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Usamo box

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 11:05 am
by JoPo
I'm working on a track with a complicated modular mess. I need accuracy, the midi cc messages modular receives are not in time. I tried a lot of things like placing midi cc on a negative delay midi track but I notice that the timing is randomized, so it's impossible to get exactly what I need.

I believe it's a computer issue : I've got midi timing issue with hardware synth, especially when sending a lot of midi data and I'm sure it's not the synth and I hope that the Xite midi input likes to receive tons of data.

So, I ordered an Usamo box from Expert sleepers : I'm full of hope.. I don't know if anyone has already tried it here on Z...

I've found it for 120€ with vat & delivery. Just need a 9vdc power supply easy to find in any supermarket. It was the last one and it seems that other shops are more expensive. I'm impatient to see the result...

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 4:14 pm
by dawman
Let us know how it works.
Will audio be the modulation source?

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:38 pm
by jksuperstar
Jopo, I've had very good success with ScopeSync (from Simon/willis). The latest version seems to be faster, but if that was still an issue for you for some reason, the older version they made used audio, so it wouldn't be possible to have any jitter. I think this is a better option than the USAMO box, because of the low latency interface direct to scope (it is solid for audio & control, just not as low latency/jitter free for MIDI).

There are virtually endless numbers of control available as well, not like MIDI with only 128 CC messages (crucial if you want to fully control a mixer like STM2448 with a touch screen controller like Lemur.)

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 2:57 am
by yayajohn
jksuperstar wrote: There are virtually endless numbers of control available as well, not like MIDI with only 128 CC messages (crucial if you want to fully control a mixer like STM2448 with a touch screen controller like Lemur.)
jk; you didn't by chance happen to write a Lemur patch for the STM2448? I started one long ago with midi cc's but abandoned it when I realized it would require me to write scripts to really be useful, however I was quite pleased with how the faders came out.

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 5:26 am
by JoPo
Jimmy -> yep, that's it : you've got a vsti pluing in your daw with which you make midi tracks with midi cc, notes, etc... The plugin transform those midi data into data that goes outside the computer via audio output into the usamo ; it convert those data into midi data again and you plug any normal midi in the usamo. No midi jitter.

Jk -> I already worked with ScopeSync, alas, cubase 8.5 crashed all the time. I send a cubase project to Will for him to check. I know Will is working on a ScopeSync that would work as vsti, exactly like the usamo box. But I'm affraid it will crash Cubase. Will works mainly with Ableton, I believe. And the actual ScopeSync (which, anyway, crashes cubase) works only with modular or any Scope device with an audio modulation input and not with midi.
The usamo sends midi, so, I can use it with any Scope device... Imagine you can control STM with 1 sample accuracy ! Wow ! For the moment, if I want to make some kind of midi automation on a STM channel level fader, for instance, like increase level for a brief moment, the playback will never be the same : sometimes before, or after the exact moment I want this level rise. I'm full of hope usamo will allow me to have the accuracy to always playback the automation exactly when I wish.
And one more point : I prefer drawing midi cc on a midi track thant using cubase automation.

Which daw do you use ?

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 7:04 pm
by ShogunSpy
So you know that Usamo is only one ch of midi ! There is also a midigal for the same price about $140 that can be used as a midi clock. It's a diy project but if you ask they will build it for you if you want.

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 7:36 pm
by jksuperstar
If you just need control over modular, the other option is to use Silent Way (same company) (or any other CV control , which is VSTi format, and also outputs audio. Send those outputs directly to SCOPE and into your modular, and you will have the same control as via the USAMO box. However, you'd have much greater dynamic range over midi. just another option to consider, if not you, then someone else reading this thread.

If you google "midi to cv vst", you'll find many other similar options available, from Motu Volta, through SynthEdit freebies that might not work 100%. All of them would work similarly to Silent Way...but if you don't need the LFO and other controls, and just wanted CC type control, or a MIDI to CV converter for note messages, this is a good, cheap ticket to very accurate and no-jitter control over the modular.

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 7:41 pm
by jksuperstar
yayajohn wrote:
jksuperstar wrote: There are virtually endless numbers of control available as well, not like MIDI with only 128 CC messages (crucial if you want to fully control a mixer like STM2448 with a touch screen controller like Lemur.)
jk; you didn't by chance happen to write a Lemur patch for the STM2448? I started one long ago with midi cc's but abandoned it when I realized it would require me to write scripts to really be useful, however I was quite pleased with how the faders came out.

