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Re: Brexit

Post by Sounddesigner »

pastor wrote:I don't think the "anti-gun lobby" is specifically is aiming directly at terrorist attacks, more on crime in US itself, like murders. I see Chicago is close to 150 people shot and killed this year up til now. For a city of a couple of millions, that's pretty scary. I don't have the number on people getting murdered by cars, but seeing 145 of 154 homicides where gun shots, i doubt cars is the preferred murder weapon there at least.
Chicago had more murders than New York and LA combined and they are bigger cities regarding population. There are MANY places with better murder rates and that have guns in the USA wich only suggests that it's the environment not the guns wich is the problem. Bad enviroments become breeding grounds for the homicidal and criminally-insane, guns are just a convenient method to fulfill a desire that is there whether a gun is or not.

Chicago had many bad policies in the past that combined to form a bad environment wich breeds malefactors such as building SkyScraper Housing Projects buildings all over the city wich were difficult to police due to their designs. People need to be spaced out not crammed together by the thousands in small places or you'll get more crime, unsanitary issues, and lack of pride without home ownership. Many of the projects were huge complex's with 20 or more Skyscraper buildings around 17 stories I think and there was MANY of them all over the city e.g. Stateway gardens, Rockwell gardens, Ida B Wells, Henry Horner Projects, Cabrini Green, The Reds, The icki's, Robert Taylor Homes, etc etc . Cities already have more of these murder,etc type crimes than suburbs and Rural areas and projects are like a uber-city within the city. You don't cram thousands of people (many of wich have issues) inside small spaces and expect problems not to occur, and these problems were made worse with welfare policies wich give no incentive to work and build good character; plus a unfair Criminal Justice System and mis-treatment by police wich breeds hatred for Authority and no-love for society. Chicago politicians after about 100 years finally realized these SkyScraper projects were too problematic and thus started destroying them in the early 2000's but by then the damage was already done cause many socio-paths had been bred and spread threw-out the city cause of them and a generational bad-culture is now being passed down to the younger generations as they come. The projects were a unfair and stupid way of dealing with people during a racially segregated time and the problems they brought was easily foreseen.

The under-lying issues in a city has to be addressed i.e. culture, lack of education , poverty, unfair Criminal Justice system, improper policing, etc. Bad culture, poverty, etc are just like Radical-Islam in that they are hereditary. You can take guns away in Chicago but that would not address the under-lying issues and crimes would continue (many of its crimes lead to death; some other bad lifestyles lead to plenty of deaths as well such as drug-use, fornication, etc but often you don't hear much about those things).

pastor wrote: And regarding "..since cars and planes have been used to kill far more people", could you explain what you base this on? It's an honest question.
When it comes to terrorism BY FAR more people have been killed by vehicles compared to guns here in the USA and I'm sure in all Western Nations when combined. Everyone keep forgetting about the 9/11 attack here in the USA wich lead to almost 3000 people killed by itself by airplanes. All other terrorist acts on American soil add up to about less than 200 people since 2001 so gun terrorism isn't even comparable to vehicle. IIRC there was 13 people killed due to terrorism in the UK since 2010, if you add all the gun terrorism acts from Germany, America, France and UK, etc it BY FAR would not be comparable to vehicles due to 9/11. Plus you have trucks, cars, knives and bombs being used in those Nations to add with 9/11 airplanes. And as we just seen another truck attack just happened in Sweden.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

Donald Trump deception has reached my bones… what a betrayal it was!

Leasten to this, it really is worth it: ... 761108459/
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

Yes, I have been telling you about the upcoming of WORLD WAR THREE for more than 11 years already. I have even composed a trilogy of three songs about it, remember? Called “The Trouble Trilogy” that talks about the falling of Europe and the world. I bothered quite a few people with it I remember, but it was not my intention.

This war is going to be nuclear among many other modern technologies that are ready to be used. There are in fact several extremely powerful weapons for mass destruction into this ill-advised game, already in place, being the atomic bomb only one of them. The technologies available today go far beyond people’s wildest dreams!

I told you many times I am a serious person and that my words have never been a joke. Are you following what is going on right now? Well, if you are honest to yourself and sincere with me, you will realize that what is going on it is what I have said it would happen, accurately.

I don’t want to be arrogant with this, I don’t want anyone’s apology for calling me: crazy, delusional, doom prophet, internet rat that surfs strange pages, a fool involved in war-games, someone that has gone nuts, an ignorant that does not know about politics and so should not pronounce himself on the matter, and so forth and so forth…

All I want is your friendship. I want for you to receive my sincere love and for you to give me yours too, I want and need it. We are brothers and sisters, we are friends and members of the same mankind family, no doubt about it! It makes no sense to be divided, least of all now, in this terrible moment we are facing toguether!

But I DO WANT you to realize you have judged me in a completely wrong way.

I remember I recently said Trump would bring us all into war, and Jimmy said he would not agree with this idea. I also said that Trump could be a good person but that the elite would NOT give their power up the easy way! We could go on and on about what I have said in this forum, and it is pretty accurate to the present situation, everything has been confirmed by reality, today we can all see it with our own eyes.

A full scale global war is being prepared in a rush right now. It was true! And I am definetely sorry for being right about this!
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

well, we'll have to see what actually transpires. if we do get such a complete catastrophe, then there was nothing to be done about it anyway. there's a whole lotta confusion, there's no doubt that the scenario you suggest is a real possibility. it's also very likely that this will blow over, some lives will be lost and messed up, but for most people things will continue pretty much as normal. it's hard to gage the intentions of madmen at the controls.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Sounddesigner »

pastor wrote:By the way, it seems Sweden just had an attack by truck today. No overview of casualties yet.
pastor wrote:"you look at what happened last night in Sweden.. SWEDEN!"
From Trumps last fantasy speach. Here's what happened. ... -president
Remember your above post wich was a response to Trump's claim about problems in Sweden that was caused by refugees/immigrants? We need to make the connection between this recent terror attack in Sweden with a truck done by the Radical-islamist from Uzbeckistan and Trump's comments about Sweden having terrorist problems due to foreigners brought in from Radikal-countries, a statement wich was rejected and attacked by the media and the Swedish government, etc. All tried to portray Trump as mis-informed and tried to act as if Sweden has no integration problem with refugees/immigrants. Trump was wrong about a specific terrorist attack happening on that Friday several weeks ago but the gist and heart of his comments was true and that is Sweden is having problems from taking in refugees.

The recent terrorist attack in Sweden done by truck a few days ago is overlooked evidence to Trump's claim and what Trump was saying. Remember everyone was mocking and ridiculing Trump when he said QUOTE "We've got to keep our country safe," he said. "You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris." END-QUOTE ? and Sweden's Government responded in a way that stated no such problems exist and the government has previously taken steps to cover-up crimes done by refugees/immigrants such as censorship of the Swedish media and police. . The recent terror act that was done by a truck by a radical happened in Sweden and other bad things that are due to refugees/immigrants are happening in Sweden, some of wich show a insidious problem. Also just two days after Trump made those comments there was a riot in a immigrant/refugee suburb in Sweden (wich strangely I don't think got much news coverage from Liberal Media), a place that had more riots in the past as well. Sweden censors its media to blind its civilians, the media are not allowed to tell the race/ethnicity of perpatraitors of crimes. Here's a link to the immigrant riot info - ... 3696a3b4dd

While there has not been a lot of terrorist attacks in Sweden 'yet' this does NOT mean that Sweden doesn't have a terrorist problem overall. Sweden is ranked 3rd in exported Jihad since a large number of people going to fight in Syria/Iraq are from Sweden. Sweden is one of Europes top exporters of jihad. Exported Jihad is very much a terrorism problem. One just have to look at the whole picture to see that there definitely is 'trouble in paradise' and that the Swedish government has 'eaten the forbidden fruit'. Many problems from open-borders are often insidious and thus initially people don't see them as a problem or fully see how much harm they will cause but overtime more and more harm is seen and this is what's happening in Sweden and elsewhere. The recent truck attack in Sweden is further proof and more proof will come overtime since the truth always comes out eventually no matter how good some prominent idealogues are at cover-ups and denialism.

Here's a link to Sweden being one of the top exporters of Jihad, just do a search for more info -

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Re: Brexit

Post by jksuperstar »

The Syrian airstrike was a muscle move toward North Korea, if you believe it. There's been some news here lately of N. Korea getting close to a 3-stage missile capable of landing on the US west coast. So Trump just rerouted an Aircraft Carrier up to North Korean shores, and China took that as the shit might be hitting the fan, so they deployed 150,000 troops to the N. Korean border.

Enjoy the show.
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Chinese troops are to prevent multi cultural immigration that globalists want all of us to live under.
Troop deployments are pretty useless anymore, as are conventional wars.
It's a whole new world of hybrid warfare.

China has enough internal conflict without adding millions of refugees.
They see what the EU and U.K. are going through, and want nothing to do with that stupidity.
My guess is the little fat fuck in NKorea is toast.
Sadly, SKoreas price for letting Xi and Trump keep trade agreements means they absorb the people in the North.
They are Korean after all, they speak the same, all brag about who's Kim Chee is better, etc.
Cheap unskilled workers are an economic boom.

Think positive.

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Sounddesigner wrote: Remember your above post wich was a response to Trump's claim about problems in Sweden that was caused by refugees/immigrants? We need to make the connection between this recent terror attack in Sweden with a truck done by the Radical-islamist from Uzbeckistan and Trump's comments about Sweden having terrorist problems due to foreigners brought in from Radikal-countries, a statement wich was rejected and attacked by the media and the Swedish government, etc. All tried to portray Trump as mis-informed and tried to act as if Sweden has no integration problem with refugees/immigrants. Trump was wrong about a specific terrorist attack happening on that Friday several weeks ago but the gist and heart of his comments was true and that is Sweden is having problems from taking in refugees.
Yes, I do remember that post, and its been clarified afterwards that he based this statement on an interview he saw on Fox News the night before. I understand what You are saying, and it pretty much coincides with what i said earlier:
"Sweden might portraid to be a hellhole, if that is where they are living, but it is incredibly safe compared to just about anywhere else in the world. Feel free to prove me wrong. That being said, their immigration, integration and media has been under the hammer for years from the other Nordic countries. Even in mass media. Your link to a 60 minutes report (is this trustworthy or manipulative by the way? ;) ) is one of many examples."
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nebukadneser »

Nestor wrote: A full scale global war is being prepared in a rush right now. It was true! And I am definetely sorry for being right about this!
I share the impression that things may very quickly get out of hand.The tension between US and Russia in terms of promised retailiation if one party crosses "the red line" - where ever that is drawn, surely is scary. BBC made last year a 30 minutes simulation of a broadcast which reports the events evolving from a millitary small scale episode between Turkey and Russia - the shooting down by Turkey of 2 Russian fighter planes. In quick sucessions events follows which eventually leads to deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Russia (a torpedo). Once a first strike nuclear attack has been conducted, it quickly escalates and reports of mass casualties follows. Scary and unfortunately realistic in the current global political scenario.:

Latest version (March 2017) : ...
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Re: Brexit

Post by Secret Test Kitchen »

What the hell is this thread doing on a music site? Very unhealthy. This topic needs to be closed (or better yet deleted). Time is better spent making music folks, particular those writing posts of a paragraph or more on this shit.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Sounddesigner »

pastor wrote:
Sounddesigner wrote: Remember your above post wich was a response to Trump's claim about problems in Sweden that was caused by refugees/immigrants? We need to make the connection between this recent terror attack in Sweden with a truck done by the Radical-islamist from Uzbeckistan and Trump's comments about Sweden having terrorist problems due to foreigners brought in from Radikal-countries, a statement wich was rejected and attacked by the media and the Swedish government, etc. All tried to portray Trump as mis-informed and tried to act as if Sweden has no integration problem with refugees/immigrants. Trump was wrong about a specific terrorist attack happening on that Friday several weeks ago but the gist and heart of his comments was true and that is Sweden is having problems from taking in refugees.
Yes, I do remember that post, and its been clarified afterwards that he based this statement on an interview he saw on Fox News the night before. I understand what You are saying, and it pretty much coincides with what i said earlier:
"Sweden might portraid to be a hellhole, if that is where they are living, but it is incredibly safe compared to just about anywhere else in the world. Feel free to prove me wrong. That being said, their immigration, integration and media has been under the hammer for years from the other Nordic countries. Even in mass media. Your link to a 60 minutes report (is this trustworthy or manipulative by the way? ;) ) is one of many examples."

Ok, I understand where you're coming from now. Also, I definitely am not implying that Sweden is some 3rd world crime ridden country that's about to fall apart at any moment due to refugees or anything else, I just was making the point they do have problems some of wich are insidious and can lead to great harm in the future. That said, I'm sure it is a good place to live. Many countries in the EU are good places to live (I'm sure most 1st-world free-nations are; if they have good values, and democracy with some degree of self-determination you have something of great worth. But also the people have to fight to keep those things and can't be naïve to government and media propaganda wich is what this thread is about.).

Whether the News website's I linked to can be trusted or not: In my mind there is no News media company that is 100% trustable. All the main news organizations seem to have a political bias wich affect negatively some subjects being covered but not all. I usually get info from multiple news sources and each with different political leanings thus the data collected is usually more factually and confirmed by multiple sources, plus I go outside news media as well usually for info. Also in this case the links I gave you were to LIBERAL NEWS WEBSITES wich means they're highly unlikely to lie about the riots and Exported-Jihad since these stories are a counter to the liberal agenda. They're not going to lie to harm their own agendas usually. Washington-Post and BBC are both large and well established media outlets but most importantly both are very liberal. Since I've been argueing in this thread mostly against the Liberal agenda I figure it's best to use articles from Liberal left-wing websites and I like to use peoples own words against them. The same Washington post I linked to has another article defending Sweden's refugees and act as if there is no problems here - ... d0392f43d6

I assure you the Washington Post would disagree with all my arguments in this thread and has a completely different set of values and view points than me that's why I generally like to use those type of News organizations articles in this thread. You can trust some News Media outlets on certain topics and at certain times (and you sorta have to or you'll never know anything going on in the world) BUT to my knowledge none of the news companies are 100% trustworthy and will let you down at critical moments, often when you need them the most.

Also know that I was not being antagonistic or anything when I quoted you, just was continuing a constructive debate and good conversation. I'm aware that political and cultural conversations can be a mine-field at times as many people are passionate defenders and sensative to their views and beliefs. So I try to make sure everything is stated in a non-hostile way and know to avoide certain things, but at the same time truly call it like I see it and be as genuine as possible.

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Let me just quickly add that i wasn't questioning your sources, its just part of that quote from an earlier post.
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Secret Test Kitchen wrote:What the hell is this thread doing on a music site? Very unhealthy. This topic needs to be closed (or better yet deleted). Time is better spent making music folks, particular those writing posts of a paragraph or more on this shit.
Actually perceived fear can be a great motivator.
I get motivated by knowledge, visual beauty, fear/danger.
Safe spaces are for young hatchlings at make believe land on some University campus.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Secret Test Kitchen »

Actually what it really amounts to is the value of time. You only get so much. That time you spend watching FOX and CNN or reading the New York Times and getting all worked up about these things that you really can't do much about....

You know you'll never get that time back right?
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Re: Brexit

Post by Marco »

Not important anymore, this is a good Biedermeier place.
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:wink: out and about for music production. Are you still configguring your Studio :lol: music first!
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

it's not that big of a deal. it's just some people chatting(and occasionally arguing) on an internet chat board.

while people do get worked up sometimes, it's just a side conversation. there's no need to censor people's thoughts while they're polite.

your obviously correct opinions on the matter are also part of the conversation.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Marco »

My brain is deactivated .
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:wink: out and about for music production. Are you still configguring your Studio :lol: music first!
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Re: Brexit

Post by yayajohn »

Secret Test Kitchen wrote:Actually what it really amounts to is the value of time. You only get so much. That time you spend watching FOX and CNN or reading the New York Times and getting all worked up about these things that you really can't do much about....

You know you'll never get that time back right?
And you are :D :D

if I had a dime for every useless thread I ever poked my nose into I'd have a warehouse full of synthesizers by now.
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Yes but we get free devices for checking in here.
And yes, Media is for media savvy.
I'm a moron when it comes to who's who.
Mostly because I don't care.
No political party or politician has ever kept me from success or failure.
That's on me.

Right now I'm envisioning a synth patch over the backdrop of a mushroom cloud over Pyongyang.
Long attack on the envelope as the upwards pillars of fire form......

Damn, sounds like the Mahabharata.... :lol:
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

anabella wrote:The britisch are not stupid anymore.
Germany gets destroyed by open doors no passport controlles against organized crime. And welcome to all refugees islamists etc.
Just realized you started the Brexit end of Earth thread...