Music style definitions.

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Post by ___crisis___1 »

well, if you are interested in electronic music... i can define a few genres- and sub genres... i am a dj... been playing at raves now for the last 3 years along the west coast... mostly california and nevada. i did play in texas and louisiana for a bit tho...

the different styles i play;

Hardcore: Anything above 165 bpm with a hard kick and an alternating bass... by this, i mean the bass play on the off beat of the kick... there are also many, many, many sub genres of HC. too many to go into... but i will name a few...

Gabber: The slowest HC of all... some of it even goes down to HardHouse tempo, around 145-165. Very hard kick with lots of distortion. A gabber kick is always distorted... and sometime they use 2 kicks! I extremely distorted kick, and another non distorted placed on top so it still has that thump. Has been getting vary melodic and trancey latley... the hardest trancey stuff out prolly...

Speedcore/Terrorcore: This stuff, although HC, is a world of it's own... alot of it is garbage, but some of it kicks ass... As the name implies... it is 190 all the way up to some stuff i have heard at 300+ bpm! alot of it, like i said, sounds like garbage... really muffled and distorted... has an industrial feel to it. The stuff i like to play is the slower 190-220 bpm... and has a DNB influence with lots of broken up drum structure... the beat is definetly driven by snares. The stuff i like to play also has hip-hop influence... the breakdowns often go into hiphop skits... then the vocals are kept and the harder faster beat comes in. It is really good for scrathcing.

Breakbeat Hardcore: My favorite! I love to play this stuff... It's like Harcore, DNB, and Breaks all in one... Some songs have a stricly DNB feel to them... Really deep rolling basslines, lot of snare and hi-hat action... then they drop into a breakbeat in the middle of the song! then come back out to the original beat, or sometimes a kinda remix of the original beat. these songs really vary... they can start out HC, or DNB, Drop into Breaks, or DNB (respectively), then come back out to HC or DNB... it's really good stuf... also good to skratch to and mixes well with slower Speedcore.

Happy hardcore: cheesy ass music...

Freeform: Same as hardcore... except it is usally around 170-190 bpm... and it thrives on acid lines... that seems to be the main influence of theese tracks. i don't care for it to much because every song starts to sound the same... every single song will have an acid line... it gets very boring and monotonous... although i will throw one in every now and then to change the pace of my set...

well, that covers the hadcore side of things...

Post by hubird »

now you're talking about music... :smile: :smile:
good inside descriptions!
didn't know this music is popular outside Europe :eek:
Gabber comes from Rotterdam(ned), Holland, but you know that :grin:

He he, as far as computer is involved with these analogue hardware loving styles, there's no need for more than a 16 bit processing btw, or? :wink:
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Post by ___crisis___1 »

well... for gabber... prolly. but for breakbeat hardcore, there is quite a bit of melodies and vocals you can put in if you want... so, i imagine, if you want, you could use quite a bit of processing power.

i have heard some songs that have melodies as complex as any trance anthem. and, gabber has come a long way to... the recent releases are getting pretty trancey as well. i believe all hardcore has come quite a long way... and it still has much more to come!

hopefully... i can be one of the people who can contribute to this movement.
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Post by Shroomz~> »

surely it's the individual components, their purposes & relationships to one another that define what we call 'styles' or 'genres'.

Most styles' component parts will dance with and around one-another in varying fashions creating the various grooves & vibes we all know and love (or not in some cases :smile: )

Beyond this there's the obvious tempo issue and a whole world of soulfull pattern, sound & manipulation selection to co-exist (or not as the case may be :smile: )

The harder & deeper the better Mrs :smile:
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Post by Shroomz~> »

well that wasn't very enigmatically put.

Looking at it more abstractly, what would be the building blocks of musical perception ?

Physics?? Chemistry?? Mathematics??
Language??...No that's a combo of these :smile:

Just realised, if you change the order of those 3 building blocks u get (caps) P.M.C.

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Post by paulrmartin »

The building blocks of music are quite simply Time and Space.
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Post by symbiote »

I prefer Robots and Elastics, but hey, whatever floats your boat =P
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Post by garyb »

time IS space....
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Post by symbiote »

Time is Bass

Post by hubird »

On 2005-03-16 19:50, paulrmartin wrote:
The building blocks of music are quite simply Time and Space.
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Post by Shroomz~> »

HA HA :smile:
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