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Scope 5.1 64 bit won't work on my pc

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:42 pm
by djstudio
i have upgraded my scope 5.0 to 5.1 for use my cards (luna 2 and 2 pulsar 1) with WIN 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
Now i have received key only for LUNA 2 (in the V5.0 there are also for pulsar 1...) but i know that only for 1 board needed scope v5 or V5.1key.
Ok, on my pc with scope 5.0 and windows xp home edition and cubase 5.5.2 no problem, all work correctly
On the same pc (dual core e7400) i have installed only win 7 ultimate sp1 64 bits scope 5.1 and cubase 5.5.2 64 bits version.
I have edited my cset.ini to set first board as luna 2 so ULLI can work with 7 ms latency but i have some problems:
From Cubase asio panel i see that VST AUDIO SYSTEM is ASIO SCOPE PCI with correctly latency but VST System Link is empty and no line in or line out are avaible.
If i load a VST INSTRUMENT from scope pci or load a PLUG-IN from scope pci cubase freeze.
Some time i receive error message dsp not found or vxd not found.
My project loaded in scope is the default file (i don't have modify nothing because in scope 5 all worked).
Now i have my workstation in stanby and i can't work. Where my the error? I hurt to buy the upgrade?

P.S. sorry for bad english

Re: Scope 5.1 64 bit won't work on my pc

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:59 pm
by garyb
there are limits to 64bit. i don't know if system link works in 64bit. it might.
there is no xtc in 64bit in most sequencers. 64bit doesn't necessarily work better than 32bit right now, but in the future it may. new operating systems are never fisished at first.

Scope mode works very well in 64bit.

Re: Scope 5.1 64 bit won't work on my pc

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:26 pm
by djstudio
Hi Garyb
what do you advise me? Back to 32-bit with scope 5.1 or better 5.0 and wait for troubleshooting xtc 64-bits?

Re: Scope 5.1 64 bit won't work on my pc

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:36 pm
by garyb
well, you might as well stay on v5.1, regardless.
why did you move to 64bits?

for rompler samples, the extra ram in 64bit makes the work around of using Scope mode(i prefer Scope mode myself) worthwhile.
for most other operations, 32bit works just fine. my general rule is "if it works, don't fix it".

Re: Scope 5.1 64 bit won't work on my pc

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:18 pm
by djstudio
ok i have downgraded to 32 bit and now all vst connection are ok but why this:

Re: Scope 5.1 64 bit won't work on my pc

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:41 pm
by djstudio
:D ...... run as administrator :D :D