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Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 11:01 am
by RobbieJ
<a name="planetz-file"></a><a href=" Cubase Project"><img src="/forums/images/file_icon.gif" border="0" alt=" File"> File</a><BR> <a name="planetz-tag"></a>Related To: Cubase<BR> <a name="planetz-tag"></a>Pulsar Version: Pulsar All Versions Ok<BR> _____________________________________<BR><BR> Here as promised is an update for my basic project using the new Scope Fusion Platform. Hope it proves useful!

If anyone has Power Sampler and wants a basic project along similar lines please let me know (Power Sampler is what I actually use myself).


Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 11:27 am
by mith
Hello there, RobbieJ.

A basic Powersampler-project would be great! :wink:
Despite googling around for a few hours, I haven't found any Powersamplerforums.

I got my first Powersampler II a couple of weeks ago, and suffer all the standard newbieproblems, though a few have disappeared as I dig deeper and deeper into the manuals.

All MIDI is dead(except when using other outputs than the Creamware ones). The meter on the midichannel reacts when I press a key, but there's no sound coming out. VST instruments and samplers work fine, though.

Recording works (with a condensator-mic with preamp plugged right into the card) but it records at such an unbelievably low level.

I have an AthlonXP 1800, 256 MB ram, WinXP, an Evolution MK-361C keyboard(connected via USB), run SFP 3.1b, and use Cubase SX, version 1.01.

So, a project just to get started a bit woldnn't be at all bad. :smile: