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Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:05 pm
by lunaorbit
I have been using this motherboard with success, I just thought I would hand this on.

3x PCI slots running 3 scope cards, AM3+ socket with a AMD FX-8350 (8 Core) CPU

For me this motherboard has been a great option !

Re: M5A87

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:12 pm
by vascomusic
Thanks for sharing this info!

Are you running 3 DSP boards on this mainboard?
I wonder how many Masterverbs the chipset is able to handle.. :)

Re: M5A87

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:33 pm
by lunaorbit
This chipset carries a heavy DSP load, i have not done the reverb test. I have had a problem with little dropouts in asio audio. so I am unsure what is causing this, it could be the chipset.. Or it could be problems with the driver and cubase 7.5 and ASIO GUARD.. I am running 2xpulsar2 1X luna 2 cards.

Re: M5A87

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:23 pm
by vascomusic
Thanks for your reply.
Dropouts can be caused by many things.
Some tips:

In BIOS setup try:
PCI latency timer 64 or 96
Disable HT (Hyperthreading)
Disable (CPU) stepping settings
Disable power management.
Disable onboard devices not needed.

In Windows:
Disable video bus-master option if possible (depends on brand/driver)
Try to increase the ASIO buffer size / increase latency in Cubase (I don't know if possible with Cubase 7.x)
Try raising ULLI latency ms in SCOPE settings, and try other types of ASIO (dest) module in SCOPE.

If Windows 7 or 8:
try DPC Latency Checker for detecting possible bad drivers

Re: M5A87

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:06 pm
by lunaorbit
thank you for the tips, i have tried most of these options, some though i have not, i will keep trying.

I did the mastererb test.

9 masterverbs - PCI overload at 10.

I will do a few more tests and keep you updated.