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Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2001 11:29 am
by subhuman
When I first saw Reason, I was blown away by the wiring in the back, and all the great tools, especially the integrated sequencers.

Then two things happened. First, I downloaded the demo of Reason and was really unimpressed with the sound. I guess there must always be Number of Voices VS. Sound Quality trade off. Second, I finally got the Modular2.

Wow - now this is more like it! The sound is much better than Reason (but I'm still not finding a filter inside Mod2 which could be classified as "awesome" -- are there any 3rd party filters for Mod2 yet?), and the flexibility in setting up your own sequencers via color-coded patch cords is unmatched by anything else I've seen yet.

Of course, you can run Reason on a laptop on the plane, but <b>so far</b> it's complicated/tricky/impossible to have a Creamware DSP board on your laptop. Those Magma PCI expander things don't seem to offer enough PCI bandwidth.

Any Reason users who've had more time with the program care to comment on pros/cons vs Mod2...?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:58 am
by Spirit
I didn't know that there were any third-party modules available for V2 besides the Waldorf oscillators...but if there are I'd love to hear about them too.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 8:23 am
by subhuman
I hope you remember the Obsidian Modular Pack. I think it comes on the "Free Plugins" CD supplied with LunaIIs... Might be on the web, too.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 4:32 am
by Spirit
Hmmm..I had a look on Obsidian's new owner's site:
And they list the Modular Suite 1 & 2. Looks OK, but not free of course. It includes invertors, envelope-followers, combined FX units etc

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 5:11 am
by Spirit
...and the thing that impresses me about Reason is that without hardware it gets better polyphony and performance than Pulsar. And where I am it's also about one-third the price. What are my 6 DSPs doing?!

I can't really compare them directly because I've only looked at the specs and heard some demos, but I think I'd like to get some of Propellorheads developers working for Creamware...

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 8:17 am
by subhuman
<i> ...and the thing that impresses me about Reason is that without hardware it gets better polyphony and performance than Pulsar. </i>

And you can tell because the sound of Reason isn't nearly as good Mod2 :smile:

<i>And where I am it's also about one-third the price. What are my 6 DSPs doing?! </i>

Quantity vs. Quality...

<i>I can't really compare them directly because I've only looked at the specs and heard some demos, but I think I'd like to get some of Propellorheads developers working for Creamware... </i>

Ahhh. The best of both worlds. That would rock! However it seems right now that they are competitors.

I was pretty surprised the Mod2 came with such nice little sequencer modules. You can make a patch that can be sequenced and played entirely without an external sequencer, like Reason. Sweet. The Vocal filters were also a nice bonus that I wasn't expecting.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: subhuman on 2001-04-26 17:40 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 10:01 pm
by medusa13
Does anybody know why Waldorf has released the D-pole in VST or DX but not for the Pulsar?
If I'm wrong let me know where I can download a demo.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2001 8:22 am
by subhuman
I'm pretty sure Waldorf won't be doing anymore SHARC programming after their first effort. They are also a small german synthesizer company with limited resources, right now their main coder Mr. Stenzel is very busy working on the Q.