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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:44 pm
by BoksteR
so many forums,hope this one is in the correct one :smile:

I have Pulsar 1 + Scope 4 + Cubase SX
My basic question is How do I use the Scope Synth that I have with Cubase SX2?
for example the freebees: KickMe!, three-O-three, Saturn and the Modular v1 patches.

I mean, How do I route them so I can use vst effects on them?
and how do I automate these synth parameters from Cubase?

for now, I routed my "midi source" to the "sequencer destination" and the "sequencer source" to the synth and and then to the mixer and out...
This way, in Cubase I get a midi channel that plays the Scope`s synth but I can`t automate it and can`t apply Cubase effects on it.


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:22 am
by Casper
Have you assigned a controlnumber to the knob or fader in SFP?
In cubase , if you'd edit a part , you see velocity controller below yes?
Use that list to searsch the number you assigned to the knob or fader.
"Modulation" is controlnumber 1.


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:25 am
by ChrisWerner
I hope I´ll get everything together.

Have a look into the preset forum here on Z, you can find serveral starter projects for a perfect Scope/Cubase work.

Anyway, connect the scope midi modules as follow.
Sequencer MIDI Source to Pulsar Midi(A)Dest.
Pulsar MIDI(A)Source to Sequencer Midi Dest.
Connect the Scope Synths to the Sequencer source,too. You can set the Scope settings to an automatic routing, so that every Synth will be connected to the SEQ Source.

For the Audio/Asio functions you have to insert the Asio Source and Asio Dest modules to your scope project.
You should use the Asio2-32 Source 64 and Asio2 Dest-64 modules, they give Cubase a 32bit floating recording possibility for your Scope Synths. In real it´s 24bit but that´s another story.

It should be enough when the Asio2 Source has only one stereo channel (1L/1R).
Connect them to a Scope mixer like to STM 1632, (IL1/IL2).
The Asio2 Source module represents the audio channels that come out of Cubase.

For the Asio2 Dest module, open as much channels as you need/can. Not much with a Pulsar 1.
The Asio2 dest module represents the interface where you connect your Scope Synths, modulars etc. to.
They will be routed to Cubase.

In Cubase you have to setup the vst busses correct, (devices, VST connections, output tab), add a stereo bus for each stereo pair of the Asio2 dest module!

Connect your Scope Synth to Asio2 Dest (2L/2R) for example and it should be routed to cohesive Cubase bus, (Stereo In, 3In 3Scope 24-bit/4 In 3Scope 24-bit) for example.
You have to choose the correct input bus in your Cubase Mixer of course to record the Scope synth on a Cubase audio track.
You should
For the midi automation,
assign a controller number to the parameter of your scope synth that you want to automate, right click on the filter knob of your scope synth for example. Move your midi remote controller or choose a controller number manualy. Keep the controller number in mind and choose the same number in your Cubase midi/automation track, to automate (draw) controller data. Or you can record the controller data live and edit them later.

When I am right, you have to record the external audio first before you can add vst effects to it.
But maybe somebody else has a solution for this.

I hope this helps.
Good luck.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ChrisWerner on 2005-08-22 03:36 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:23 pm
by BoksteR
Hi, thank for your kind reply

I try`ed what you have suggested me to do and ran into some problems..

when I try`ed to go with the setup you have suggested, I couldn't hear a sound.
when Cubase played some midi,I didn't hear it at all, although the midi monitor indicated that midi was sent.
I open an Audio channel and set his input bus to the one that was connected to the Saturn synth.
I was able to record the audio that the Saturn synth generated, but I couldn't hear it while I was playing, only afterwards.
You can see a print screen of my attempt to apply your suggestions: ... _Setup.jpg
and here are the cubase routing's and channels: ... ss_Ins.jpg ... s_Outs.jpg

This is my old setup.
I can send midi from cubase to the Saturn synth and hear it while I play.
when I open an Audio channel I can record what I hear.
You can see a print screen of my Project in: ... _Setup.jpg

10nX in advance

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:29 am
by ChrisWerner
Make sure that you switch Asio monitoring in Cubase on (Devices-Device Setup-VST Audiobay) and use the Bandmachine style mode (File-Preferences-VST). This should do the job.

Also you have to check the monitor buttons of a channel you want to monitor, in the mixer above the record buttons, the small speaker.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ChrisWerner on 2005-08-23 10:31 ]</font>