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Protools 10with Scope 5.1 with PCI cards under Windows7/8?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:16 am
by mjproc

I´ve (sadly) abandoned my old creamware cards a long time ago, (still located in an old pc collecting dust).... I hoped the SC would release OSX drivers/software, but realize this will not happen :-?

My current setup is MacPro (OSX) and Avid Mbox3 Pro + Eleven Rack (linked with spdif) and Protools 10 as my main DAW

I am VERY happy with my setup! However.... I can´t stop thinking of my "old" creamware cards and the lost potential with 9 DSP´s in my setup... (I also have A16Ultra for outboards)

What I thought could be done is to install Windows 7 or 8, upgrade to Scope5.1 and run windows version of Protools.

Have anyone tested PCI cards with ASIO under Protools? Is it Stable? Any digital "glitches/jitter" when running through ADAT@48kHz ?

I hate to pay out 239EUR and end up with a unstable lowend audio system..... ( I would LOVE if the Creamware hardware if sonically superior to Mbox 3 Pro ....and stable.....)

Re: Protools 10with Scope 5.1 with PCI cards under Windows7/

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:56 pm
by the19thbear
Search for my username and pro tools and you should get some info here on planetz. As far as I remember I got it working but had to disable half the cores otherwise I would get crazy CPU spikes. This didn't happen with other cards only the creamware ones.
I made the switch to Mac as well and dropped my old cards but I miss it still. I really hope they will make an osx version some day but a lot of other things will have to be sorted out/developed first so who knows..
I you get it going under windows make sure to check out the free DAS tape plugin. I have NEVER heard any other plugin get convincing over bias tape sound. It sound SO good and gives you that hi freq sheen on a mix that I really can't get with any other software.
Good luck!

Re: Protools 10with Scope 5.1 with PCI cards under Windows7/

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:08 am
by Bifop
Protools 10 is working without any glitches here on a Gigabyte EX58-UD5 + I7 920 and a 6 dsp card. Scope 5.1 on Windows 7 64 bits.

Hope this helps.

Re: Protools 10with Scope 5.1 with PCI cards under Windows7/

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:40 am
by mjproc
Great news! Have you enabled all the cores in PT?

Re: Protools 10with Scope 5.1 with PCI cards under Windows7/

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:57 am
by Bifop
6 CORES enabled. (I have Hyper Threading enabled).