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Multi-Channel Program Changer

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:32 am
by dawman ... amora.html

Above are links to Alfonso and Fra77x's Modules.
Basically I needed a patch that could change all of my presets during a gig.
This example works on the same channel I record drums on, and also my live synth bass stuff.
From B3 ( semi-tone below Middle C ) down you can have your drum kits or a bass synth.
From Middle C ( C3 ) up you have 48 presets to call in realtime on 4 different channels.
For realtime use make a preset with no channels in the MIDI Router activated.
This will send no messages when a MIDI Monitor is used for viewing.
Make a preset with the first slot of the MIDI Router ( lets say Channel 12 ) activated.
Using buttons from your controller, you can use the MIDI Channel of your drum or Bass synths CHannel, for this example Channel 10. So now your button sends a PrgmChnge to the Modular Patch calling up a preset where the chosen 1-4 slot is activated.
So with your right hand hit any note from C3 up for PrgmCHange of 000-048.....

Re: Multi-Channel Program Changer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:00 am
by iSiStOy
I am dreaming of being able to manage all program changes with a scope device (presets storing, etç...).
When I say program change, I mean bank + program or direct sysex for some machines (like the juno). I didn't try your patch but do you think it could help?

Re: Multi-Channel Program Changer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:58 pm
by dawman
Here's what I currently use.
KS88 for internal and external presets and MIDI control of Scope devices and external hardware.
I also use the MIDI Solutions F8 which is attached to a hardware MIDI patch bay, which is also in the Scope MIDI loop. It is able to change my various pedal assignments which I use to change articulations on my sampler apps.
Horn Sections can play staccatto, sustain, swells falls, shakes, etc. all depending on which pedal I step on.
So for me having this Preset capability in Modular is a huge plus.
Otherwise I have to manually enter each MIDI PrgmCh on my controllers and for the 4 synths in my project window, thats 4 different entries just for the software end of things.
Now 1 entry changes everything instantaneously.
It is cumbersome with the mergers.etc. to understand, but if you need any help for a particular set up I'd be happy yo walk you through.

Re: Multi-Channel Program Changer

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:03 pm
by iSiStOy
Thanks Jimmy,
I will try that tonight and I'll post here back.