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new scope user, just saying hi...

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:31 pm
by steve reaver

Just bought a second had Pulsar II card yesterday...... Loving it so far !! I have about 10 years experience in electronic music production so I have managed to work out how normal mode and XTC mode work without too much trouble..... and even hacked a few plugs to work with XTC, such as STS2000P..... needless to say, I still have a ton of questions, but I will go through the wealth of knowledge here first before I ask the same things that I am sure have been asked a million times before....

I guess the only thing that I have not been able to pinpoint is, exactly what kind of performance I should be expecting out of this thing...??? so far I can load up about 4 or 5 synths and a few effects (reverb and delay mainly) and the DSP max's out... is that typical for the Pulsar II ???


Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:46 pm
by hubird
yes, it is, it depends on the current synth, a Minimax, a Solaris or a Sonic Time works A100/P100 will love your DSP's...

Everybody is waiting for possible new advantures by SonicCore with the new much faster sharcs.

Bouncing is a good workaround, specially in electronic music.

And the good thing is, second hand cards are damn cheap these days, chaining the cards is a matter of a STDM cable, it's plug 'n play.

And as you know, the classics were also mono, from Moog to TB303...
For 16 part multitimbral quatre-mains compositions there are other solutions ;-)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:47 pm
by Sounddesigner
I have the same card as you, 6dsp's is not alot so don't expect to run alot. As time passes you'll probably want to upgrade your dsp amount. I depend heavily on Native and UAD also so 6dsp's is plenty for me for now. If you depend mainly on Scope then you'll want to upgrade asap.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:57 pm
by hifiboom
scope is absolutly not a card to say :
hey I can load xxxxxx bla bla bla synths or fx.

its about quality, what you can load sounds good.

thats the most important thing.

for me it is:

-harware fx / analog synths
-creamware stuff
-much later vst synths and fx (all in a lower league, no joking holger drenkelfort and co did a nice job , without doubt they are in a different league :) )

In todays world its hard to sell something with quality.
People just want the stuff cheap and don`t care about quality. Its really boring. I am bored.

I hope the new soniccore owners see the potentail of these cards, as they are, well,.............. apart the competition and sound much better.

If there comes a new card or they upgrade the old one, I really don`t care its all about how it sounds.


it sounds so good!
Kinderman and Drenkelfort ..... go gogogo go gogo go

Scope totally rocks...
we are 99% close to the real thing....get the last 1% and we are there.

no one can compete.

and I am no fanboy, 'I am objective as hifiboom ever was. :)

the scope cards rockz and the people on this planet too.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:08 pm
by hubird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:11 pm
by hifiboom
hubrid never sleep yo --- .

(today i am really drunken but it doesn`t matter .
it is as it is.)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:13 pm
by hubird
I'm (a bit) strunken...

and exchange the i-key for the r-key on your comp. keyboard... ;-)

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:14 pm
by hifiboom
strunken? :D

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:16 pm
by hubird
hifiboom wrote:strunken? :D
sorry, should have been 'strunk' :-D (dutch: stronken, stoned and dronken).
stoned and drunk...

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:19 pm
by hifiboom
hubird wrote:
hifiboom wrote:strunken? :D
sorry, should have been 'strunk' :-D (dutch: stronken, stoned and dronken).
stoned and drunk...
sounds like a good mental state. llolol ::) :D

I am stroken too.

I love you! hubird :)

But , .... i am seriously extreme drunken......... where are the girls.........?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:24 pm
by hubird
hifiboom wrote:I love you! hubird :)
let's go to bed...
I mean it's late already :-D

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:26 pm
by hifiboom
but ........
but ........
I could go and buy a new pack cigarettes... and open a fresh beer...

ah f*** (censored strunken language :lol: ).................

extrenly late. ... .. . bed. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:34 pm
by steve reaver
wow... talk about a thread hijack...! :lol:

I didn't really expect so many replies so quickly.... thanks for making me feel welcome.... and just to let you know, I just cracked open my first beer for the evening, so I might be joining you in 'strunken' land soon.... :lol:

anyways getting back to the point.... yes I have noticed that the sound quality of the plugins is exceptional, and I am running on 16/44.1khz ADAT into 03D.... so I imagine that 96khz would be even better..... at this point I am more than happy to run 1 or 2 synths off it and set up a few FX sends using XTC mode, the rest of the sound can come from VSTi's and outboard gear..... for this it's doing a fine job....


Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:38 pm
by hubird

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:40 pm
by hifiboom
strunken? ............ , come on ........... lol ..........

I am somewhere inbetween 10 and 20.... lol

I mean beer. :D
its really hard to type in the letters on my keyboard.

this is planetz !!!

hubird ! don`t go to bed. hehehe :D my last hope of communication. :P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:47 pm
by hubird
tomorrow comes another day, 1/3rd has gone already :-D

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:50 pm
by hifiboom
hubird wrote:tomorrow comes another day, 1/3rd has gone already :-D

you are a lucky guy...... its almost middle of the day. I`´ll wake up at 8 in the evening again .... :D

almost monday, almost monday.... :)
but its a good day.. :D police didn`t get me with my car. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:19 pm
by garyb

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:18 am
by Lima
Hi, and wellcome :-)

I think that you will love the flexibility of the system and the quality of the devices.
With 6 DSP you can expect to mix a 10 (mono) tracks song with few effects (reverb a couple of chorus, phaser some delay and equalizers)
You can do mastering as well with a separate project and load a couple of equalizers, a psico-acoustic equalizer, a big reverb, a multiband compressor, and some more effects in the same chain.


Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:57 am
by Neil B
Welcome Steve
You'll get lots of pleasure from your new rig, especially with the help of the experts on Planet Z