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Synth pre-amp + Xite?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:47 pm
by neuromantik
Hello everyone...
I'm currently playing with some old hw synths on loan (consider it a prolonged testing phase), a dw8000 & jd800 to be precise..
Anyhow I'm not a huge electronics expert but the outputs don't seem that hot to me, at least when I connect the latter two directly to my a16 which is feeding my Xite. The only other piece of hw that I possess currently is a PEK and the signal is perfect going directly to SCOPE.
So my question is the people here with some legacy (late 80s-early 90s) gear, do any of you use preamps or should I rather be looking at these relics more closely and perhaps invite someone with a multimeter? If so, are there any synth preamps that you might recommend which aren't the ones mentioned on GS which will cost me a nut? :P


Re: Synth pre-amp + Xite?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:11 pm
by garyb
there are two standards for audio line level. one is for consumers and one is for the professional industry.

synths are almost all at the consumer -10(-20)db level, not the +4db level of a balanced line like the A16 Ultra. you can add gain with a mixer, or just add gain in Scope. even though the level is a bit low, you'll still get a more than adequate conversion.

the A16 Ultra has dip switches on the back that let you change the level on the first 8 or second 8 channels. you might want to use this, so that say, the first 8 channels of AD/DA(1-8) would be -10 and the last 8(9-16) would be +4. then you could use the inputs that best matched the source level. you could also flip the switch just when you used synths like that.

if you have an A16 Mk2, it also allows you to choose the input and output level between the two standards. this is really common. the level of the synth(if you're using the correct output, many old synths have a couple of choices) wouldn't be low because it was old. it might just be a little low because that's how it was made. i haven't seen old synths to have a typically low level, unless their output section was damaged.

most mic pres, and pretty much all pro mic pres are +4 balanced out, so most AD/DAs are set to +4 by default.

Re: Synth pre-amp + Xite?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:24 pm
by dawman
Dude my Analog hardware sounds buzzy fat and jusicy using the XITE-1 pre amps. You can only run them at 9 0'clock (25%) but it's worth it.

Re: Synth pre-amp + Xite?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:39 pm
by garyb
that's also an option, going into a hiz micpre input.

Re: Synth pre-amp + Xite?

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:02 pm
by neuromantik
garyb wrote: synths are almost all at the consumer -10(-20)db level, not the +4db level of a balanced line like the A16 Ultra. you can add gain with a mixer, or just add gain in Scope. even though the level is a bit low, you'll still get a more than adequate conversion.

the A16 Ultra has dip switches on the back that let you change the level on the first 8 or second 8 channels. you might want to use this, so that say, the first 8 channels of AD/DA(1-8) would be -10 and the last 8(9-16) would be +4. then you could use the inputs that best matched the source level. you could also flip the switch just when you used synths like that.
I'm an idiot :P Guess I've been spoiled with balanced hw and I forgot to hit the switch, they were all at +4db... Gonna give it another go once my neighbors leave for work! Thanks :)

ps. Never thought that mic pres could add some fuzz, gonna try that too, watching the speakers of course

Re: Synth pre-amp + Xite?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:50 am
by dawman
Yeah the sound is different and just Buzzier, so the sacrifice is fine.
Plus I can tell these lazy schmucks I have no I/Os for them.
Some gigs we get no stage monitors, others we do.
So now they need to buy some gear, they need the XITE-1 D but
typical Vegas lizzard. Little as possible, and never on time for rehersals.