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Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:36 am
by Peter4724
Here annother Demo of the new compressor serie.
That is a particular 3 band compressor.
Inform me of your impressions.

Vintage BTC_SC.PNG
Vintage BTC_SC.PNG (197.87 KiB) Viewed 3690 times

Re: Vintage Tube Compressor DEMO

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:24 am
by dawman
It has a nice sound to it. High ratios give this a Tube Limiter character to it.
Filters are well used, and the control over Tube amount, and Mix/Comp amounts is nice to have.
Would love to see the little gadget that allows the GUI to stay on top for viewing the surface, and also Sidechaining would be nice.


Re: Vintage Tube Compressor DEMO

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:37 am
by sunmachine
dawman wrote:... and also Sidechaining would be nice.
Looks like Peter already implemented your request... :)

Re: Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:26 pm
by dawman
Indeed he did and the Filters really shine when combined with the odd way I use Sidechaining.
When testing Native or DSP Filters and FX there's nothing better than a FAT BASTARD SE-1 which can nail the entire frequency range, especially when high resonant values can be swept.

The Sidechain option is very nice and can be controlled with high precision.
So yes, this is a fine beast, and the Tube controls are sweet.
I can shape the sound of the Solaris and SE-1 simultaneously, and even without the Sidechaining the Compressors filtering tames the mighty SE-1.

One question though.
The S letter next to the button above the LF button is obviously for soloing.
But I was curious as why this was added, or perhaps why and how would you use this feature.

Thanks Peter

Re: Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:54 pm
by Peter4724
One question though.
The S letter next to the button above the LF button is obviously for soloing.
But I was curious as why this was added, or perhaps why and how would you use this feature.
Hi dowman

If you want to separate the bass from the Compressor (Bass Filter), you can before-hear the frequency-separation here.


Re: Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:28 am
by dawman
OK, the sound is so much different when isolated and really helps dialing in the freq this way.
I can hear the isolation added back into the mix.
Your filters are really precise on all of your devices. obviously spent lots of time with this stuff, and thanks again for the SC.
Can't wait to see the Rotary. If it's as good as the other devices I am sure that one will part my hair as I will crank it up on my stage monitors and punish my neighbors.


Re: Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:28 am
by t_tangent
Yes I agree totally Jimmy. Peter's devices sound fantastic and like you I am really looking forward to when he releases the full versions and all the other devices such as Leslie, delays etc for sale. :)

Re: Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:24 am
by dawman
Vinco's Sidechaining controls are very sensative and tend to bring out the audio a bit much after a release. It can be fine tuned but requires me to make additional adjustments on the device that is sent to the SC inputs.
His choices add extra options thining down the audio that will ne affected by the sidechain as well as the audio that is being sidechained.
Nice finely tuned device....

Re: Vintage Tube Compressor with SC DEMO

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:46 am
by basati
hi Peter

All your plugs are awesome!
Waiting for release...

Thank you for free devices!

scope ahead!
