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Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:48 am
WTF !!!!!!

These bastards have no justification for their lack of respect to their customers ... i really like my "CREAMWARES" The 4 of them ... but this has gone too far , more than 1 year keeping up their blasphemy ...soon , soon , its all they say . My question is when ?
Theyre making the same mistakes Creamware did ..."lying to the customers" ( soon isnt one year and half )
I really dont care anymore if they know the meaning of , appointment , schedule , deadline , afterhours , overnight, etc...
I dont care also if you censor my post cause im really a lurker and i only made my account to express my current disappointment.
I dont care if you dont complain about the fact that soniccore is not taking this issue seriously , and that for me they have no more credibility whatsoever.
Who cares if their platform isnt ready to work with the USELESS windows Vista , just release it for OSX and XP and lets see what happens.
I am lucky to have a good bunch of DSP platforms (PT HD3 accel , SSL duende , 3x Uad and 2x Powercore MkII , 4 Creamwares 1 prof 1 proyect & 2 Pulsar ) And agree that Scope platform is really one of the most advanced solutons today but man i really want to try Scope 5 on OSX with logic ... and i want to add that im not a mac lover , as a matter of fact to prove it i can say that i use my protools on windows Xp cause it works better than on a mac.
So to finish this boring blabering , i only want to add that Scope platform has true potential of becoming the prefered Dsp solution today and bring down those protools f*ckers to their knees. But with this attitude from the directives of SIC i really doubt so , in fact its a good reason for a new bankrupcy. My only advice try to look at the Universal Audio guys theyre doing really well with their promos and their accesible plugin prices, nice friendly immediate and responive tech support. And yes my scope 4.5 with 4.0 keysfile works like a charm but it doesnt change the fact that SIC has no selfrespect nor respect to their customers , theyre not bearing in mind the actual market solutions & business strategies & PR to make a software upgrade really happen on a stated deadline beside the complexity of the dsp programming to do.

Conclusion : I still like better the sound of my " protools sound card " on any DAW than Creamware cards, not taking into account that the workflow using an integrated dsp/daw solution like protools can bing on the table .

PD: I hope that SIC can make me eat my words with that all new Scope platform 5
:o :D :-? :x :( :cry: :wink:

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:55 am
by Warp69
Relax - I would imagine that we will get some information later today - I cant hardly wait myself - regarding Scope5, XITE, release dates etc.
JIRI wrote:Conclusion : I still like better the sound of my " protools sound card " on any DAW than Creamware cards, not taking into account that the workflow using an integrated dsp/daw solution like protools can bing on the table
Do you mean the actual hardware is sounding better or the plugins or both?

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:03 pm
by garyb
XITE is alive and well.(i held one yesterday)
S/C really wants to sell them too!
you can believe that S/C is getting the thing out as soon as possible. it takes as long as it takes, calm down. :lol:

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:41 pm
by Immanuel
Isn't it just a remarkable coinsidence how a user with 3 posts since 29/07-08 all complaining about SC lands his 4rth and 5th posts at NAMM startup ...

Who is your boss then? :roll:

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:09 am
by dubcotics
Now that Micro$oft is ditching Win Vista for Window 7, what will happen to all the effort placed on creating drivers for vista. There's a problem here, Sonic not telling the truth of their economic condition.

I wager the delay is purely economic, launching a new product implies a big investment on mass production, advitising , labour, as it's made in germany not in Hong Kong with all due respect . Due to the crisis , banks are not lending money unless they're sure they can make profit, we're all mature to understand that imho,

The upcoming version of window 7 is only making matters worst ,

So ,fellaz Z, stop dreaming for now on and concentrate on making music, more has been done with less, let'z be creative :)

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:17 pm
by Fluxpod
dubcotics wrote:Now that Micro$oft is ditching Win Vista for Window 7, what will happen to all the effort placed on creating drivers for vista. There's a problem here, Sonic not telling the truth of their economic condition.

I wager the delay is purely economic, launching a new product implies a big investment on mass production, advitising , labour, as it's made in germany not in Hong Kong with all due respect . Due to the crisis , banks are not lending money unless they're sure they can make profit, we're all mature to understand that imho,

The upcoming version of window 7 is only making matters worst ,

So ,fellaz Z, stop dreaming for now on and concentrate on making music, more has been done with less, let'z be creative :)
Windows 7 is a new version of vista.Same drivers.Its not all doomed............ :roll:
Please inform yourself a little better next time. :)

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:36 pm
by Neutron
I hope you enjoy your stay mr protroll
tell your bosses we all know creamware is DOOOOOMED and we will go and buy some overpriced protools stuff right away.

btw m-audio .... you bought m-audio.....LOL..ROFLMAO so much for that "quality name" protools used to have.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:26 am
by dubcotics
Windows 7 is a new version of vista.Same drivers.Its not all doomed............ :roll:

Don't be too clever mate, time will tell when this thing is out :P

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:09 am
by Mary Mungo
You've got to admire Sonic-Core and their publicity strategy. A small anouncement of an impending development to those in the know, a promise of unimaginable audio greatness and then two show exposes. They move like a big corporation. And just look at the Xite-d responses and the waiting with the baited breath, you can just hear the sound of folding money waiting to be unleashed. Very clever, intended or not they already have a large interest waiting for Xite-1 release and thats no small feat for an emerging product. Couple this with the interest and sales upon its release to market and it looks like a strong winner. Well done Sonic-Core.
The desire for new technologies and as yet unheard of sounds does bring the funniest out in some people.
Thank you all who've brought news and images from Namn, it's been just the ticket.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:15 pm
by Shayne White
Every company has late products. Microsoft is notoriously late. Apple is notoriously late. I hear UAD-2 took forever to be released after it was announced, and so did Arturia's Origin. The fact that Sonic|Core was able to show up and NAMM and say hey, we have a real product, shows that it's not just vaporware. If they hadn't appeared at any trade shows, that'd be a different matter.