I've dabbled with it, but got sidetracked by a new child and an ableton push in my house in the past year ;) I also found out the ScopeSync VSTi is multi-touch capable in both win7/8/10, and I happen to have a touch screen. This gave me the added benefit over an Ipad/Lemur in a larger display/surface, and direct control from the daw, so automation was easier to deal with and patches could now be saved with my daw project.

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 8:05 pm
by ShogunSpy
Oops did not see " modular mess " silent sleepers may work! not to sure if you need the hardware? You may need ES-3 and es-6. There's also some max for live cv tools ... x?id=14624 and NI have new blocks coming see the Motu software is very limited and very expensive and as mentioned Scopesync

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:18 am
by JoPo
Silent way looks nice but I'm wondering how, in Scope, you can have several control via just one audio I/O... Because if just one audio I/O = 1 control, like lfo frequency, or filter cutoff, no need silent way ! I can do it without any other soft than daw + Scope. That would be laborious but possible.

I don't see how I could control several Modular parameter with only one audio input in Scope. Which Scope module would "understand" and convert several different control data and outputs that one for filter cutoff, that one for LFO frequency, etc... I don't know if what I'm saying is clear enough...

Usamo allows me to carry several control data on one Scope audio output then have midi data that enter directly into Xite or hardware synth. Mainly, Scope devices are automatisable via midi and much less via audio.

--> Shogunspy --> Are you sure usamo is only one midi channel ? I tried to find this information without any result. Where did you see that ? One channel should be enough but several is better ! I'd like really to know and be sure !

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:33 am
by JoPo
In fact, by reading the usamo plugin manual, I can read :
usamo midi.jpg
usamo midi.jpg (67.35 KiB) Viewed 4916 times
So, it seems usamo can send incoming midi messages on the same channel number it is on the daw track or it can be sent out on a the specified channel.

Of course, I'll be absolutely sure only when I'll try it but apparently, you're wrong, Shogun... I hope you(re wrong.. :D

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 6:38 am
by ShogunSpy

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 7:42 am
by jksuperstar
Only the earlier version of scopesync does multiple controls over 1 audio signal that I know of. It basically does what the usamo does, with a special modular shell acting like the usamo box.

Silentway probably works best with just a hand full of mono or drum tracks at best.

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 8:12 am
by JoPo
Shogun, the link you provided seems to confirm 16 channels ! See last post of "os" on that page : ... &start=375

Yep, JK, latest ScopeSync allows several control over 1 audio signal but those control are audio like data : in cubase, it's automation control, you must draw it in the tracks window, not in midi editor and, don't know why, it crashes cubase. The benefit of usamo is (I hope !) to have as good midi timing as with vsti : sample accuracy... Yummy-yummy ! :D

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:07 am
by ShogunSpy
[quote="JoPo"]Shogun, the link you provided seems to confirm 16 channels ! See last post of "os" on that page : ... &start=375

That's good news !

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 10:21 am
by JoPo
:) Excellent news ! :P

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 8:16 am
by JoPo
That's it the usamo is arrived. I'm making some tests. Alas, it won't work with the headphone output. I don't know why and I'd like to find the spec of that analog output but impossible to find some details like impedance and so on..

Gary... I gonna ask for your help again, do you know where I can find Xite I/O spec, in S|C site, it's quiet laconic. In Xite manual, even less info. Maybe you know where to find more detail ?

So, for now, I use pci card via luna output. Now, I gonna chek the accuracy ! :)

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 9:01 am
by garyb
well, headphones typically have impedances of 25-600ohms. for sure, the headphone out will match that.

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 9:52 am
by JoPo
Ah.. Thanks, Gary.

Euh ! And what about the Xite analog outputs ?

Re: Usamo box

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 10:04 am
by JoPo
I don't understand... In the 'appendice' old manual, there are all Creamware hardware models spec. But I can't find the same spec infos about the Xite ! Grrr.

I don't understand why the usamo works like a charm on luna output and refuse to work properly with Xite headphone output.

Ah, yes, I was forgetting ! The usamo uses 16 midi channel, no doubt ! :wink: