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Andre's Device Panels 4 Cubase 4

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:49 pm
by dawman
Was he sucsessful in his endeavors ?
If so, how is the editing coming along w/ the KBX's ?
These were meant for the stage IMHO.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:37 am
by Le Bone
I am awaiting a reply from Andre. He may have gone on holiday/vacation. last time i messaged him he had done the minimax, pro12 and nearly finished prodyssey. I am really looking forward to using his hard work.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:07 am
by dawman
Well, it's time to buy myself a Christmas present. Chingalay Andre.


Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:36 am
by Anna Lüse
Which model do you prefer?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:14 pm
by dawman
I'm not sure what's available. Give me a list if you would please. I will make my purchases from Pro Music Exchange in SoCal. I just love specialty shops.

And Any Nakes Pictures Of You Also, You Are Still My SFP Babe,

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:08 pm
by Le Bone
I have the PRO-12 ASB and Prodyssey Klangbox. Soundwise the Prodyssey is just so versatile and rocks my boat. The Pro-12 is great sonically, but those dials make it sing. Just wish I had not gone chaep on Prodyssey and had bought the full asb.

Real knobs are great, a good second would be cubase panels and very last is the computer editor.

I hope someone from Creamware compensates Andre for his time on making those panels as IMHO they add alot of extra value to the Product.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:16 pm
by dawman
I agree,
Andre, do you like the Intel E series CPU's? I have a great connect who gets review chips early. It should go to you not me. You could give us some serious insights w/ a connect like that. All I can do is brag about it. PM me if you find the time.
I think that Creamware needs to release some more choices. I already have all of their stuff, and will use this to have as spares and extra DSP saving times. I would love a Six String. That dev. can make some really cool hybrid guitar patches.
I Love all 3rd party stuff, but have noticed their works require load times, where as Creamware synths are great 4 live work as they play when the button is pushed. I just have to be more aware of my PrgmChngs on the Zarg beasts, but their buzzy drip fatness, is well worth the wait. Reminds me of the Lexicon PCM70, when it first came out the sequencer would send a program change, and it would load !! So I had to use a cheap old Alesis MIDI FX, and the 70 would just do ambience per performance. The expensive massive beasts require time, some things never change.

Let Us See What Becomes Of This In Janurary,