Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

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Re: Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

Post by garyb »

sure, go to set/settings/global and uncheck "enable xtc mode".

yes, the patch is needed for Cubase 4/5 with v4x. it's not a bug, it's that Steinberg changed the asio standard with Cubase 4.
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Re: Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

Post by rodos1979 »

I sometimes use the XTC mode, but you are right! There is no need for having it enabled all the time! :)

Cheers! :)
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Re: Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

Post by engelkott »

Hi all!

Some of you have said you have installed Scope 4 in Windows 7? When I try I keep getting the message that I need to install the driver even though it is already installed and Windows uses the Pulsar II to play system sounds.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

Post by Albatorus »

hello old pulsar * fellows
In fact
I would like to make the opposite
I would like to build a PC box AROUND my two cards I have two pulsar + and the plate with all connection
I see this project just as building a vintage system and the PC BOX will be made o measures tu run the cards
To connect the card there s a little Ribbon i answer to someone who asked I think you can find the same very easily they offered me at Creamware Paris in the old time
SO I have no idea what hardware show I buy I see this as vintage box sound cause I was really impresses by the sound back then
I found on the web this " Sonic Core Scope Pci v5.1.2709 + Scope Sdk Pci v5.1 x64 WiN" cause I think i was registered for SFP 4 maybe Not a lot of memories But my beast with optical fiber connected to an adat card on a Yamaha sounded huge and much faster than regular plugins of that time of course
So My project is to do all I can to Use Those 12 shark dsps
am I a fool a dreamer ? is that box realizable ? I d prefer X64 of course but in that v5,1 x64 they explain it all its not plug and play there are routines to respect
But Jeez If I could have at my fingertips what I had then I ll be a Happy man
I m open to collab with someone who would understand better that me scope pci 5 and Sdk pci 5 We need both
I wonder which main-board what CPU ? intel duo or can we push a little forward ?
I d like to see the sp environment working and I could record it like vintage synths
what do you think boys ? when I was In Paris I didnt do and install all alone
I m a little Lost but think a box made to measures for the two cards will ROCK
and remember there are very long and dont fit in some PC towers
hope to find some genius
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Re: Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

Post by garyb »

you will need to purchase v7 from SonicCore, but as long as you have PCI slots and an s/tdm cable to connect the cards together it will work. Pulsars are not super long, so they will most likely fit.
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Re: Old Creamware Pulsar II in a new machine - will it work?

Post by valis »

Make sure you have your device keys that actually go to the card! You can still purchase v7 if you lack those, but you'll want to update those keys as well, and will need them on hand.
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