites to pay for those resources. I for one would buy an xite immediately after a scope OSX release.

Most of the people with money in the industry have macs. Kind of ironic as thats the market the xite is aimed at.

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Re: Mac OSX

Post by ErichG »


Thank you for your replies!


To start - for someone that is happy in PC land, I suppose it is a stupid argument. For those of us that don't want to have to maintain a single windows box and deal with all the virus protection, potential driver conflicts, and the general hassle of switching modes in the old brain (which is getting older!), it is a bigger deal.

"what makes you think osx is more secure than windows, other than the fact that there are fewer computers running it? do you really think that macs are immune to virii? well, the original os was for all practical purposes..."

Mostly the continued absence of viruses in the wild even as the growth in Mac sales spikes in both business and government year after year.

But the root of Windows Virus problem is horridly poor bandaided legacy code that still lives in there, not only its market saturation. I abandoned windows for OSX years ago, so perhaps they have made some progress, but after spending the first part of my career using SGIs and Irix, I can confidently report that for many years Windows was a jumbled disaster with NT being the first usable professional platform. And then there is the behavior of pulling the rug out from under everyone with each new generation of Windows. Is Scope just going to work with the WIndows8?

"the fact remains though, it's a HUGE job, and one that hasn't been possible yet for such a small company. personally, i prefer what Scope can do over any loyalty to a platform. still, I WANT TO SEE AN OSX VERSION."

On the relative merit of Scope, and having to eat a PC to have it: Amen - there is nothing else to touch it, and I am very excited about upgrading to Xite. It is just a frustration, leaving aside the cost, that I will have to buy a dedicated windows box that is the only one in my world. From a budget perspective, it may drive a choice to get the 1D over the 1. From my point of view, it adds a couple thousand of dollars of cost to the purchase and "breaks" my otherwise unified computing environment. So while I do appreciate that you couldn't care less, I think your assessment that the only reason one might want to run OSX is because of Logic is a bit myopic. Finally, the argument isn't whether the PC or Mac is better, it's whether S|C should deliver the product on both platforms, like almost every other audio package does (with the exceptions you note).

On the other hand - both of your points (Gary and siriusbliss) regarding the limited dev dollars of S|C are very much on target. If I had to eat a PC so they have enough resources to implement OSC support before OSX support - that would be a no brainer for me. It has always struck me as odd that these folks can't raise/earn enough money to properly keep up with development. Leaving aside the almost complete absence of marketing in the US (with Gary's very notable efforts as the exception), it almost makes one feel like they don't really want to sell these things. Do they not have actual business people involved in the company over there - are they all engineers?

Just watching how long it took them to bring this thing to market; the now useless Z-Link port (at least I have an old A16 to use with it); absence of MADI; seeming obliviousness to OSC... My distant view is that they need to get some fresh eyes involved in product development, and seek out sufficient development capital. It is a little nerve racking to buy into a platform when the company seems more like someone's hobby than an ongoing concern. Sorry if that seems harsh - it's just my actual impression.

Thanks again for the considered reply, and I hope you don't take my argumentation the wrong way - I love the tool - I evangelize about it to all my friends and even people at bars that look at me like I have two heads - and I hope we have a long happy future together with S|C and Xite!

Now onto more important things, Gary: Are they both in stock? :P
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