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Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:54 pm
by mz2250
Hi there, this is my first topic, I'm planning to buy a Scope Series Pci card, I think I will go with a pair of Scope Home ( Ex LunaII) cards, I'm practically only interested in Modular 2/Modular 3, one of the two cards comes with Scope 4.5.
So I have to buy a Win xp based Desktop , because I need to stay cheap and I also need xp for scsi device, can you please be so kind to help me with motherboards and hardware part of the PC, I heard that scope have some issues with various motherboards so I need help to make the right decison.
Thank you so much, and sorry for my poor english, it's not my native language.

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:16 am
by jta
hi mz2250,


I really like HP workstations (especially the HP XW4400 > HP XW4600 > HP Z400 line). Other people like Dell workstations or Lenovo (formerly IBM) workstations.
How to spot a workstation.

If you've worked in a cubicle with a desk and a chair, you've probably used a workstation. They sort of go together. Workstations and servers are different. Modern servers tend to be short, as in not very tall. (Length is a different story). An industrial or pro-audio-type 19"-wide rack will often host several servers, stacked on top of one another. Servers tend to be very powerful, sometimes noisy, and with somewhat limited options for connecting peripherals. The text you are reading at this very moment and your replies (please) are no doubt routed through servers of this type. Unless you are very comfortable with concepts such as Serial attached SCSI (SAS), you don't want a server. No matter how powerful or robust.

Non-corporate desktop computers are at the other end of the spectrum. That gamer's overclocked PC with blue lights inside shining out through clear plexiglass side panels is a non-corporate desktop computer--almost guaranteed. The PC you use at home is probably a non-corporate desktop computer too. Should you buy one of those? I'd say probably not, unless you know its complete history. A machine built by a gamer has likely been overclocked. A mass-market PC may have been gently used, or perhaps the owner's three year old used the DVD tray as a sippy-cup holder. Home use differs from corporate use in one important way--there's no IT department at home. That's good if you're looking to re-purpose your new (new to you) computer. But I'd suggest that if you're buying a used computer, buying one that's only been used under the sharp eye of a nosy, busybody IT department is a pretty good idea. And that means a workstation.
(I wrote that when I was writing a series called "Senior Linux.")

What I'd suggest next is to choose a line, i.e. HP, Dell or Lenovo and then spend a couple of weeks learning about the particular line. Look at the prices at eBay. The range is pretty wide. I like used workstations that cost $100 to $200.

best, john

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:52 am
by garyb
the above is perfect advice, imo.

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:42 pm
by mz2250
Thanks jta for your tempestive reply , today I was surfing on ebay and I've seen some xw workstation, so you confirm my good thoughts about that, now I will keep my eyes open on the internet for some workstations, if someone have some other advices or some experience about lenovo and dell workstation just feel free to reply to this post, any advice will be very helpfull.
Also thank you garyb for your reply.
By the way where I can read more of your series senior linux jta? It seems fun and very helpfull !

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:30 pm
by mz2250
Just another question, how much the processor and the ram are important with a Creamware/Scope card?

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:17 pm
by jta
mz2250 wrote:...
By the way where I can read more of your series senior linux jta? It seems fun and very helpfull !
Thanks mz2250. Try this: ... howAll=yes ... howAll=yes ... howAll=yes ... howAll=yes ... howAll=yes

The added comments should be available also.
Just another question, how much the processor and the ram are important with a Creamware/Scope card?
Enough - if it's a workstation <grin>

To learn more, look at this: ... id=3429270

Thanks garyb for the kind words.

best, john

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:51 pm
by jhulk
the scope cards work perfect with a p4

i use dual zeons and its quick but because the pci cards dont use much cpu resources apart from ram for samplers and some delay type effects

and 4gb of ram

with a win7 32 machine you can easily use 8gb or 12-16 as win7 32 allows you to allocate 4gb per program process so its good for kontakt
and scope samplers

just make sure you do the recommended bios instruction and os functions so that scope works flawlessly

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:26 pm
by mz2250
Thank you so much for your responses, I must say this is a very good forum and users are very friendly , I've never seen a forum like that :) , by the way my insterst in scope dsp cards are delivered to the Modular 2/3, so the sampler part it's not so important , I own some HW samplers and I also use a laptop for kontakt, so I can use it live ( I'm a piano player :D ) . so I'm very happy to hear ( also my wallet :D ) that scope can work flawless with a P4, but if I find a cheap Hp Xw workstation I will take it without any further doubts, any advice about Lenovo or Dell ? Wich series are bang for the buck something like that( just to hear different opinions).

For jta I will read your series thank you for the links.

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:40 pm
by garyb
Lenovo and Dell are fine. i think the HP XW4400 is about the best value for the money, at least here in the USA.

if you are into modular, i'd get a bigger card than a Luna...
stuff that sounds really good will eat dsps.

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:44 pm
by mz2250
thanks garyb thats a point that I've underestimate , something like 6/12 dsp should be better? I've seen here in italy some scope project card under 200 euros (230/250 $) .

Re: Win xp Based Desktop PC

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:50 pm
by garyb
6 minimum. 12 would be much better.

the cards seem expensive until you consider their lifespans. some of the cards are 15 years old or older. of course, you never know how long an old card will function, but it could be another 10 years as easily as 10 months.