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Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:52 am
by nova express
first recording session with dynatube .
one word : AMAZING :o

guit godin XT --> wha--> radial DI --> neve preamp --> HD24XT converter --> Soniccore--> dynatube

i got a JCM800 superlead 100w since 25 years so i'm used to his sound .
This is the first time I've got the sensation to play with the real thing ! it's unbelievable !!
as i'm a fanatic of re-amping I bought the dynatube for the convenience of zero latencie monitoring during the tracking and then re-amp later with my amp ( soniccore-->HD24XT converter --> radial reamp DI--> JCM --> m160 ribbon --> nevepreamp-->HD24XT converter --> Soniccore ) .
This plug in change my mind !!! why to re-amp if the sound is already there !!!!!!
I can feel the difference in the preamp stage and master stage like the real thing ! and franckly it never happen in real life to put the master to 10 with a real jcm800 100W ! it's freaking LOUD !!!! ( I always need a power break ).
This is the first time i'm happy with a virtual preamp. it's so dynamic ! you can control the drive directly with the volume pot of the guitar exactly like in real life . we were really surprised . it's exacly like having the real amp in front of you.

i will test soon the bass amp with my bass player . he has a really great vintage rickenbacker 4001 and he play on a ampeg svt4 in the rehearsal sudio . so we will see . ( i'm in a hurry to test it ! )

( i'm not working for dynatube ! :D )


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:52 am
by katano


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:47 am
by garyb
feel the power of Scope!



Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:54 am
by nova express
I've got my creamware boards (P1+P2+SRB) since 2000 ! sure it's my secret weapon !
eleven years after they work like a charm . it's the best investment in my studio.
even after all these years I'm astonish by his power !!!


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:19 pm
by dante
I only have 1 dynatube the JM (must get Mesa Boogie) - all elec guitar recording (and some acoustic) has gone thru it since I got it 2-3 years ago. Its awesome. In fact in one way better than mic'ing the real thing coz you can overdrive it in a confined domestic space without raising hell with the neighbours.


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:29 pm
by Fluxpod
Yeah the softtube amps rock! I have the bundle and for synths-drums or even on efx returns they are just great. I wish they would do more for scope.I have the tonelux niveau filter and their pultec and tube tech emus and they are amazing.Well worth the money!!!


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:16 am
by bosone
i use a POD PRO without any effect/preamp/sim to deliver the dry signal (no fx/preamp/sim/cab) to scope with the digital sfpid connection. if needed i can also add an overdrive to get some more distortion.

i have found that there's far less noise than using my (cheap) preamp tb202 or the presonus tube pre, and it's work very well.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:45 am
by nova express
no noise at all with the DI . I use a standard RADIAL passive DI (PRO DI ). I always use passive DI , the noise rejection is better imho.
we feel no need for a overdrive . allready plenty of "classic" distorsion . Next time I will try with my zvex mammoth pedal to have the FUZZ sound .

by the way is there any FUZZ emulation on scope ?
do someone can give me clue to do it on modular ? i want fuzz and not a classic distorsion .
i don't know the "math" behind the fuzz . I feel it's more like a kind of wave shaper that a overdrive distorsion .
also i would liek re-create the zvex MACHINE :
"It generates the distortion of the wave in the sloped part of the cycle, instead of the peaks and valleys like all other distorters and fuzzes. In other words, it distorts when your guitar string is in the middle of vibrating"
but I do not know how to do that in modular .

maybe i should create another thread for that ...


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:15 pm
by nova express
how is it possible to use the marshall 4X12 cabinet with the AG head ( bass amp ) ? ... ube-ag.pdf

page 3

i've tried with no success ....


Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:55 pm
by dante
I thought you would just make the selection from the 'Amp Model' and 'Speaker Model' dropdowns - is that what you tried ?


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:24 am
by firubbi
dynatube is great :)


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:33 am
by nova express
yes dante it's what i've tried .

in DYNABASS on the speaker model I've only acces to the bass speakers and not all speakers (bass + amp ). it's the same in guit amp .. this time i've only acces to the guit speakers ...

any idea ?


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:34 am
by RecS
Within two years I ask S|C to make switch "off" AMP and operation only Speakers in Dynatube
Changes nothing :( :( :(

It very simply becomes - only "Off" switch for AMP!

Imagine, how many years they will do all speakers (bass + amp) :lol:


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:38 am
by nova express
I don't ask for an added feature : ;-)
it's already there as explain in the pdf page 3 ... ube-ag.pdf

i wonder how to do this ? maybe there is a special trick ? here it seems guitare dynatube and bass dynatube don't share their speakers to each other with the dropdown menu


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:28 am
by nova express
about the "sharing" speakers . Ralf just told me it was a planned feature but for some reasons it never happen possible . he hope to do so one day ...


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:09 pm
by dante
Ok, interesting. I was going to buy Mesa Boogie and try swapping it around with Jim Marshall. Now Ill just have to be content with the awesome sound of each one alone :D


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:47 pm
by Mr Arkadin
nova express wrote:about the "sharing" speakers . Ralf just told me it was a planned feature but for some reasons it never happen possible . he hope to do so one day ...
It is there. There is a device called DynatubeBassRack which allows the bass amp heads to use any of the bass or guitar cabs. Sadly there is no DynatubeGuitarRack device to allow use of bass cabs with guitar heads.

Remindes me, I need to write to SC to get Vinco DT working with Scope 5.0: the key doesn't work for some reason - anyone else have this problem?


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:36 am
by nova express
@dante : no problem to swap from speaker to speaker within a type of amp and related speaker. it's just that I want to use guitar speaker with bass amp head

@Mr Arkadin . where can i find the DynatubeBassRack ?? i'm not at my scope-PC right now but I remember to have seen the DynatubeBassRack when i've installed the plug ins but I don't remember to have seen it on the plug ins menu on the scope window ? I will check that asap

by the way no problem at all with the vinco DT here in scope 5.0.

and thx a lot for your input !


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:57 am
by babaorum
When I tried the MB Mesa Boogie I had a lot of noises , that was just no-usable without a gate :o
But It was long ago and I'm not sure if I had already my DI, I'll try again when I'll be able to use my PC wich is unavailable for the moment ... :oops:


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:03 pm
by dante
nova express wrote:@dante : no problem to swap from speaker to speaker within a type of amp and related speaker. it's just that I want to use guitar speaker with bass amp head
Ok thanks for the clarification. Anyway I'm not sure the shop sell MB unbundled from the rest anymore :cry:
I'll check with S|C.
babaorum wrote:When I tried the MB Mesa Boogie I had a lot of noises , that was just no-usable without a gate
That would work. I dont bother with gates, I just wave edit out the noise between phrases.