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Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:46 am
by Elfie
<a name="planetz-file"></a><a href=" ... .JPG"><img src="/forums/images/file_icon.gif" border="0" alt=" File"> File</a><BR> <a name="planetz-tag"></a>Related To: nord g2<BR> <a name="planetz-tag"></a>Pulsar Version: Pulsar 2.x<BR> _____________________________________<BR><BR> hey hello i'm new in this, i hope someone can help me out here...i bought a luna card (Powersampler 2) half a year ago, i have a project for my cubase which works fine, only thing is now i got a nord modular g2, and i dunno how to make a project to "record" these sounds .... the luna doesn't give a signal when i play the nord, the cables are hooked up properly....
i've tried the "search" here, but some words are still chinese to me :wink:
thanx in advance,
PsYbYe, Elfie

ps: this is my project now....

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 5:58 am
by Mr Arkadin
Is the Nord connected to the analogue source or the SPDIF? Also, do you see any movement in the Mixer's VU meters and get no sound or is nothing happening?

i would suggest that you get the free upgrade to SCOPE 4.0 as this is much nicer to work with (though your current setup should work fine).

Also i would maybe post a reference to this project in the Problem Solving forum here at planet z so that you get more replies.

Mr A

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:12 am
by Elfie
Hey Mr.A
Thanx for your quick reply :smile:
The nord is connected to the analogue In (with a "split" cable), the analogue out is connected to the outboard mixer....Midi in and midi out are connected to the nord as well...
I see nothing in the meters of the luna mixer, nor do i hear a sound,
i can only hear it through the outboard mixer...
thanx for the tip, i will post it as well in the problem solving part....i will also check the upgrade :smile: