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Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:58 pm
by dawman
I decided to retire in Lake Tahoe, NV. and assist with raising my grandson.
Joined a band that works on weekends only.
Make 165 bucks for 2 nights.
We get to play lots of Tower of Power, Earth Wind & Fire, Bruno Mars and funky old Disco.
This is new for me.
I will have to share pics of this Dive Bar just to show you Musicians never die, we just take shittier gigs.

They never had such a good sounding keyboard rig on this stage.
I can pretty much guarantee that.
Other than sparse gigs in Norway and South Dakota this summer, I’m going to try and play these shit jobs as long as it’s fun.

Can’t wait to see people’s faces when I say I’m using Scope.

They don’t even advertise the band. Just says how much Prime Ribe Dinner is.
I need an 8 ball and some Jager...
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Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:37 am
by David
The sign says "The more you play the more we pay" - play twice as fast to double your dollar!
Free parking too!
Kudos to your organ arm.

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:19 pm
by dawman
What fun. Tipped valet 10 bucks, the guy brought me my keys last set.
Went to get the car and it was already parked by the load out doors.
In Vegas a 10 spot gets you a thank if you’re lucky.

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:16 pm
by Nestor
Have fun brother, and tell us what people impressions on SCOPE were, that would be interesting to get to know :D

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:12 am
by valis
Ah new digs, new vistas, new cycles...about ready for that myself. Glad to hear you’re off to a great start Jim!

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:30 pm
by dawman
Never played so many Horn Parts before.
My SE-02 and Baritone Sax were so boomy out of my B1200D Sub Amp it caused me to bring the volume down affecting the Spacestation sound as they are hooked up in series.

After a set of unsatisfactory sound I inserted Faxis Dual Slop Cut Filters on the Bari and SE-02 channels.
Cranked up the amps and it sounded fantastic.
Must have those honking Baritones on Tower of Power tunes.

Average people dancing commented on the Horn section work.
Nobody knew Scopes XITE-1 made critical changes in sound adjustments.
But sure I sure as hell knew what made it happen.

Thanks Faxi. Great Filter Cut. Really dialed in the shape of the sound.

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:07 am
by next to nothing
"sparse gigs in Norway and South Dakota "
Hope you get more than 160 bucks for the Norway gig :D

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:36 am
by dawman
Summertime the Northern Tundra Springs into life with outdoor events.
I guess the band sucked so bad last year the Swedes said no thanks...😄

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:04 am
by garyb
Saki and I took a tour of your town via Google Maps.

we found the camps of the snowbird zombies, but i didn't see you...
nice town, but where are they hiding the 55k population? the town is only some 10 miles across, and people only live in the middle. there are mostly single family homes, the bigger apartments/motels appear to be for seniors avoiding the snow in Minnesota...

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:11 pm
by Mr Arkadin
Funny, first thing I did was check it on Google - feel like I already know the town (as gary says, it seems quite small - smaller than I imagined). Digging the eagle on the tree statue and the faux-Victorian street lamps. Looks about ten miles from the lake: nice.

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 6:40 am
by kensuguro
"Average people dancing commented on the Horn section work."

LOL, average people dancing actually hearing any element of the music is a laudable accomplishment.

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:02 am
by dawman
garyb wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2018 11:04 am Saki and I took a tour of your town via Google Maps.

we found the camps of the snowbird zombies, but i didn't see you...
nice town, but where are they hiding the 55k population? the town is only some 10 miles across, and people only live in the middle. there are mostly single family homes, the bigger apartments/motels appear to be for seniors avoiding the snow in Minnesota...
I live 45 miles northwest of there.
The people are spread out over the area but condensed in the center in Soviet Cubicles.
The lounge was a converted Bingo parlor with a bar. But Jaeger was free since we only get 80 bucks a night.
Didn’t know elderly folks like Bruno Mars, Timberlake, Maroon 5 and Tower of Power.
Our female vocalist is really good, so good I’m bringing her over tonight.
She gets my Tube Soak Cascaded Fireworx Rack treatment.
She’s never used vocal FX before.
She’s in for a real treat.

We booked 2 weekends at the Northstar Ski Lodge.
Plus a guy with a Fusion/Jazz gig asked me to come sit in.
Their keyboardist is a College Professor who just got signed up for Tenure, more hours plus summer classes.
So all of this in 30 days from answering a Craigslist ad.

Thank God I’m not worried about the money.

Here’s what Kathy is going to get.
She won’t know what hit her.
I automate these live, and yes the parameters are modulated by over 38 CC# controllers.
Ducking reverbs and delays fizzing off from Filters being swept with slow Sine Waves.
I’m sick, but why not get the most from your gear.

I’m using to making hundreds a night and doing less.
Confusing times.

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Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:18 am
by garyb
"a young man should always have an occupation of some kind."
-Lady Bracknel(about smoking)

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:06 pm
by dawman
:D Ankyu...

Re: Carson City, Nevada....Where the dead come to gamble.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:42 pm
by Nestor
It is great that you can help your group with your experience about sound management and all. If you have a very good singer, you have, quite frankly, 50% of the gold in your pockets already, so important it is! You may have a great group, but if the singer does not do it, you don’t pay much attention, then you may have a bad band, with a good singer, you still pay attention to the singer… curious… :)

Sure you can achieve new highs with them, you are such a sharp man when it comes to quality sound! I would love to see you there! :wink: