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Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:00 am
by skwawks
Supposing I've got 8 slots filled in the sts anyK . How can I save it . I've tried saving as volume but it only seems to save the selected slot and i cant select all of 'em .No latency keeps me coming back to this sucker but it keeps laughing at me .It's a plot, right ?........:smile:

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:04 am
by wayne

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:38 am
by skwawks
Funny you should say that . I sat down with a niceish red and a reasonable green after posting and thought "oh right.. presets?? "
ahh... presets...I've tried sooo hard with bam 'n gam[wouldn't have got Gam if I'd known Bam was coming ]to save presets ,but, it's o.k... not gonna the time I get a pulsar from uncleE I'll get those suckers licked too .
This is all about Stige's drum sounds ,burnt half my isp allowance getting them and I'm definitely NOT sorry ,as far as real drum sounds are concerned he's left battery1 for dead. Thanks Wayne

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:46 am
by wayne
:smile: - yeah, Stige's kit made me buy another stick of ram :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 9:21 am
by skwawks
O.K.....presets didn't seem to work .I've saved a preset of the kit in the presets folder i called stigeskit but when i click the sucker nothing happens !!!What i'd love to know is
1] Why don't the pretty little pictures in the manual actually look like the gui .
2] Why cant I preview samples before loading them ,you know why cant I listen to a playback before I go to trouble of dragging and setting the suckers up.
3] why dont the mute groups work .Stige said they dont and one of the reasons I gave up on sts before was trying to get the friggin mute groups to actually mute at the appropriate time .
These things seem to me to fundemental to a working, useful sampler for drums and if there is one place a dsp card based sampler would be far more useful than a vst sampler it would be in the area of percussion or any vertical attack instrument .Could it be that there is a missed opportunity here. It seems to me also that although there are a lot of people getting a lot of use from the sts series one way or another it still remains a fairly clunky go at sampling for the new millenium .
and to conclude my little rant I would like to say that every manual on the planet would be enhanced by a few cheat sheets concerning commonly wanted procedures like how to set up stiges friggin drums in the sts series . no offense there boys :smile:

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:56 pm
by skwawks
AUUGGHH...Save the friggin project...AUUGGHH
now for velocity switches and mute groups

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:27 am
by skwawks
Well..I got the mute groups working and I have to say stiges kits velocity response is just great from the point of view of playing a with higher resolution when you use e-pads . This kit is really contributing to a better feel for drums with me .And the sts seems to be working well :smile: