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Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:41 am
by spacef
This is a track that uses
- Neodyne for bass (heavily equalized)
- KrOn to control an analog sequence (one that sounds a bit like flute, at 2mn40 or so, it also uses the EGs/VCAs and delayer, eventhough in the course of mixing i've cut the samples and rebuilt the melody a bit in the DAW).
- B2003 for an organ doubling (into guitar sim vsts to distort it)
- Echo 4 and Tri-delay for delay effects (and you can hear bits of a new delay on a piano at 2mn54, and it does the "woosh" effect at 4mn22)
- the melodic synth at 1:40 and the solo that follows are spacef oscillators into Pigment (Some BB2 oscillators sampled, or may be the Magma collection, not 100% sure right now which is which but you get the idea).

I hope you like it...

The video is images from midjourney animated in (it's good for abstract psychedelic stuff, and might wortk sometimes on other subjects)


Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:34 am
by educavaedu