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Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:25 am
by Nebukadneser
Anyone using Noah and Ableton LIve7?

I have sucessfully created several tracks, Midi only, to Live plug ins and external synths, but I encounter problems when doing the misxdown. The problem is very simple - I can't record audio through the inputs of Noah and route it to the corresponding audio channels in Live. In the hardware set up all appears to be correct. In the In/Out dialog boxes I have adressed the physical ins/outs of ASIO Noah.

I do register activities in the analog in strip of the Noah mixer by the way - but can't get it further into the Live application.
Any idea?


Re: Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:39 pm
by Nebukadneser


Re: Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:16 pm
What was the problem ?

Re: Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:40 pm
by Nebukadneser
I had to send the analog in to USB1/2 in the Noah mixer: I believe this is what did the trick. I may also have neglected some settings in the Live MIxer.

Now it works fine apar from the random noise which occurs all the time


Re: Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:52 am
by X-Rayz
I bought Noah EX, and of course I have some trouble..
I cant get it to work with ableton, I cant get USB audio out to work, I guess I need ASIO drivers, where to get that? I did get analog out to work(although very quiet?) but I want to run main audio from my soundcard to monitors and noah sound through usb audio out into ableton usb in channel, problem is noah usb in doesnt show in ableton at all..
When I start program and run Noah I get message on the desktop which says communication error, please restart hardware and software, I do but again the same message.. I also cant turn on 4 plugins, only two, looks like I have Noah version of software and not Noah EX and that could be causing the problems..

Re: Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:50 am
by Nebukadneser
You will need software version 1.1 for ASIO drivers. As far asI remember ASIO is not part of the 1.0 software.


Re: Noah and Ableton live 7?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:41 am
by X-Rayz
Yes, Neb, that should solve the problem, I also think that was the problem since Noah previously worked on version 1.1 and everything worked great.. I almost bought TOS Link cable, but Ill wait with that for now if this works..

I solved the problem by simply using noah as soundcard.. Its all good now..