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Just got my first Klangbox Creamware (Minimax)

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:43 pm
by mmikhjian
Wanted to get any tips,

Im an ableton live user, trying this minimax for the first time. right now its set up via USB, when i do automation the synth lags up to the extremee. Not sure what im doing wrong.

Also, is there a way to set the synth to unison??? that was one of the biggest things i wasnt sure about when i bought it, but i use unison alot so my bass's have a very rich deep strong sound.

Re: Just got my first Klangbox Creamware (Minimax)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:20 am
by ScofieldKid
There is a "Single" switch on the left of the "Add" page. That switches it to single-note, if that's what you want.

If you want to use all 3 oscillators at once, just 1) set mod mix to OSC3, flip the OSC3 switch up, set OSC3 level in MIXER section...

You can use different shapes, different octaves, and/or slightly detune OSC2 and OSC3 to get more fatness.

Re: Just got my first Klangbox Creamware (Minimax)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:54 am
by mmikhjian
ah thanks, i figured it out faster than i thought.

The next thing would be, im trying to figure out how to use the minimax software and ableton. According to the manual, you start the minimax software first and then start your sequencer. I'm doing this but ableton wont allow midi to be sent to the device. I'm on a MOTU ultralite, everything is set up via midi