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Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:45 am
by roy thinnes
As every Greek mythology geek knows, Harmonia is the daughter of Venus.
And as every ModularSynth geek knows, Venus is a patch made by Spirit some 10 years ago.
Harmonia is an emulation of Spirit's patch, with some improvements.


But the real cause I made Harmonia was that I wanted to test my Parameter XFade circuit that I made with BCModular some time ago.


The Harmonia (Venus) device is a quite simple and straightforeward subractive synthesis synth, with some effects.
With HarmoniaCX, some parameters (labelled blue) can be crossfaded.
In the CX control panel, you see two 'banks' with 8 sound slots. You can crossfade from an upper to a lower sound.
There are two crossfade modes: Ramp and Manual.
In Ramp mode, crossfade is performed by a ramp; fade time can be set with the 'rampT' control.
In Manual mode, crossfade is performed by moving a slider.
Presets: presets made with Harmonia can be loaded into HarmoniaCX if wanted (but not the other way around.)

More info on here.
Download device, Ramp.dll, HostStat.dll, Presets: here
Sound demos:
HarmoniaCX Bass Drone
HarmoniaCX Chords Pattern
HarmoniaCX Arpeggio

updated HarmoniaCx version (new features = red rings on image)

-sound slots can now be selected using potentiometer controls (resp. CC).
-for some reason, the samplerate and Ulli auto-detection doesn't work sometimes. please adjust manually.
-filters can now also be modulated by multiLfo.

Download device (just updated version)
audio snippet on Soundcloud


Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:38 am
by erminardi
Thanks a lot Roy :o

I'm trying it but it says: "Can't find DSP file Host Stats VC100", any idea of where I can find it?

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:40 am
by JoPo
Waooh ! Excellent , xfade between 2 sounds ! It glides without any unpleasant disruption.

And I must say that the midi in led on the "i" point of Harmonia is of the most beautiful effect !

Thanks a lot for this synth ! I'm impatient to read some more info on cwmodular site.

-> Eminardi I think you should find the dsp file with Roy Delay or with some of his other devices ... here :

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:52 am
by sharc
Some really nice sounds to be had here. The parameter morphing on the CX is excellent!!

Thanks again Roy 8)

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:14 am
by erminardi
I find some difficulties to understand how the morphing panel (8+8 buttons) really works.
Of course if I press random I can hear the resoults, but I like to understand what I'm doing in a synthesis ;)

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:46 am
by erminardi
Man, after 1 hour of tweaking: definitely the best free synth ever for Scope! And one of the best in absolute.
Infinite possibilities with the Ramp morph.
Very funny, well sounding.
I liked to under layer with a bass synth and play it monophonic.

Thanks again.

Ps. can you share the missing DSP please? It sounds, but not sure if in full of its potential.

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:40 am
by dawman
Jeez dude that Arpeggio demo is awesome, love the way the entire synth morphs using the LFO ( I assume) and gets all Pulsey like the new Waldrof synth.

Festivities tonight..... :wink:

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:16 pm
by roy thinnes
Glad that you like it!
sorry I missed the HostStat dll in the download file; it's now included in the zip, and yes, it's the same as in my Delay device (thanks JoPo for mentioning it).
For more information, please take a look here.

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:19 pm
by dawman
I had that dll. from some other device, had me worried for a minute there, but I would have noticed upon loading if it were missing.

Thanks Again RoyT.

btw I love your 4 x 2 x 2 and MuStIns Modules, they look fantastic but they are such excellent modules.

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:26 am
by roy thinnes
Jimmy did I hear a suggestion to include some insert Fx? Yes, I thought of that too.
I keep that in mind.

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:20 am
by erminardi
Could be also very cool to have the Delay section as standalone device.
It sounds very good for me! I think that a great % of beauty of this synth is in the delay chain.
Could be very useful as effect in our mixes ;)


Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:16 am
by JoPo
-> Eminardi :

I think it already exists... The delay section is very similar to this :

It mays be about the same...

and it exists also in modular module version with i/o (or version without i/o) for puting anything you want in the feedback path here : ... &start=240

Those devices are stunning !

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:05 am
by JoPo
Roy... Is n't it possible to have the crossfaded parameters settings changing while the crossfading between 2 sounds ? I'm not sure to be clear enough... Watching settings numbers changing with the sound. But I don't know if it is feasible.

I guess the yellow and red number are both sounds between one crossfades and to check there settings, we must clic on the yellow / red number, ok ? I just noticed that one can crossfade between any upper (yellow) slot with any red slot.
And the blue settings which are different in the yellow or red sound are crossfaded, right ? I'd like to see them evolving during the crossfade ! :D It would be very convenient...!

I firstly thought the number of yellow / red slot had to be the same.. But not at all.. --> THIS means when I hear the yellow sound, I can choose one of the 8 red sounds and crossfade to it and when I hear only the red one, I can change the yellow slot without hearing anything and then crossfade to it ! -----> !! THIS IS TOTALY BRILLIANT !!

As soon as I understood this, I tried to switch between slots via midi but I get an error message... :(
Harmonia.jpg (7.4 KiB) Viewed 8436 times
ARrrgh ! what a pity ! I had to reload the synth to get rid of the message.

Ah ! People has never enough ! 8)
But this is an absolutely fantastic device.

- - - - Question : 1 preset = 8 yellow + 8 red slots ? - - - -

- - - - Question : Could you give us more info about the FXfd section ? - - - -

Thanks !!

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:10 pm
by roy thinnes
Hi JoPo!
Watching settings numbers changing with the sound
yes of course that would look cool.
I considered it too, and was a bit disappointed that it wouldn't make much sense (IMHO).
It would only work with a button where you can select 'edit mode' (like it is now) or 'look on changing parameters mode' :D
Which would be possible no doubt, but I think it's not worth the effort.

But what distresses me is that MinMod>=MaxMod message, which never happened to me.
Did you just play one of the 'sound slot select notes' (C-2 to d#-1), and then the message appeared? Is it reproducable?

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:54 pm
by JoPo
Yes.. I can understand that just for watching the settings numbers evolving, it must be a hard work ! It's not so important ! Less than the sound ! And more dsp power for it !

I'm a bit stupid : I read all the cwmodular page about Harmonia but I tried to change slot number with a midi controler nevertheless ! Why ? I don't know.
It works perfectly with the C-2 to d#-1 midi notes ! So if you want to reproduce the message, try with a controler ! :lol:
I don't care to change slot by midi note or midi controler ! The time ramp works perfecty with a midi controler, which is essential to me.

Thanks a lot, Roy !

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:22 am
by yayajohn
:o Holy Cow! Roy that is one very FAT Bastard! I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one. Thanks a bunch.

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:51 am
by JoPo
It is really nice device !
I'd like some more info about the FXfd section. I guess it's about modulation but even by playing with it, I don't understand very well what it does exactly.

I agree with Eminardi , it's one of the best Scope synth !

Another strange thing : When I'm on slot 1 yellow (for example), I can change with midi note to 1 red but when I want to go back to 1 yellow (by midi note), it doesn't work ! It works only with all the other yellow ! And it behaves like this with other slots ( example : 3Yellow -> 3red, just one time, after only with non 3 slots). Is it normal ?

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:44 pm
by roy thinnes
Sorry for the late reply, I was offline a couple of days.
I tried to switch between slots via midi but I get an error message
now I think I know what you ment JoPo. You tried to switch via a midi controller (range 0-127), and maybe it didn't work because the switches have a range of 0-7.
You should use notes to switch between sound slots.
When I'm on slot 1 yellow (for example), I can change with midi note to 1 red but when I want to go back to 1 yellow (by midi note), it doesn't work !
Yes, this is something I'm aware of. And it is exactly what I meant in the device discription when I wrote 'Switching works only if a new slot is selected'. Don't know atm how to avoid this, but there is some workaround:
copy/paste (via the arrow buttons) the sound to another slot, so you have two identical copies (which you can switch via notes in any way you want).

Example: you want to switch between sound A1 and B1 (A = upper/yellow bank, B=lower/red bank) via note messages.
-copy A1 to B8 (select A1 and B8, press 'down' arrow)
-copy B8 to A2 (select A2 and B8, press 'up' arrow)
-> you have two identical sounds on slots A1 and A2.

-copy B1 to A8 (select B1 and A8, press 'up' arrow)
-copy A8 to B2 (select A8 and B2, press 'down' arrow)
->you have two identical sounds on slots B1 and B2.

--B8 and A8 are just buffer slots, you can take any slot you don't need (except A1, A2, B1, B2)
Now you can switch between A1 and B1, or, if they are already selected, between their identical copies A2 and B2.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but at the moment I have no idea how to improve the circuit.

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:50 pm
by JoPo
Excellent ! I didn't realized it's possible to copy yellow slot 1 to any red slot but 1 ! :D
The problem is not a problem anymore..

And for the FXfd section, I understand now what it's about --> another stupenda feature !

Thanks !

Re: Harmonia + HarmoniaCX

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:59 pm
by yayajohn
Roy I have to say I absolutely love these synths you created. They have a rich deep sound, a very user friendly interface, highly compatible on the Xite, and layer nicely with other synths. - I can't stop playing it!