CompressorX (by alnegri)

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I am a beginner. I bought CompressorX but I cannot hear a strong effect (it seems hard to move). Have I to increase the input signal up to 0 db? If I do so, the noise from the mixer increase, and if I reduce the output level, the compression is not appreciable (in signal +10, out signal -10. threshold -20, comp 20,attack 0.1, release 50).
Which are the values for a generic compression? (if I applie the settings of Waves compressor, I have not the same effect). I heard something about compressing twice. Is it right.

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Subject: Compressor Basics

Here are some values to start with for general purpose:

Increase gain until the input of CompX shows -1 to 0 db.
Threshold -24 to -18 db
Ratio 4:1
Attack 5-10 ms
Release 30-100 ms

Brickwall -1 db for a bit headroom

Look at the Gain Reduction.
Add the amount of reduced db to the output.
Compare with Bypass-button and listen.

Play around with Threshold and Ratio to get a feeling for the controls.
Then get to learn the - most tricky - adjustments of attack/release times.

E.g. :For a sampled 909 bassdrum I use 3-5 ms attack and 5-15 ms release with -12 db threshold and 5:1 Ratio. Out Gain +2 to +4 db

Hope that was fist aid.
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