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Xite with PCI card Scope Pulsar 2 etc....

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:15 am
by fraz

If there was a PCI card Scope installed on the same PC as Xite - would it be necessary to have 2 installations of the Scope Fusion Platform software?

Xite - PCI-e
Scope - PCI

2 seperate sytems but on same PC

I hope one installation would be needed as this would mean one project only for SFP.......

Re: Xite with PCI card Scope Pulsar 2 etc....

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:59 am
by djmicron
i think it needs 2 dedicated installs, one scope pci and one scope xite.
I have not tried it, but i see scope pci and scope xite as different packages on the sonic-core ftp, so it makes sense.

Re: Xite with PCI card Scope Pulsar 2 etc....

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:20 am
by JoPo
It works very fine for me, here, since around 3 years now.
Yes : you need 2 scope installation and run them at the same time. The xite & pci Scope are specific and the xite one cannot be loaded with pci boards (and the opposit as well).
Then you can use (like I do) the pci & xite adat i/o for sounds data between both system. In this way, you still have all your pci i/o.

Re: Xite with PCI card Scope Pulsar 2 etc....

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:33 am
by petal
Scoperise to the rescue:

Dante wrote an article about this a while back: