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What the future sounded like

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:15 am
by David
Unsure if this has been linked before
an interesting viewing about the birth of electronic music in Britain

What the future sounded like

Re: What the future sounded like

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 1:32 am
by at0m
Oh hadn't seen that one, I think. Thanks!

Another great historical one: "Modulations"
""Modulations is a feature-length documentary that captures a moment in history where humans and machines are fusing to create today's most exciting sounds.""

Found that last one browsing, after Valis recently remembered me of that old resource and I went back to reading the rave scene site.

Re: What the future sounded like

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:11 am
by t_tangent
Yes the first film is a great docu largely covering the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the birth of EMS. Not seen that Modulations film though. Thanks at0m, will watch that later.

Yes hyperreal is still a wealth of info, which reminds me I need to look up a couple of things on there. :)


Re: What the future sounded like

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:40 pm
by valis
I miss the hyperreal era :)

Re: What the future sounded like

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:08 am
by David
Great documentary atom
reminds me of a short documentary(?) on the emergence of the british 'niche' music scene 1996 courtesy of loladamusica
Prt3 (funniest part)