Patch List Questions.

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Basic Pitch
Posts: 627
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 4:00 pm

Post by Basic Pitch »

Greetings all,

Well as I am starting to slowly learn more each day with the SDK, for ther life of me I am having trouble finding the proper modules to get the patch list working.

Any one care to PM me the general run down of how to get the device to remember patches? I have had a look at some of the j9k devices he so graciously posted back a ways, and am unable to find some of the modules used in those examples.

Thanks in advance!
Posts: 266
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Location: san diego

Post by j9k »

are you talking about parameterizing the the module? the "insert effect" i provided has the "contoller pad" mdl parameterized to speed up that end of the creation process.

if you don't have the mdl's in my examples just save them.

Basic Pitch
Posts: 627
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 4:00 pm

Post by Basic Pitch »

Hi j9k,

Thanks for responding, yes exactly, what I have been doing is following all the connections of your as example empty effects device to learn how to set up things that are not covered in the documentation as an example creating audio in and out devices and having to manually set the outs on the pads view etc etc.

But as an example your devices have the long bar "preset list", now I have done as you explained before hand about just saving the modules I cant seem to find, but is their supposed to be a preste list device? or is that something that you created on your own?

I have actually learned a huge amount of info and how to manuver around in the SDK thanks to your assistance in uploading that kit.

I still have a few questions regarding those samples that you posted that I can not seem to get my head around, would you mind if I contacted you either PM or by email to ask you a few questions regarding surface controls and groups? I have been trying to follow the connections of many things in your devices just to see how everything gets pieced together but for some reason some things just still have me lost.

Let me know :wink:

Thanks again..
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