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MIDI processing and SDK

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:56 am
by eric

Do I really need a 14 DSP card to write a MIDI processor??
Can I get the SDK on my current setup just for this project? (Pulsar 1 and Pulsar 2 = 10 DSP's)

I'm envious of Cap who just got his and itching to get building!

Also, my Pulsar 1 card has NO licence keys at all. Does the DSP load get leveled across both cards anyway or does it only use DSP's on the card with the licence key for that product?


Re: MIDI processing and SDK

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:05 am
by capacitor
For sure it'll level across cards - just verified it myself with a no-key P1. Note that some people have reported somewhat reduced pci bandwidth & possible stability issues when mixing gen1 & gen2 cards. So far I haven't noticed it fwiw.

AFAIK gotta have the full SDK license to get the midi bits, meaning a full card.

I'm sure this is rubbing it in :lol: :P :wink:

Re: MIDI processing and SDK

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:08 am
by capacitor
I think he knows this. :roll:


Re: MIDI processing and SDK

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:38 am
by astroman
...Do I really need a 14 DSP card to write a MIDI processor??...
no idea what you're planning, but if... you're really serious about a Midi processor, do yourself a favour and avoid SFP completely.
There is nothing and I really mean nothing at all that a DSP could do for you in this context.
It just doesn't match, it's like shopping for a six-pack of beer with a truck :D
get yourself a tidy little piece of ANSI C-Compiler and do whatever you have to do on the bits
Midi is about bits, frequently in groups of 4 (half bytes)

SFP can easily communicate with any Midi processor (outside the environment), don't even bother about timing - it's a pretty lame protocol anyway using some 30kbit per second or so.
Sometimes this (frequently propagated) 'all-under-one-hood-approch' is just plain stupid ;)

cheers, Tom

Re: MIDI processing and SDK

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:08 am
by Shroomz~>
astroman wrote:it's like shopping for a six-pack of beer with a truck :D
Indeed. :D

Re: MIDI processing and SDK

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:22 pm
by capacitor
Mmmmmm. Beer! (although it is some of our crappy American 'lager')

Here's one example of a Midi toolkit: I have a need for midi processing too, btw. I'm looking for an environment that'll compile under MinGW (Improv uses Visual C++).

Great advice above - external interface + program/toolkit, then feed that into Scope via a sequencer instance. :)