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CrossOver (to Ancient Egypt).

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:30 pm
by dante
I made this by remixing a song from previous album in Harrison (the original I posted here as well so its not new - just the mix and video). The video I made by plugging in a USB drive to my Xbox One X, recording game play and tour footage then using Magix Video Edit Pro Premium to weave in some other stuff as well.

My Father in Law (RIP 2017) used to watch History channel, either about WW2 or Ancient Egypt most nights for about 2 years. He spent his early days in Alexandria including when the fire fights from the battle of Al Alamein Rommel's forces were visible on the horizon some 60KM away. So we reminisced about that but also way further back in history when Alexander the Great was running rampant, and then even further back to the days of the Pharaoh. I learnt a lot from him about all those eras, and watching Howard Carter movies of course. All that plus a video game inspired this.