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sdk crash

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:40 am
by winger
I am getting pretty good results with help from this group. But now I have a new issue that goes beyond just how do I make it do this.

I am having the sdk crash occasionally. I seems to happen when I am testing out faders/knobs to see if the values are correct. (example trying to manipulate text controls so a fader reflects dbs correctly). What happens is I get a dialog saying and excpetion occurred due to a stack limit of 100. Then it crashes.

WHen I save the device (after optimizing and packing) then use the device in sfp, it will work but will occasionally crash sfp. I have resinstalled the sdk, and created new projects with the same issues.

Anyone know of any kind of mistake you can make in a device that would cause this?

Re: sdk crash

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:15 am
by winger
I determine the crash problem. I started the project with an empty synth. I removed two internal modules for input and output. I created my device and exported the inputs and outputs. When done I realized the I had 4 outputs instead of 2, the orignal 2and the 2 I exported. So I deleted the 2 unused outputs. When I do that the final divice will invariably crash sfp when the device is removed from a project.

SO, now I have a device (which I would rather not start over on) that has 2 unused outputs that I cannot remove. I assume these 2 outputs are connected to something, and I must disconnect them before I remove them, but I am not sure how to determine what they are connected to.

Re: sdk crash

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:09 am
by Neutron
That does not make sense!
normally that stack overflow is caused by some control parameter counting in a loop or uncontrolled way.

as for the second pair of outputs that has never happened to me, are they wired to anything in the node window?