CW supported dos-based win´s. what about the next years? (by

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Post by Guest »

i worry about future´s operating systems for pulsar/scope.
if creamware just has drivers and software for win9x and macOS, most of us will be left without cw´s support for a modern os. next year the dos-based 9x-line is completely left by microsoft, winME is the last one.
now craemware seems not to be able to support the nt-based win2000, and that doesn´t make the impress that they will support win2001, called whistler by now. that os will also lack the dos-components within the personal etition, which will be the follower of win98/winME.
less of us will have the intention to spend 2.500€ for a macintosh, so what you are going to do, creamware?
or will we be left with that criple windoze for making music, while all other children are allowed to play with the modern things? (i mean: while all other people may work with an adult windows-os?)

if pulsar/scope was developed/released on the mac-platform first, my opinion would be to save money the next months and get a macintosh. but i´m not sure about this, because that looks like the mac-software is just setting up on the version for win9x - i´d have a modern os, but a software which was actually developed for the old 16/32bit-windoze...

sorry, i just feel a little bit confused about your platform politic, creamware. but perhaps you can tell me, what makes it so different to support winNT/2000/2001 as an os for pulsar? especially regarding the fact that microsoft will stop the other product line with the next windows?

gruß & dank,

Post by Guest »

Subject: Re: CW supported dos-based win´s. what about the next years?

Right from the beginning Pulsar/SCOPE were designed as a platform that is independent of the OS as far as possible. For this reason there is no need to worry about the support of future OS. We will be there if it makes sense :-)
And yes, we ARE already working on Win2000 drivers.

See also our FAQ database:

What about Win2000 drivers?

Work on drivers for Windows 2000 is already underway. However, since these must undergo extensive testing before release, we cannot provide a concrete release date at this time.

Windows 2000, like the other NT variants, is optimized for network applications and not for audio or realtime multimedia. It remains to be seen which operating system is best in the long run for our products.


Post by Guest »

Subject: W2k Drivers ??? *lol*

Very funny CW !!!
How long did you work on W2k drivers. 1/2 year ? one year ??

I'm sure you will make it, but Microsoft is about to release a Beta for Whistler. Propably - with your speed - you should better start to develope Drivers for that instead of writing Drivers for and OS that will be gone soon ;-)

(It's nice that you (CW) still got a sense of Humor)

Post by Guest »

Subject: re: OS

thank you for your reply, ingo!

will creamware just support win9x, win2000 and macOS, or are there also other os´s on your roadmap? perhaps, after the early death of BeOS, that opensource-project "darwin" Thomas is speaking of might be very interesting. what about Linux?

however, which os (of the three that seem to be supported some time) would you recommend for a stable workstation? win9x, win2000 or macOS? what impressions do you have about these by now?

gruß & dank,

Post by Guest »

Subject: Darwin

Hi Mo

perhaps you are interested in Darwin and what´s going on there, so have a look at or if you like.

Post by Guest »

Subject: perhaps?!?! sure!!

much thanks!

gruß & dank,

Post by Guest »

Subject: CW supported OSes

Hi Mo

as far as I know WinNT/Win2000 is really not well suited (really not!!) for realtime audio, which is the reason why Creamware is hesitating to make drivers for it. NT started as a Network OS and I think it is still one. I don´t think that Whistler will be much better.
So the better solution, and this is what I expect, is that Creamware is waiting for MacOS 10, which is based on BSD Unix, a really proven OS, and maybe they develop drivers for Linux as well, as it is also a Unix based OS.

Concerning your Platform Question:
MacOS 10, which is still in developement at the moment, will be releaed in the first quarter of next year for the Mac.
I read that Apple is thinking about porting the whole MacOS 10 to the PC platform, because the developement of the PowerPC processors from Motorola is to slow for them, but these are only rumors at the moment.
But a fact is that Apple has released an Opensource project called Darwin, which is the heart of MacOS 10 (the kernel), and Darwin runs on Intel machines, this is a fact. So I think it is only a matter of time, till MacOS 10 would be available for both platforms (like Linux) and that would be the next OS for Musicians, as MacOS still seems to be the OS for the Audio Professionals.
Perhaps I am wrong, but it is a really tricky situation for Creamware at the moment.

Post by Guest »

Subject: Re: CW supported OSes

Would that make it possible to have separate boot drives on a single intel machine with both windows (2000) and Mac os/10 available depending on what you needed to do at the moment?

Post by Guest »

Subject: Re: 2 OSes on one machine

It is like Mo also said.
But it can go further. There is a software called VMware that allows to have multiple OSes (not only two!) running at the same time on the same machine. You can then jump between the systems without reboot.
OK there´s a lot of RAM necessary for this, but it is possible.

Post by Guest »

Subject: re: macOS X on intel

if MacOS X is ever released as a system for intel machines, that means it.


Post by Guest »

Subject: BeOS is not death !!!

Hi MO! :-)

Bei Dir ist ja doch noch nicht Hopfen und Malz verloren, was? (!)So langsam merkste wohl was! :-) (peace! :)

But BeOS isnt death! Be patient! It takes time! Sure, not so long time like Creamware needs! :-) This is just the beginnig of BeOS. Read it from my lips; BeOS is the Future-OS! Steinbergs makes the start with Nuendo. It runs on BeOS and the other Audio-Software-Developer go for it!

Three days are left and everybody means that BeOS is death! What's that? Nobody from Be has ever say things like this, only the Press!
One says; "BeOS is death!" and everybody parrot this stupid stuff! (?)

BeOS is ready and it runs, how can it be death?
If you whant BeOS, you have to look after! Than there will happen something more! If you everybody waiting for anything, there will come people like Bill Gates and give you BROWN STEAM SHIT in your Hands! :-)

But by the way: Get rid of the hope that Creamware is able to fulfil your dreams.
To Creamwares statment: NO Windose-Platform is an Audio-Platform! Not NT, not W2k, not SE, not ME... NOTHING FROM MICROSOFT!!! Macintosh doesn't it realy better. :-(

so long

Post by Guest »

Subject: sorry, but you´re wrong, mike ;)

hopfen und malz ist bei mir schon lange verloren, mike - ich hasse bier ;)

BeOS isn´t dead, ok. Be lets its x86-OS live for a time, i guess, to win some minor software developers for that.
but fact is, dear mike, that steinberg stopped it´s developing for BeOS at the beginning of that year, and emagic did also.
it´s really just untrue that only the press claimed the death of BeOS for pro audio, but the vendors themselves...
i won´t quiz which OS we´ll use in 10 years, but i fear, it´s not BeOS... or Darwin... or... because there are some people who want the whole big OS-cake completely for their own. guess, who...

grüß dich nochmal, mike - laß mal ne addi hier, wo man was von dir hören kann ;) oder mail mir...

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