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Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 5:19 pm
by kimgr
There has been a lot of XTC talk in the Creamware online community lately.
I don't use XTC mode my self, but as a Scope developer I would like to know how many Creamware users actually use XTC and XTC mode, so I've set up a poll on my homepage:
Please drop by and tell me what you use.



Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2002 4:36 am
by Spirit
Any results so far ? It'd be interesting for everyone to know . . .

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2002 5:24 am
by kimgr
Not enough "votes" yet...


Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 1:49 pm
by mano
Wasnt sure what I was signing for on your site, so I didnt vote there, but YES I think every single SFP device should be available in XTC mode... What is the technical difficulty exactly?

If those modes weren't treated differently, it would be much more consistent... And clearer! I bet that if CW made some kind of conversion tool or "patch" to make XTC more seemless, there would be many new customers getting SFP.

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2002 3:30 pm
by kimgr
Wasnt sure what I was signing for on your site, so I didnt vote there,
You don't sign up for anything. Just leave the email field blank if you don't wan't me to have your address.
What is the technical difficulty exactly?
I can't tell you all the specifics, but it is very time consuming and difficult, especially when converting old devices.
Example: The 4080L reverb has to get a completely new userinterface because you cannot use drawers in XTC mode. (The eq and gate settings.)


Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 1:44 pm
by six_wax
y'know KGR, I think I can speak for all of us when I say it doesn't have to be *pretty* :smile: But my oh my, it would be wonderful if it were ugly and worked.

The sound of the STW devices is first-rate, and that's what really counts!

and btw-- I don't doubt that it's a good bit of work. But I think given the substantial time and energy that went into developing these awesome devices in the first place, it's a worthwhile investment.

Y'know, another polling approach might be to email all the registered STW Plusar-pack owners and ask them directly. I'm sure there are many who will never some across the poll.

(fingers crossed)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2002 4:38 pm
by astroman
six_wax, user interface issues are the most tedious and time consuming parts of any developement project. It may look easy on the screen, but may be a hell to control what's going on on the surface.
Just an example for amusement: change the color depth of your display while keeping Pulsar running and see where the mouse hits afterwords... (I'm not certain if it's the same under SFP, I'm still running 3.01)

cheers, Tom

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 5:37 am
by six_wax
You will note that my post included this caveat:
On 2002-12-08 13:44, six_wax wrote:

and btw-- I don't doubt that it's a good bit of work...
I still think it's worth it. :razz: The plugs are so good... I'd happily ante up a [modest] XTC-conversion fee. Hell, I'd buy the SharcOne just to thank 'em [even though I feel like I already have that one...]


The UAD & Powercore userbase is getting bigger and the quality of the plugs is becoming more widely respected. It'd be a shame if the Timeworks 4080L CompX VintageEQ couldn't take their place next to the OxfordEQ, the LA2A emulations... The modularity of the SFP environment is only a part of Pulsar's value --these other entrants into the "Powered Plugin" market are making a claim on the other part: the ability to offload intensive processing tasks from the CPU. It is shaping up to be a wholly parallel market. UAD users compare plug quality tothe CW platform plugs, and Powercore users drool over the Pulsar synths. It's free advertising, and it ain't going away. The XTC user community will only continue to grow.

sorry to keep rambling on this tip. As I've started doing more complex mixing projects, I'm more appreciative of these tools [and the ability to run them outside of the CPU!]. The advantage of XTC over "Standard Mode" is just the simplicity of having it all integrated and automated in a single project. Trust me, once you've automated the Pulsar sytnhs just like a VSTi, you'll find it difficulat to turn back...

okokok... i'm sorry... :]

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2002 7:40 am
by astroman
you got me six_wax, the 'do..t' words must have melted to one big doubt before my eyes :oops:
Anyway, here's a review right in front of me about 'New Plugins for Powercore'...
Final statements
plus side: open platform for 3rd parties
minus side: too few 3rd parties active

cheers, Tom

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 1:26 am
by kimgr
C'mon people, tell me what you think:
I don't have nearly enough votes to make any conclusions.
Please note that you don't have to give your email address if you don't want to.


Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2002 12:40 am
by six_wax
Any word on this, Kim?

[fingers crossed]

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 6:26 am
by kimgr
The word is:
Less than 20 people responded :sad:
Doesn't excatly indicate a widespread interest in XTC mode ?


Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2002 7:29 am
by Spirit
A "poll" function on this site would probbably get a much higher response rate. Of course that's easy for me to suggest since I wouldn't be the one trying to set it up...

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 12:04 pm
by six_wax
yep. while that's an entirely underwhelming response, web polls are notoriously underattended.

hehe... come to think of it, most of the yahoogroups Pulsar polls are usually announced, then somebody posts bithcing about there being only 2 responses. what can one do?

sigh. it'd be a shame if that kills the consideration.

[six_wax wails and laments the slow death of the Pulsar platform... /]


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: six_wax on 2003-01-02 12:18 ]</font>

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:28 pm
by Spirit
Slow death ? Nah. Look around at the industry happenings for the past year - I think CW is doing OK.

But XTC ? IMHO it has a very bad reputation that'll take a while to correct.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 11:56 pm
by at0m

Spirit: But then why are no Pulsar XTC users complaining? I've never heard one complain about technical problems, effects that refuse to load, etc.
So it must work, but it doesn't for me, not reliable enough to really use it.

Sixwax: there's been 13 polls in the pulsar-scope yahoo group, half are concluded. Between 20 and 327 replies isn't bad for polls that haven't seen the attention like this one.
It's been bumped and has been visible in different topics here and on most important forums. Don't tell me the 3 clicks needed to vote starting from z was too much asked.

It's not that there wasn't enough time or that it poll was hidden somewhere. 20 is not enough for a conclusion, 100 would get us some idea. But it won't make that I'm afraid.


Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 1:41 pm
by mano
They could make XTC better of course, but don't throw away the idea just because most users havent tried it or because CW didnt make it good enough.

It makes a lot of sense to integrate more the sequencer with the routing system.

XTC is not perfect, but make it better, dont drop it.