Remember when OS X first came out? It took developers years to port their software to OS X from OS 9. People were screaming at Apple for changing the OS architecture. Quark Xpress was the most notorious -- I don't think it was released until the days of X.2 Jaguar. And guess what? Apple is still alive, these products are still being sold, and people use them. A year isn't really that long in the scheme of things.


JIRI wrote:WTF !!!!!!

These bastards have no justification for their lack of respect to their customers ... i really like my "CREAMWARES" The 4 of them ... but this has gone too far , more than 1 year keeping up their blasphemy ...soon , soon , its all they say . My question is when ?
Theyre making the same mistakes Creamware did ..."lying to the customers" ( soon isnt one year and half )

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:49 am
by garyb
there's no policy about that.

there's only the practical reality of a handful of guys doing a huge job. Holger and Jurgen are tech guys who have accomplished miracles and now have to run a company. for the real musician and engineer, that's enough.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:59 am
by Shroomz~>
Shayne White wrote:Remember when OS X first came out? It took developers years to port their software to OS X from OS 9. People were screaming at Apple for changing the OS architecture. Quark Xpress was the most notorious -- I don't think it was released until the days of X.2 Jaguar. And guess what? Apple is still alive, these products are still being sold, and people use them.
AFAIK, many design studios stopped using Quark because of this & also because of the huge update costs compared to InDesign.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:01 am
by garyb
actually, this guy's trolling and we're all helping him to live in infamy... :lol:

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:58 am
by garyb
be thankful miracles occur.

actually, it's a miracle that XITE works at all. NO one has been able to accomplish what S/C has with those A/D processors. the amount of work is staggering.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:51 pm
by garyb
there's no line, just too many things to do.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:36 pm
by firubbi
JIRI wrote:WTF !!!!!!
These bastards have no justification for their lack of respect to their customers ...
we all are waiting and showing our respects. you should say sorry for what you just said :(

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:44 pm
by firubbi
JIRI wrote:WTF !!!!!!
I am lucky to have a good bunch of DSP platforms (PT HD3 accel , SSL duende , 3x Uad and 2x Powercore MkII , 4 Creamwares 1 prof 1 proyect & 2 Pulsar ) And agree that Scope platform is really one of the most advanced solutons today but man i really want to try Scope 5 on OSX with logic ..
btw what do you do!!! with all this systems you don't need anything.... else. sell some of them..
GOD help him.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:57 pm
by dante
These bastards have no justification for their lack of respect to their customers ... i really like my "CREAMWARES" The 4 of them ... but this has gone too far , more than 1 year keeping up their blasphemy ...soon , soon , its all they say . My question is when ?
The delivery of XITE really has nothing to do with what's been said to customers in the past, what UAD are doing or whether MAC / PC / Vista or whatever is crap or not. Neither does it have much to do with the musings in this forum about when the release should be.

Bottom line, is if it delivers what it promises in even within next 18 months, it will still be light years ahead of anything else today and even likely to be light years ahead of anything else to be released in the next 3-5 years, so no-one will care when it finally comes out.

Meanwhile, its all about getting more out of what we've got - which is what I like about recessions.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:33 am
by Shroomz~>
stardust wrote:Commercially and PRwise it is a desaster to announce and then delay over a year.
Maybe not, if your product is as good as XITE-1 should be. It's not uncommon at all for dsp based hardware to be delayed after it's release is initially announced. There's no mischief or devilish tricks behind it either, because even with products being built by larger companies it simply comes down to things taking longer than estimated to get done, meanwhile things that weren't originally planned that are being added are also taking longer than estimated to get done. That's one of the impressions I got when reading the interview with Bob Chidlaw, the head of Kurzweil's DSP department that JimmyV posted a link to recently. The more you think about it, release date delays are extremely common.

There's probably some people here who've paid up front for their product, that might be a little anxious about the delays, but if a delay means that you get at least as good, if not better than what you paid for, then it's surely worth a little nail biting.

I've seen people say that they're not waiting any longer because they sold their stuff to buy the XITE, but couldn't wait for it any longer. Well, sorry to say this, but imo that's not being hard done by. Even to say it's tuff luck is really pushing it, because it was pretty stupid to sell your gear before the product was actually 100% physically shipping. If your preferred car manufacturer announces a new model to be released this June, are you going to go out & sell your car in April or May before the new one starts shipping, leaving yourself without a car for a month or 2 & basically up shit creek without a paddle if it's delayed? No, I didn't think so. Yet, there's guys coming on this board basically saying just that - That they've been left up shit creek without a paddle because of the XITE delay!!??@@quack? No, sorry chaps, it's entirely your own fault if you sell your gear before the new model is even shipping. Totally laughable. :lol:


Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:19 am
by nightscope
JIRI wrote:I hope that SIC can make me eat my words with that all new Scope platform 5
Prepare to eat troll pie!! :lol:
