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[ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:31 am
by stonberg
...I've finally decided to make some use of their ADAT interfaces to expand my I/O.

Truth be told I was only really looking for an additional stereo pair, for external h/w effects routing, but having a few more I/O can't help and I might even try to multi-track my TD30.

I've plumped for the Behringer ADA8200; maybe not the most professional interface on the planet, but a) I'm not a pro, and b) £145.

Srsly, £145 for 8x stereo balanced I/O pairs, + mic preamps..?! :o

Question for the masses, anything I should be aware of or look out for when setting up the new interface, or should it just work out of the box? Also, presumably I can still use the balanced XLR stereo I/O connections in conjunction with the ADAT ones?

Thanks :)

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:40 am
by jhulk
yes you can still use the outputs

i use an focusrite octepre gives you adat i/o pipe and and analog i/o

with mine works a treat the other adats go to a saffire pr0 56 in a macpro via thunderbolt

i get to use the scope system synths samplers mastering tools in my dsp system while using native and prologic as daw

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:29 am
by jksuperstar
Does your card also have a word clock? The ADA can get clock from adat or word clock, but word clock would be ideal.

My XITE and ADA8000 have no clicks with WC, but I do see clicks with no WC (ADAT only)

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:46 am
by tlaskows

I don't get any clicks with the A16 Ultra set as a slave on ADAT...


Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:52 am
by stonberg
I don't think so, I'd be running off the ADAT clock.

The Pulsar II 'Plus' version has the 2x sets of ADAT I/O, then a cable bundle containing XLR audio I/O, MIDI I/O/T, AES/EBU I/O.

The 'Connectors' section of the manual indicates:

If possible, you should configure the AD/
DA converters to operate as word-clock
master with Pulsar configured as wordclock

Is there any particular reason for this? e.g. clock stability?

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:04 am
by tlaskows

I would like to know the answer also, cause right now my Scope is the master and everything is smooth.


Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:11 am
by jhulk
i run mine as slave the focusrite is cock master

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:11 am
by jhulk
clock master doh

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:16 am
by garyb
make Scope master and the ADA9200 slave unless it works better the other way. "better" = no clicks or pops.
no big deal.

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:29 am
by tlaskows
That's the way I have it :)


Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:12 am
by jhulk
if your daw is on the same comp as scope then scope is master

if like me your using a mac as daw then have scope as slave

scope follows the devices clock via adat

both ways work with out clicks

clicks happen usually when both are set as master because there not in sync

word clock is usually when you have many devices so to keep them all clocked you have a master i used to use a big ben

but as now most of the stuff i use is adat i use that instead

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:17 am
by tlaskows
Good explanation,



Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:35 pm
by stonberg
Aye, cheers for that info :-)

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:50 am
by stonberg
"Nice rack, ston"

Why thank you :)


I bought a cheap Stagg rack with a tray to put my 19" things and mixer in. The new ADAT interface worked perfectly straight out of the box. TD30 now fully multi-tracked 8)

Thanks for all the advice and info.

Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:00 am
by tlaskows
Oh, you play a little bit of guitar!


Re: [ADAT] So, after 16 years of using my Pulsar II cards...

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:32 am
by stonberg
Don't know where you're getting these crazy ideas from..? :D


The 'overspill' guitars have to live downstairs.

As you can see, my bedroom studio is fully equipped:

1. Lava lamp for cool vibes
2. Long stick for poking things with
3. Cup of coffee
4. Mysterious cobweb indicating presence of giant spider :o
5. 1" pressure relieving cushion for prolonged sitting comfort