Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pro88

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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dawman »

Not the synth per se, but the routing it might use.

Pulsar MIDI Source > Merger L > Merger Out > j9k input 2

Seq MIDI Source > MIDI Filter I > j9k input 1
.......................................... > Merger R

Now take those 2 merged signals > MIDI Filter II.

MIDI FIlter II > j9k input 3
..................> STM2448 MIDI In
...................> MIDI Filter III > j9k input 4
........................................ > Seq MIDI Destination
..................> MIDI Filter IV > j9k input 5
........................................> Pulsar MIDI Dest ( out to hardware )

Pulsar MIDI Source > Project Preset List

This is how you can see all MIDI from various sources, Filter it and
basically use a single project for all of your needs, including gigs
with external hardware synths automated by a DAW or Scope.

Project Preset List takes a snapshot of current screen. It can only be used
on MIDI Channel 1.

Example 1: You are recording into a DAW where there are already MIDI
automations. You do not want the Sequencer Source module sending data
into the stream coming from your KS88.....this causes stacking and feedback.
So check the all box and the DAW sends only audio, no MIDI.

Now here's what the 17 buttons are the KS88 are for.
Go to Global Channel Button and hit once. It needs to be set to Channel 1.
Hitting it twice shows the channel of a selected zone, which we don't need now,
so tap it once. Once that first tap reads back Channel 1, you push button 1-17
to call up 17 different presets on that Channel.
So say you have a synth on Channel 4.
Push the Global Channel once, + or - to get the channel set, then buttons will
send preset 1-17 to that synths................Esta Bien..?

That'll keep you busy for another night.
DL the files below, as they are crucial for realtime work.
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by fraz »

All this will keep me busy for mor than one night - :lol: -

I've downloaded the tools you uploaded - Thanks.....

btw - I've ordered a PSU for the Keystation Pro so it can be used without USB power if need be - By default the KSP88 outputs MIDI from the USB port and the MIDI in and MIDI out ports.....

btw.... I put the j9k midi router in the midi devices in scope and it has loaded into project so this is good - Where do I put the preset list file.mdl? - modular? - please say exactly....
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dawman »

Put it in the Tools folder. Doesn't really matter, but it's a tool.
Below is a great way to use the last 5 Faders on the KS88 Pro.
You need a Delay that has an insert, if not, put a delay in an
STM 2448 AUX, top slot. In the Slot under it, place an Auto Pan.
In this way you can use the 4 x faders for the highlighted parameters.
The 5th fader, for Master Out of the STM 2448.

The delay tip is way cool though. I use it so I can play a lick at a slow rate,
then have the auto pan play the lick on the left, then the right, then the left,
then the right.....etc.etc.
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dante »

XITE-1/4LIVE wrote:Now here's what the 17 buttons are the KS88 are for.
Go to Global Channel Button and hit once. It needs to be set to Channel 1.
Hitting it twice shows the channel of a selected zone, which we don't need now,
so tap it once. Once that first tap reads back Channel 1, you push button 1-17
to call up 17 different presets on that Channel.
So say you have a synth on Channel 4.
Push the Global Channel once, + or - to get the channel set, then buttons will
send preset 1-17 to that synths................Esta Bien..?
This answers the question I was asking on X, before it went OT. So 17 patch change signals can be directed across each of 16 different paths.
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dawman »

Performers need what M Audio calls a Global MIDI Channel.
Most controllers are so orientated for one handed, single track
session work. This is why these controllers with heavy action offer no
controls worth having, because their keybed, which isn't even authentic
in terms of " Real " Piano action are just too expensive, and suck butts.

I use channels 15/16/1/2/3.
Reason is that I use Channel 1 the most.
So pressing the GMC button means 1 or 2 presses left or right gets me
to the right synth fast.
Or the right Project Preset List snapshot for when I want to record.

Too many Girly Men and Putos whine on forums about how the KS88
only has 10 presets.
Presets are for the lazy. Motif 88's have 1024 presets............... :o
Yeah and they all sound like shit.
I have one preset on the KS88........................default... :lol:
Then I only need 12-16 presets for the synths, and a real controller
instead of these 1200 USD Heavy action rip offs........
Did you ever notice the guys that cry about action on a Piano sit down
and start playing Love Songs.... :D

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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by fraz »

Will give this more time later this evening. Sometimes just need someone to bounce things off as I get "brain fade" - bounce! - When I press the keys on the KSP88 the MIDI monitor shows note number etc.... and value - When I move a knob or a fader is this meant to register in the MIDI monitor as controls are moved?
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dawman »

Simone Essay.....
Also if you use j9k's MIDI Router and use snapshots from the Porject Preset List that have 4 x MIDI FIlters act as routers/filters.
Each preset on MIDI Channel 1 ( Project Preset List ), will actually change the input on j9k's device from ( ins 1-8 ) , and since the output of that device goes to the RoyT Monitor, you can view every single I/O from changing presets ( button 1-17 on the KS88 ).

Well that's how we do it on the big jobs.. :wink:
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by fraz »

AL-A-LU-LE-U ..................... :D ----- I have assigned a control - What a bl***y miracle ---------------- :D

Not used all your gadgets yet - Project window was a nightmare - :lol: ...............Not the finished project yet tho----- 1 annoyance was the drivers seemed to keep "getting dropped" but I've plugged away and a breakthru has occured - wow I can't believe it ----------------gee........... :o
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by fraz »

Hi Xite and others,

Here is the project to begin to incorporate MIDI controllers for the M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 - I've not used your 9k midi router yet but I just needed to get something to work and I'm on the right path - If you have suggestions maybe you do a project just like mine but add some modules in to make further improvements - Eventually It'll be worth it but I've had my doubts about making this work..... :lol: -

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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dawman »

Well first off the Pulsar 2 MID SOurce on the top of the PWindow is fine, but the Pulsar Seq MIDI Source needs a FIlter before it goes to the merge, not after.
The reason is you want the option to have Filtering of the signals coming from the DAW.
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by fraz »

Thats great Xite - When I'm on Scope next I'll do this and make changes nice n slowly so I can understand why etc....

It took me ages to get a connection and to end up with a "technically flawless" project in Scope will take a little time but when I'm there I'm there.....and if I know that the project is correctly connected if problems arise it is easier to troubleshoot. It will also be easier to work through this again so I can concentrate on getting the best out of Keystation Pro.

Thanks for your input so far...... :) .....been a great help............
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Re: Hardware Contol of STM mixer with M-Audio Keystattion Pr

Post by dawman »

FWIW I asked the stupidest questions in the history of this forum, so don't be shy.
I even had to ask how to use Paint and send emails.
So don't feel embarrassed at all, 5 years ago I was the stupidest person this forum ever saw.
I have come along nicely thanks to many guys here, so it's my duty to help.
Some folks are worried about how they appear, and political correctness, etc.
I can assure I answer to nobody, I am my own boss, and don't give a rats ass what people think of me.
I also enjoy forums where guys are kissing serious ass to get an NFR or possibly get a gig composing for film, so everyone is really stiff lipped and posing with nauseating political correctness, etc.
I always bust their balls by telling them to save some of that cock for me, and give tips on how to use both hands during facials, etc...
So fire away w/o fear of " how you look."
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